This is probably a dumb question. but HOW THE HELL do you edit HTML files, without having to revert it to a text file...

This is probably a dumb question. but HOW THE HELL do you edit HTML files, without having to revert it to a text file, then back into an HTML file to view in browser? How can I edit just the HTML file in it's current file format?

I'm taking an HTML class and its starting to get EXTREMELY old switching manually between .txt and .html. Plz... Help...

Jesus fucking christ, is this a troll?
You don't have to convert them on gentoo, user

Just open the .html file with your text editor, or if you mean you want to edit it as you see it in the browser then you need some sort of WYSIWYG editor

You can just edit the html file on any editor and just save as .html, drag it to notepad.

Are you serious faggots? And you wonder why programming is filled with dumb pajeets

You can edit from the browser

bruh a .html is literally a text file in the same way any code is a text file
it gets rendered by a browser into what you see when you go to a website

I'm assuming you're using Windows right now. What you need to do is right click the .html file, and then choose to open it with your text editor of choice.

Why did you tell dumbass OP that, though? you flaming homosexual.

6/10 made me reply.

So I can edit in browser, and it will update the file? I genuinely thought I had to go into the text editor to do that.

Thanks to the guys being cool and actually attempting to help.

To this asshole. I apologize that I have literally never used HTML in my life. You're right, I should immediately know everything out of the womb. You are clearly a superior human being.

Did you miss the part where I said I am just starting a class for HTML? That means I am clearly a beginner, attempting to better myself, and grow my knowledge base. At least I am doing something about my ignorance on the subject. That's more that can be said for most.


You have to save the page

To this dumb, obvious new, asshole: I never said you should know everything, but you should be intelligent enough to figure shit out on your own, especially if you're getting into coding, which you will be because you'll be using JavaScript.

Did you not play with your computer growing up? Trying all the options like "Open with". Faggot...

Please get off Sup Forums and go be underage somewhere else. Google would be a good place for you to do that.

Gotcha, I just figured it out.

My issue was that the text editor was nowhere on the recommended apps to "open with", and I just didn't look any further than that. I knew it was a dumb question, but thanks for helping.

And thanks for being a cunt knob, all of you cunt knobs.

I did, just never did anything with HTML. I've only ever done batch and power shell programming mainly. I've never needed to know this.

I am definitely new, and ignorant when it come to HTML, but that doesn't mean I'm dumb. Also not underage haha. I'm actually 21, and an IT Technician at a massive casino, but I've never needed to do this in my job.

Sorry I called you a dick haha. But i just needed help, and there's no good reason to make me feel bad about that fact!

No you don't edit HTML files in a browser. HTML is a text format. You edit it in a text editor. You shouldn't need to change file extensions to edit a file.

Learn how to use your operating system to do that. You don't even mention what that is in your post. I assume it's Windows so take it to the Windows Questions Thread.

Yeah it is windows, and I figured it out. I know how to use it, I just wasn't thinking

Youre a fucking IT technician?!? Holy fuck dude, that's scary.

Why have you come here, newfriend? What makes you think this is the site for you?

It's Sup Forums. People are always dicks on here. Very informative dicks. Glad you figured it out

Tell me why thats scary?!!? The only issue was that I have never EVER done any type of HTML editing. I do quite well otherwise. Just because I suck with HTML doesn't indicate a lack of skill with technology.

I love powershell, python, and jacking around with batch programming. I pen-test our network frequently with kali. I actually have A+, Network+, and Security+ certs. Making $18/hr putting myself through school getting my bachelors in cyber security.

And I've been on this site since like 2005 haha. I just like being a little more cordial than the typical swine encountered on here.

I don't think he thought it's scary because you didn't know HTML. I think he thought it's scary because you seriously didn't think to right click and then do open with.

stfu stupid guck

Yeah, I'll admit. Very stupid oversight. And it's not like I didn't know you could do that. I jsut didn't think about it for some reason

It's scary because it shows a lack of real problem solving skills, and a lack of interest in things you don't actually use.
I've never written C, but I still have a rough understanding of how the language works, how a compiler works, etc.

How many of their 300+ tools do you use?
How can you not understand the difference between compiled programs and interpreted text if you've used Linux and have the ability to cat everything? Why are you programming on Windows if you've used Linux before.
So many fucking questions...

>I love powershell, python, and jacking around with batch programming. I pen-test our network frequently with kali. I actually have A+, Network+, and Security+ certs. Making $18/hr putting myself through school getting my bachelors in cyber security.

Lying this hard to impress anonymous basement dwellers on a Mongolian finger painting board. You can't even find google without your mommy to click on it for you.

you have to understand that these questions are a little ridiculous though

how can one write python code, or any code for that matter and not realize that you edit the code as text and then run it. why would html be any diff?
genuinely wondering what you thought

easy, just use "vim htmlfile.html"

you're going to have to get yourself an HTML editor

those are expensive, easily 10's of thousands

I enjoy linux, but I prefer windows in a lot of ways. Plus we use all windows in our environment.

Not a ton honestly. Mainly metasploit, dnmap, aircrack occasionally, tried reaver like twice, and then I am forgetting the name of this other one. I use it most frequently but I can't remember what its called. Its for detecting like XSS or some other non-browser injections.

And honestly man, it's like my second day in this class, and I just wasn't thinking deeply about it. I will %100 admit that idk what I am doing. The syntax is just so weird to me. I don't expect it'll take long to catch on, I'm just like second-day-brand-new. And no fucking way I am asking my professor a dumbass question like that. I'd rather get ridiculed on the internet haha.

>I'd rather get ridiculed on the internet haha
yeah good call, honestly much better to get made fun of by /g

Delete system 32

I feel like you made a bait thread so people would call you retard and shit, then you get to reply telling them how good you think your life is.

It sucks being lonely, doesn't it, OP? :/


>prefer Windows.

What are you testing for when it comes to your pentesting? Are you trying to crack from outside the network into the network? See what damage you can do from inside the network? See if you can get confidential info?
Not even a pentesting tool really, it just distributes nmap files.

>can't into syntax
It's not hard M8. It's just

Dear dumbass OP:
Open your text editor and your browser. Write an html file in your text editor. Save it as dumbass.html. Leave it open in your text editor. Now open it in your browser to see how badly you fucked it up. Pretty bad, huh? Leave it open in your browser and try to fix it in your text editor. Save it. After you save it, hit 'refresh' in your browser to see the changes. Repeat until you've pulled all your hair out.