Yep, it's true: Android is the poor man's phone worldwide

>Yep, it's true: Android is the poor man's phone worldwide

>Still Don't Believe Android Is For The Poor? This Chart Proves It

>Proof That Android Really Is For The Poor
>Google's Android mobile operating system has 1 billion users — more than twice the 470 million people on Apple's iOS equivalent — yet Apple pays out twice the amount of revenue to app developers on its system, according to Andreessen Horowitz analyst Benedict Evans.
>That's because Google is aggressively going after lower-income users on a global scale. The company recently launched Android One in India, which allows device manufacturers to make $100 smartphones. Apple, by contrast, prefers to sell its iPhones for more than $600.
>So although it sounds crass to say "Android is for poor people," on a global scale that's exactly how it is being used.

> Android Is For Poor People: Maps - Business Insider

>A new Pew study says the majority of Americans now own smartphones and the majority of rich, educated adults own iPhones.

>Surprise; Apple's iPhones Are Expensive So Rich People Are More Likely To Have Them

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i did not read your post but i bet it sucks. lick my dick and suck my nuts, fucker

Thanks for the post, OP. I see people in line for their welfare checks with iPhones all the time so I'll make sure to record and report them to the government for fraud.

>my anecdotal evidence trumps researched articles.

Android are for poor people who care about what they use their money on
iPhones are for poor people who want to pretend to be rich

I thought real word usage (actual observations) trumped benchmarks (scientific studies) on Sup Forums? :^)

what do REAL rich people use

Number One Dick Licker
Number Two

Android user detected

Android is an operating system. iPhone is a phone.

>Android or Androids are collective terms used to reference devices running the Android OS, developed by Google Inc

my rich friend took me out to dinner a few weeks ago and blew $3000 on food

it's mind boggling

only poor people cares about what phones other use. rich people mostly care about fashion like $4000 bags and actual expensive shit

The only billionaire I know personally (Founder of Pinterest) uses an iPhone. The company had to give us free Android phones to get people to use them for testing lol.


Buying patterns of spoiled kids don't determine the overall quality and usefulness of a product.

In fact everyone in my reporting chain up to Ben uses an iPhone. 80% of my team uses iPhones. The only android user on my team is a pajeet. You can’t make this up

>head of editorial, google cloud

Oh not biased at all.


is there a 3rd phone? not android and not iOS

Windows and Firefox. Very poor App Store support though.

if android is the poor man's phone, then iphone is the soon-to-be-poor man's phone

ugh, christ. they still make those?

NK has these weird phones with a weird OS on them
I'd love to have one

>didn’t read the sources

Go spam “show bob and vagane” on Facebook pajeet

>has to factor in 50 billion $20 burner phones to make iPovvos look """""""""wealthy"""""""


Daily reminder all the poojeets have a bigger swing in your shitephones than anyone because there’s more of them.

Daily reminder than Apple makes no $20 poophones because only people with money have access to iPhone.

>Daily reminder than Apple

Back to your English classes Poojeet.

>Apple was forced to manufacture in India by poojeets because of Indian law

Do you even read your own articles hahahahahaha

Well damaged controlled Poojeet!

Applel's street shitting founder would be proud of you!

Pretty much this.

Facts are, if you are in a first world country and you are poor then generally you can be on a benefit, and if you are on a benefit you can afford an iPhone.

In a third world country if you are poor then you are living on a few dollars a week. You can't get an iPhone on any plan like that so you will be buying cheap Androids.

If anything this is more of a sign of the wealth of a country than an individual. In rich countries the poor people have iPhones, in poor countries they have Androids.

People living on welfare are pulling in government checks upwards of near $117,000 a year with all the welfare programs they pay for by stealing money from those who work.

>android phones fill a wide variety of price ranges from $30 cheap to high end $1000. Meanwhile iPhones have always been sold at high prices.

I know people will never respond to me because I posted facts, while everyone else just wants to fling shit.

All boils down to this


aaand into the trash ya tosser

$1000 dollars is nothing. If you think spending $1000 on something that you'll probably get a couple years of use out of it impressive, you are not rich and will likely never be rich. Rich people buy what they think will work and don't bother asking how much it costs.

I fail to understand why I should pay $1k for a phone every few years.

Seems like a waste of money to me.

it is. don't let these friutards fool you, they empty their bank accounts just to be with the "in" crowd, and as a result have to desparately justify their terrible purchase decision to anyone that sees through the bullshit.

That way it's the best and you can show it off to the shitty poor "people" around you, make them jealous and inspire them to actually find a job.

Are there any technical reasons? Nobody I've ever met has given a fuck what kind of cellphone I have.

You're hanging with the wrong crowd and would be excluded anyway. Poor "people" suck ass. They are all drug addict food stamp collecting free loading losers.

So what do you do for a living, friend?

I bet OP saved up for years for his iPhone X.

I take it you know this from personal experience? don't answer that, I already know.

tendies and Sup Forums

thanks for telling me that you're THAT FUCKING INSECURE about having an iphone lmao

Lots of different things. I am a business owner. I got here by not letting liberals say they should run my life. If I had my way, liberals would be executed for treason.

So basically and making shit up.

You must be a Hillary supporter, because you are pretty stupid.

they still manufacture in india so your "pajeet" point is moot hahahahahahahahhahaha

I don't live in the US and don't give a shit about your politics either. This has also nothing to do with your iphone class superiority or whatever shit your were trying to argue.

Just arguing the poor are stupid and lazy subhuman trash, like yourself.

Is that so? I don't see rich people doing 10 hour shifts of manual labor.

love this meme

Manual labor is easy, that is why it's entry level and only poor people do it.

android is the everyman's phone from rich to poor.

Does samsung count?

I love android phones, but this is the saddest truth about them. I don't know why low-mid range Android front cameras are so shitty while the back cameras are average or better. The higher end phones get it right for both cameras, except for the V30, Essential Phone, G6, some others I can't remember.

>iOS only runs on flagship products
>Android runs on anything from a $50 chinkphone to an equally priced flagship


Most of the people I know with Android phones have flagships, i.e. they could have bought an iPhone but deliberately chose Android.

The only poor people I ever see with cellphones are melatonin enriched individuals high as fuck. They all have iphones.

I can understand that selling drugs is profitable, but I can't see that a street dealer that's always too high to stand up could make enough money to be considered a rich person.

I could buy a 100 $1k iPhones, doesn't mean it would be a good idea.

That's niggers. Niggers are usually pretty dumb. They see rappers with iPhones, so they get iPhones. Monkey see, Monkey do.


>hard working phone of the honorable common man
>shit-tier Veblen good for the bourgeoisie and poors who want to appear wealthy

>$1000 phone

Google says the ‘blue shift’ on the Pixel 2 XL is working as intended, only visible at ‘sharp angle’

lol who are you trying to annoy with these articles?

Android devices have never been Sup Forums's phone.

Sup Forums's phone was Blackberry for a long time, and now that Blackberry's dead, it's the iPhone SE.

People who know what they're doing don't use android. What a silly compromise.

the V20 does it right though

>Sup Forums is the posts I don't ignore or sperg at
Thanks for your post, I now feel enlightened about the subjective best phone thing.

If your sample is worldwide, then sure. That makes a lot of sense. But what if you only look in first-world countries? I feel like it'd at least be a lot closer. I see shitloads of poor people with iPhones.

>people who post drivel about cell phones

>YouGov poll
Poogle shills are stretching now.

>2 choices of phone type
>1 sells budget options
>the other sells top-end only and makes its products artificially obsolete in 6 months

I remember this one Tumblr girl that wrote a big paragraph about how poor she was and she had to move to different homeless shelters with her mom once in a while. I checked her page (it was on ig) and what do you fucking know she has the new iPhone 7 (this was last year obviously when that shit first got released). At this point I couldn't believe how far people have to go just to make themselves look good on the internet

Android is free you fucking retard. Its literally on every phone no matter how expensive it is.

Most probably is pasta but have a premium (you) because i feel generous today.

You're welcome. I'm glad you now realize that a phone is a toy, and that you shouldn't pledge allegiance to one because giant companies have decided your freebie OS is the most cost-effective platform on which to build firmware.

The only reason it's the poor man's phone world wide is because it's the worldwide phone

>You're welcome
He wasnt being genuine, you autist.

Sorry Pajeet, but I'm not going to carry a purse full of dongles for a gay fashion accessory.

No rupees for you. Shill harder.

I'm curious about the mental state of a person who gives so much of a shit as to which phone somebody uses.

Sane, everybody judges everybody on stupid shit constantly. I think it's part of being human.

Can we ban autistic newfags?

This is why Android application quality is dogshit. Number one, the fragmentation, number two, most users aren't going to be able to afford many applications. Anyone worth their salt is developing for iOS. Android will always be second-rate garbage. Affluent individuals are always in Apple ecosystems.

You expected him to be able to read?

yet it can do advanced shit that iPhones can't do.
all for under $1k.

>it's cheap so it's bad
call me when apple can do basic shit that rooted android can, sage

No one wants to install faggot minimalist themes and anime shit on their phones, beat it loser.

You might as well say cars are for poor people when you deliberately leave out the brand and just label all the samples as "people who own cars" regardless of they own a Ferrari or some broken-down second-hand pickup truck.

>apple users are so insecure that they need to have surveys showing which owner goes to what school just to validate themselves
This is pathetic behavior coming from either a poorfag that denies their poornes or a noveau riche idiot.

>no one wants
not decided by you but i thought shit like firewall, adblocker, mass storage, downclocking and tons of other useful features that your fashion oriented but tech illiterate mind can never comprehend

can the iphone download youtube videos yet?

Why all the poverty stigma?
You ashamed of being poor or something?

You mean like Face ID that can be fooled by photographs? o i am loling

Yeah, we've done that for years

>I'm so smart because I installed PajeetROM 5.2 now with only 48 unresolved bugs
>my smartphone is also my hobby project
>my hobby project is also my smartphone
>hold on I can't accept communications because there's a bug that affects call delivery while I'm torrenting anime and playing emulated autism games

None of that shit is useful. Its just retarded shit a small minority like (You) like to fuck up their phones with. Downclocking is an absolute meme, low power modes more than suffice.

>can be fooled by photographs
tell my why I should waste my money on a thousand-dollar phone, again?

>Face ID
>fooled my a picture

This isn't Samsung.

>list useful things
>pull some hyperbolic shit out of ass in a poor attempt at a counter argument
no arguments at all

“I do not prize the word "cheap." It is not a badge of honor. It is a symbol of despair. Cheap prices make for cheap goods; cheap goods make for cheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap country.”
-William McKinley

tell me how, I need it

Android is not a phone, it's an OS. Google has the money to suppress stories like this, like Microsoft does with 'Windows is the poor man's computer'

So people can't use their phone as they want? Even if the entire purpose of modding the phone was tranny porn, shouldn't I be allowed to do it if I want?

Linux is the poor man's computer

I travel a lot for work. You'll see people in countries such as Jordan or Saudi Arabia who will buy an iPhone just to present a rich appearance.