>He has more than 600 packages on his GNU/Linux install
He has more than 600 packages on his GNU/Linux install
>he has more than 100 packages on his Alpine X11/Musl/Clang/Busybox/Plan9port/rio/Suckless/Linux install
I don't see any problem. Unused disk space is wasted disk space.
Besides e-peen and disk space, is there any downside to having 1000+ or 2000+ packages? I like having stuff ready when I need them.
Recent Windows converts associate many packages with the "bloat" they experienced on Windows. The fact is that those packages don't do shit and are just waiting for you to execute them (or not).
>t. nigger who couldn't figure out how to installl Arch
t. Superior being just from clicking through an Arch install.
>he used more than 0 bytes of space on his storage device
>install by clicking
choose one and only one
copy-pasting stuff from a wiki into a terminal then. Whatever, it's not rocket science.
>he thinks he's intelligent because he can install a lunix distro
I'm a literal ADHD nigger and used arch for several years. I stopped using it about 7 years ago, though.
arch isnt event *that* lightweight. debian (for example) is more lightweight (use apt-get --no-install-recommends). if you truly want the most lightweight and optimized system, then LFS is the only choice.
while i agree that bloat (think windows or ubuntu/mint/manjaro) is bad, but there is no reason to own a computer if you arent going to use it and install the software you need (especially if it is available for free).
>compile everything from source
>make install
>0 packages
My excuse is that I have an actual job wherein I need to use my computer to develop software instead of playing music and browsing the internet all day.
This. It's HDD space. Who gives a fuck. Not like it's decreasing performance.
I probably have 1000 packages installed that start with lib.
arch is one of the heaviest distros
the packages
- have most optional features enabled
- have docs, licenses, and other fluff included
- have development headers included
a fresh install doesn't come with much, but it's not like you can't do a base install of ubuntu, either
>he considers having no software installed good
I have plenty of shit installed and only have 598 packages you fucking nigger
>Not like it's decreasing performance.
depends ...
You need a lot less packages overall to get shit running, however.
>muh sequential reads
Is gentoo better in this regard?
>he has more than 5 mb of used ram
>ahahahahah he uses his Oprating System for running software instead of making edgy anime desktop screenshots, ahahahahaha :3
just kys
>fall for the Gentoo meme because muh bloat
>end up having a more bloated system because brainlet can't into USE flags
>can't greentext
>I'm colorblind
yes, you can choose what features you want to be compiled (or wheter you want documentation or not). but remember that in gentoo, portage will download the source code of the programs you install.