at least it wasn't hentai
At least it wasn't hentai
Other urls found in this thread:
How the FUCK did you waste 3.49MB on a png with mostly whitespace?
without compressing it because i don't like saving my files compressed.
It's not compression you absolute mongoloid.
It's PNG being PNG.
you dont like lossless compression?
BMP is perfect for you.
>It's not compression you absolute mongoloid.
Is this a joke or something?
As someone with "golden eyes," I can immediately tell the difference. Your image has much less depth and vibrance than OP's
Please don't use lossy compression on my waifu thx
Gif's technically not lossy compression.
>"golden eyes"
Are you even trying?
this gave me an erection. Share your secrets.
Use pngquant to convert it to an indexed 8bit png and then use the usual methods.
fuck you and everyone like you. sick of these 5mb images
user@computer ~ time wget
--2017-11-02 22:45:11--
Resolving 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:3cf9, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:3df9, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:3ef9, ...
Connecting to|2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:3cf9|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3658762 (3.5M) [image/png]
Saving to: '1509660750009.png'
1509660750009.png 100%[=====================>] 3.49M 7.99MB/s in 0.4s
2017-11-02 22:45:12 (7.99 MB/s) - '1509660750009.png' saved [3658762/3658762]
real 0m0.771s
user 0m0.019s
sys 0m0.040s
It loads in three quarters of a second on my reasonably standard connection. That's essentially instant. Are you on fucking dialup? Do you go out of your way to check the filesize of each post? How did you even notice??
Litterally exactly the same
It's .png. The compression is lossless. The images are pixel for pixel exactly the same.
>8 MB/s
>reasonably standard connection
>green peppers
>massive png
jesus gimp
It's supposed to be 80d FTTP. In practice I get about 74 down, and 8MiB/s is equivalent to 64Mbit. So definitely not fast for FTTP, would still be quite slow if it were HFC cable, and also easily achievable on a good VDSL2 line.
Where do you live and what is your connection speed? Is it the norm for your area?
I pay $100 a month for 40 down, and actually get about 2/3 of that.
Change MAC address, get another IP or set static IP and don't give a fuck.
Start worrying when they deploy RADIUS.
Truly the patrician internet choice
i don't know what radius is but if you remove the torrent and accept that you will not use p2p sharing again you're back online in 5 min.
What is this? Your isp?
t. mad code artisan
No surprise Kebab is third world
Shoulda been.
a wise man would stop pirating at this point
Get a vpn. If you're buy a cheapo vps at cloudatcost and set up openvpn on it, but back that shit up because cloudatcost is unreliable.
i gotz 56k dialupz
no, it's my school.
If you're poor*
I redid it so that the speed wasn't nulled out.
just tell them that you need to torrent that cartoon because your autism doesn't allow you to download it at home
then sue for discrimination
actually that was my girlfriend. i'm torrenting for 3 years and haven't got any problems without vpn. we are in the same faculty but i think our dorms use different infrastructures.
i live in a dorm.
proper compression this time.
too many normies on Sup Forums
> how do you even notice
hate to break it to you, but it's right there
>As someone with "golden eyes,"
Yeah, okay...
make jpg, rename to png
>pay money to be treated like a child
should have just joined the military cuck
7.4 seconds for me and I have a reasonably standard connection. While 7 seconds isn't a long time, it's far from "instant" and there's zero excuse to not do proper compression to cut down the file size to make it so.
I ran it through tiny png and got it down to 45 kb. Thats a 99% reduction. You could probably do even more if you combined it with other tools and allowed some loss. Why wouldn't you want to make your images 99% smaller?
Just say something about how you feel unsafe and that you're being triggered or something.
Aren't all schools a bunch of liberal cucks now? They'll back down as soon as you say you're a tranny or something. Buy a wig.
Not surprised, I hate this cuntry and I'm planning to leave for Romania next month, get out while you can senpai
fuck off you 15 year old prick
>15 year old
Who watches shit like that past 12?
>3.49 MB
>45 KB
77.56x for text
the state of g
Are you mentally fucking retarded?
97% file size decrease. 0% quality decrease. Kill yourself.
I refuse to believe that are people this retarded.
I won't believe it. I must be dreaming.
Cannot possibly be real. You must be baiting, I'm 100% sure of it.
>that are people
There was meant to be a "there" after "that".
>land of the free
it's a turkish university you dumb fuck
And here I thought I had seen everything.