I have never seen an android use who wasn’t a manlet. Like the tallest I’ve ever seen was probably 5’8”

I have never seen an android use who wasn’t a manlet. Like the tallest I’ve ever seen was probably 5’8”.

Statistically sure this is swayed by the fact the most people who own android phones are Indians who can’t afford an iPhone, and Indians tend to be pretty short, but still it’s funny.

You ever seen a tall android user, Sup Forums?

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I never understood the logic behinde such criticism against Android or android users. It's not like buying android will make you shorter so who cares. Association fallacy is far too common in society desu senpai.

A buddy of mine is like six foot and used to have a Galaxy S3.

Then again he got an iPhone when he got a proper job, so I suppose he was just settling.

>You ever seen a tall android user, Sup Forums?

Well I know correlation doesn’t mean causation, I was more wondering if there was any reason the vertically challenged were drawn to android devices.

Perhaps it’s because tall people earn more money?


What I don't understand is why everytime Samsung phones are mentioned everyone be shitting on Android. They are known to produce non-stock overly expensive products. It's samshit you should avoid, but apparently Android = Samsung.

Obligatory xkcd comic: xkcd.com/552/

I'm 6'2 so yea

5'9" reporting in
Android user

184cm and using wp.

Phones are tools with a purpose.

I have never seen a brand whore who wasn’t a dysfunctional human being.

6'4" here, why would I want a useless toy, when I could have a computer in my pocket?

Doesn't President Donald J. Trump use an android phone?

6"4 uses one plus 5

Yep, most people in government do, you can't make an iphone into a secure line.

I'm 6 feet and I use android

6'3" Android user standing by

the secret services forced him to switch to iphone because it's more secure.

but I bet he still keeps a android phone at home for shitposting

>the secret services forced him to switch to iphone because it's more secure
Seems kind of pointless considering they're all insecure.

>Being this pathetic

>Just outright lies to shill for apple

Samsung users are all manlets. LG master race are all at least 12 V20s in height.

iPhone 8s rite guiz?

1.88M Android user reporting, Applelfags are all tiny, petty, pathetic. So they have to buy a grossly overpriced product to compensate for their imperfections.

1.88-189 depending on the day S7 user here.
I'm an ugly deformed shitskin otherwise I'd post pictures

5'10" manlet Pixel user here

That might explain this.


I'm 1.98m (6 foot 6 or something in burger), Android user since first smartphone

Is it rude to ask a girl if they have/had an iphone?

Manlets, when will they learn?

>muh association fallacy
why do iFags always do this? why can't they just accept that androids are better phones?

>better phones

Cheaper =/= better, manlet

So you're phone is better not because of the features but because its more expensive?

so your phone has fuck all going for it so you have to justify your purchase by calling others poorfags?

Don't you understand that nobody buys phones outright anymore and everyone gets them on contract anyway.

And the S8+ is superior in everyway

I choose Apple™ iPhone™.

>Think Different™

I have one and I'm 6', buddy has one too and he's 6'4

>And the S8+ is superior in everyway

How tall are you?

Don’t lie.

I'm 5'10 and I use an Android.

I wish I were six feet. :(

I am 6ft 1.2

And weigh 13 stone
