Am I maximum tinfoil yet?
Am I maximum tinfoil yet?
No tab container
Privacy Badger records your data dude
Why have the canvas API enabled at all? There's an about:config setting to turn it off entirely, if I recall correctly.
Not inside firejail.
Probably running stock proprietary BIOS and not Libreboot.
Intel ME or AMD PSP probably enabled.
Missing this one
>Using a web browser
>Using a computer
wget, nano, and enough brainpower to render HTML in your head
Just imagine the websites you brainlet
Carrier pigeons OP.
you're not maximum tinfoil til you destroy all the electronics in your house
you're not maximum tinfoil til you kill yourself
>all that bloat
your ff must run like garbage
set on Full Privacy, but it breaks some sites; Privacy (compatible) works on 99% of the web
pretty sure umatrix and noscript are redundant. There's also the about:config autism part to do then you can finally stop using the internet altogether
>not living in the wilderness
I hear umatrix stops scripts from loading at the network level, while noscript just stops them from executing. Which is true?
Guys... Redirector just died on me... Anyone knows a good functioning alternative??
god you're retarded.
>youre actually retarded
>each one of those is sending your entire page to a private server
Not an argument.
So many redundant extensions
you still need random agent spoofer and anyway to hidden your tcp/ip os fingerprint
umatrix already does that
It changes your tcp/ip OS fingerprint? I didn't know umatrix had ring-0 privileges!
random agent spoofer you strawman nig
Does it have all of the other features too?!?!
Webextention when? This is the only addon I'm still missing.
you stupid?
those are about:config settings, you can do them yourself
about:config can set custom headers and randomly change window size informations?!?!
yeah brainlet
Really?!?!?!?! Oh gee, oh boy! Randomly too? ZOMG!!!
don't bother replying to brain dead sjwzilla shillfags, they don't know what they are spouting and think this is like re-ditto who eats up their shit like its was the best thing ever