When did you realise Tesla is a meme company with no future...

When did you realise Tesla is a meme company with no future? Their value is built on nothing but PR and rushing unfinished profucts to market for the sake of being first. It'll crash and burn the moment real car manufacturers unveil their self-driving systems.


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About 2 years ago when I first heard about hyperloop

Sorry, when I heard about the popularity of hyperloop

>Purely vehicles
>Purely vehicles

>Space agency that also happens to produce vehicles

I do agree it does seem overvalued but the stock market is illogical.

I definitely agree that it is a meme company, but a good meme. Tesla has basically pushed the market and so even if it doesn't succeed it is trying to push the electric car industry further. Whether or not this was the intent is uknown but it is definitely a likely result.

Your a fucking idiot SpaceX and Tesla are entirely seperate companies.

>comparing large established companies the have existed for over a century and produce a wide range of different vehicles to one that produces a niche product in electric cars and only began operating a few years ago

What does neme even mean anymore. "Meme company". Holy shit this is retarded

What do you think it means? A "car company" is a company whose value is based around manufacturing and selling cars. A "steel company" would be a company that sells steel, and so on. Tesla is a meme company because its value is based on memes instead of actual products and services. Their tech is a joke, they just have one hell of a PR department.

>A meme (/ˈmiːm/ MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture — often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme.[1] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.[2]

It makes perfect sense. It implies that Tesla only get investor money and sell cars because there is a widespread idea in our culture that they are a high tech future company

Meme always meant a cultural idea spread analogously like a gene but through the minds of social beings.

The only difference now is that it is used as a negative connotation, which is nothing new, as there always will be a group of people who say "x is popular (i.e it's a meme), therefore it's shit".

Anytime somebody on here uses meme it's as simple a heuristic as: popular (with normies) = meme = shit

I don't really know what im talking about but wasn't that exactly how amazon got so big?
They also never made money because everything is reinvested instantly.
Tesla is trying to grow as fast as possible from what it looks like. If they'd stand still and only built a few model s and superchargers they probably could make a lot of money but that's not the plan.
But I'm just talking out of my ass.

Tesla and bitcoin are both worthless and retarded normies are the reason we see it valued so high

But Amazon delivered product, and every dollar of profit was put back into shipping more product cheaper and faster. Tesla barely delivers anything and their cars are expensive as fuck with a mediocre service and quality record. Other manufactures are rapidly catching up in all electric range at way lower price points and without using exotic materials and fabrication techniques. Already buying a Chevy bolt makes more sense than a Tesla unless you just want the status symbol.

Amazon was getting bigger, Tesla is not,

Tesla was, is and will be tiny in anything but market cap ... and the market cap will eventually catch up with that reality.

Do you work for GM?

Yeah Tesla is doomed

Why are bitcoins worthless?

>meme company
>not knowning how companies at loss operate for years without having a single problem
>tesla currently is selling a top tier luxury car a high tier suv and just started to sell a low tier one..
expects to beat gm and ford that sell cars for pennies

you know somewere out there there is a tree that is tirelessly producing oxygen for you to breath
i think you own to it an apology

Normies aren't even into BTC yet
Enjoy your wagecucking.

Its a fiat currency

is this a fucking loss reference?

Pretty weird how a company can be valued so high based solely on memes

Let me introduce you to Facebook.

Elon Musk owns SpaceX and Tesla

Pro tip: The current value (market capitalization) of a company is investors' assessment of the present value of the company's likely future profits. Investors think existing automobile companies profit will see little growth in the future, while they believe Tesla's will grow to the size of one of the big 5 global automaker in the future.

GM makes 2x as much money as Ford yet it's worth almost the same?

Meme means unfunny joke that keeps getting repeated.
The word meme is a meme itself.

Tell me if you can buy house/car using BTC. Just at least one example.

since the beginning when you realized they would take state and government subsidized away from you.

what if it's a tesla with bitcoin?

for being a tech board there sure are a lot of luddites on Sup Forums

I don't care if you got raped my a Tesla, Im not on Sup Forums to talk about that shitty company and I don't need investment advice, so go back to your faggot board

>fiat currency
Muh gold

>Elon Musk owns SpaceX and Tesla
>you dont say
Youre retarded af

>Tell me if you can buy house/car using corn
"Well i guess corn has no value then hurr durr" retard

>muh tangible assets

What's your point

Give me decent example how to buy house using bitcoin.

Imagine a world where your car mines crypto currency for the automakers

this is legitimately the most retarded I've ever read in my entire life. congratulations

just wow

you're an idiot. read the article i linked where the guy buys a $100,000 Tesla with bitcoin. If the dealership can make it work, you think a realtor can't?

Tesla is selling concepts for future technology. The US government loves that.

>Tell me if you can buy house/car using BTC. Just at least one example.
You can buy a house/car using bit coin, and people have done so already.

also, I'm a salesperson. If a customer came to me for a $100k deal and specified bitcoin, I would go through a significant amount of effort to make it work (assuming I was making some decent margin, of course).

Tesla has long term goals including research to develop new technologies that will positively benefit humanity. Its goals are in line with the goals of Musks's other companies in that these batteries can and will be employed to the vehicles in Hyperloop and the spacecrafts in SpaceX. There is an underlining vision that most shallow people who think profits are everything will never understand. It's literally an affront to their being that someone is being even remotely optimistic. It doesn't fit into their narrow minded, negative world views and are therefore forced to attack something they know little about, but they sure dof feel threatened that some people may be working towards a greater good.

All companies do tons of long-term research you retard... Tesla just managed to somehow turn it into a normie meme even though they're a tiny company only capable of delivering tiny volumes of stuff that relies heavily on otherwise conventional technology that's far from state-of-the-art.

Does GM export cars at all? I live in Norway so about 1/10 of all the cars i see is a Tesla (and a little less for Ford), but i have never seen a GM car.

>But Amazon delivered product
Yeah, I guess those Tesla cars are just vapor that don't actually exist
Do you morons even listen to yourselves?

You guys reading it wrong. Tesla is essentially a technology company that deals with car tech.
It's valuation is based on the results of the technology not on how many cars they sold.

>all companies do long-term research
Yeah, and we see how fast the US auto industry progressed once they had their tariffs in place and their senators bought.

>but i have never seen a GM car.
Maybe you've seen them under one of GM's many brands? In the U.S. I only see trucks sporting the GM logo, but I see many chevy, buicks, caddy, and etc.

Yes, they export some cars. Also Buick is, for whatever reason, considered one of the most luxurious cars you can buy in China, alongside German cars. You also get rebadges in some countries, like the "Toyota Cavalier" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Cavalier#Toyota_Cavalier

Elon Musk has released no products that has affected my life in any way whatsoever. I do not take his companies seriously.

you just used a lot of words to describe speculation

people are speculating that tesla will earn a lot of money in the future because elon daddy is a marketing genius who can convince anybody with an IQ under 100 (aka 75% of the population) that he will {{CHANGE THE WORLD}}

Great news he has no clue who you are. He will be remembered, will you?

Musk said he would land the first stage, and he did it. I'm not doubting this motherfucker anymore.

>tangible assets
Tangible and fucking useless, it only has value because retards think it does, just like fiat currency. It take 1000$ of, lets say microwaves over an once of of gold any day.

tesla sells mainly luxury cars
expect it to deliver huge supply of cars

Why are Europeans this retarded?

>Tesla has basically pushed the market and so even if it doesn't succeed it is trying to push the electric car industry further. Whether or not this was the intent is uknown but it is definitely a likely result.

It actually was his intent. Tesla has released a lot of tech patents for free in hopes that other car manufacturers use that tech to build more electric cars. In the meantime, Musk started the Tesla batteries and has currently that world's largest accu factory. Even if Tesla electric car business keeps eaten away by established brands (using Tesla tech part or fully), they still need to source batteries from somewhere, that being the Gigafactory in USA (and I'm certain Musk will pop more such factories in near future into Czech and Japan).

By releasing tech on cars, he created no-lose situation. Had he kept patents, it would be gamble win-lose that big ones would eventually win due to larger volume and logistics.

gold is a finite resource that is currently used in damn near fucking everything. unless the whole of society collapses gold will still have value.

several houses have been bought exclusively with bitcoin, cashed out immediately though, a funny one was a person buying a home, and when the transaction started it was worth 750 a coin but by the time the realtor cashed out it was 1000$ a coin.

Its all about quickly bailing out of the currency the moment the transaction is done.

Is this bait or do people as stupid as you unironically post on Sup Forums?

>76.000 vehicle deliveries
>51 billions market cap


as soon as i saw the same people yelling about "universal basic income" supporting them

hi thunderf00t

>I own an android and a toaster therefore my phone is a toaster

If Elon wanted to push electric cars, he would release all his studies and pattents licence-free. Now electric shitboxes are unnecessary expensive because anything you do with electric cars somehow will infringe on Tesla's portfolio. I would go as far as to say he did more damage than good.

Electric cars are a meme anyway, we need a better battery technology first. What happened to the magical "3D" batteries that everyone was talking about? From what I understand all of the companies were bought out and theb nobody talked about it evet again.

Well companies wouldnt mind the license fee because developing their own technology would cost them much more

> When did you realise Apple is a meme company with no future? Their value is built on nothing but PR and rushing unfinished profucts to market for the sake of being first. It'll crash and burn the moment real electronics manufacturers unveil their smartphones.

user, if you wanna disparage on bitcoin, at least do it the right way. You could buy everything with bitcoin, but bitcoin has serious problems like being much more slow and expensive than cash to trade stuff.

You're not a salesperson.

what is it used in?

He is obviously American...

facebook was not profitable for many years. mindshare and platform are valuable commodities.

>tfw european
>used GM badge cars that were sold here cost usually the same as a 10 years older european counterparts in the same class

Why do they even bother? The lachetti is one of their better eurocars and it's still dogshit. It doesn't help that there is tons of them because you go through spare parts like a hot knife through butter. My BMW was 25 years old and despite that there were less issues on it in 5 years than on a 50k km lachetti in 8 months. There is a reason you don't see them alot. They're all being serviced until their poorfag owner's lease runs out.

all modern attempts at self-driving vehicles are pointless anyways

the only way autonomous cars will be actually practical is when ALL cars are autonomous and they all have GPS's hooked up to them and they're all being driven by a single network of computers so each car will know exactly where every other nearby car is by GPS rather than having to actually see them first

pic not really related

Don't even know what you're talking about, but go on.
Are you saying that expensive cars are better than cheap cars, or something else?

>BMW with less issues than other brand
This is hard for me to believe.

Yes. Retards/majority of people think spending on big investment is a huge loss in America. They don't realize that investment in infrastructure is always going to win. No matter what. Its always been the winner in history and it will in the future.

Tesla is investing in batteries/solar/space/tunnel/car/car-train hyperloop for complete eco-system. They've even developed patents around their inhouse designs and have been largely successful in implementing them.

However like all investments, it takes time to mature. The bigger the investment, the longer it will take to mature. All in all, its a matter of can Tesla grow big fast enough to get rich before it grows old enough to become bankrupt. Its most likely the case they will succeed as no other company is even approaching close to them. They will probably dominate the future of electricity like Apple/Google/Amazon is dominating in their respective fields.


GM has a lot more debt

processors, contacts, basicly if anything is electronic and not a throw away sub 1c part it usually uses gold as a means of contact for anything exposed to air because gold does not corrode and its the cheapest thing with this property to use.

If gold was just jewelry, it would have little to no value in the modern world due to advances in paint and shit, but because it's still a resource widely used in electronics, it still has a value due to the finite amount.





I've always known Tesla is a meme company with no future.

Since when did being a meme company be a bad thing in America?

Europeans can't even figure out how to design their own high level GP CPUs, and have very little in the way of indigenous tech industry so don't expect any degree of intelligence from them. A continent full of retards who rely on the US and Japan for most of their tech