Ask yourself this, why are SSDs being pushed so hard?
Why would Apple, MS, and other big manufacturers put it in almost every new product?
Why is every company moving to phase HDDs out, and are making their own controllers just for SSDs (see: Apple)
If you haven't put two and two together yet just think of it this way.
Why would you use a form of storage which has a micro-processor and a dedicated card for it's closed, proprietary controller? That can be accessed when the pc is "off" by just pulling power, it doesn't need to be on to access your files, like Intels Management engine in CPUs.
Not to mention, the overall speed differences are minor outside of booting, which is already very short with HDDs anyway.
Stop falling for the backdoor meme, seriously.
SSDs are a botnet
This is the worst post I've seen in a while
Money. They cost more for less storage. This encourages """cloud""" """services""".
Reminder LWAfags are the new jojofags
>Ask yourself this, why are SSDs being pushed so hard?
because they're so fucking fast you dumb fuck anime poster
Wow. Really makes you think
And have a botnet
>Every new technology is a botnet
Really makes you think
Daily reminder that anime is fucking gay.
>That can be accessed when the pc is "off" by just pulling power, it doesn't need to be on to access your files, like Intels Management engine in CPUs.
Ok so how is it going to get my files from the main partition of my SSD and send them places? I have my Intel ME firmware stripped or removed in all of my machines with the HAP bit on, so no DMA through the Intel ME and no access to the OS network stacks. What now, nigger? My PC is self contained and my wireless networking cards use FLOSS. Seriously, explain to me why it matters if I'm not a tech illiterate normal, and explain why they need to add extra malicious controllers in the hard disks when the ME already has DMA.
You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
>the overall speed differences are minor outside of booting
you had interesting commentary going but then it went as poor as your pocketbook
At work I don't care about the botnet. Every workstation cames now with Windows 10. You can have a rig with any cpu, any amount of ram, but with hdd it is useless. I mean the users are constantly calling about it to do something because it affects even simple tasks it randomly hangs and the hdd is used 100% with little files written especially when we roll out updates. With up to win7 hdds were okay for daily use. But with ssd even the shittiest win10 rig magically becames like the fastes machine for typical office usage. So I always try to ask for ssds with new rigs, who accepts they never regret. Windows 10 is a bloated shit with many little files it needs an ssd (or a botnet what needs botnet accessories, kek)
SSDs aren't new.
SSDs are scams. Your files aren't actually being stored on the SSDs, but on the cloud storage.
>Your files aren't actually being stored on the SSDs, but on the cloud storage.
Source: your ass.
All these shills defending ssds
>extra and completely optional software for normals that are too dumb to initialize and format their own disks
>works on Winshit (the biggest botnet)
You're the shill here.
SSDs are fine if you use a libre controller. It's expensive up front but you can replace the individual cells when they fail and you have 100% control over how it works.
Source: trannyboot website
The good kind of gay
SSD is faster for everything.
Obviously boot times, but also file transfers, launching applications.
It also uses less power than a harddrive.
Because of this, they are pushed for laptops all over the place.
The storage space is still an issue but people are just pushed towards buying more stuff like a nas or cloud storage.
I still use both.
Extrapolating current trends, they'll be less expensive than HDD's in 3-4 years.
Flash memory has doubled in both capacity per cost and capacity per volume & weight much faster than hard drives.
SSD's will beat HDD's in cost per GB in a few years, and they already vastly outperform hard drives in both speed, and compactness. HDD's are an obsolete technology right at its end of life.
In fact, most of that 2.5 inch SSD is just a case filled with empty space. The M2 socket is being pushed as an alternative to SATA and allows mounting newer SSD's directly on the motherboard like you do with RAM. This is already being used for compact laptops, but it also makes stationary computer cases more compact as well, especially considering that internal optical drives have become mostly obsolete as well.
Flash memory is the future, until it gets displaced by the next big thing.
Because they're better?
HDDs have backdoors in them too, idiot. Have you ever looked at one? Flip it around and you can see the backdoor circuitry underneath, they don't even try to hide it.
>Not to mention, the overall speed differences are minor outside of booting, which is already very short with HDDs anyway.
This has to be the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. It's not even a competition. My NVMe shits all over my HDD.
>i use deprecated hardware
It's funny, because most peoples on Sup Forums seems to have this "nothing to hide" mindset
It will still be a while before HDDs die, that's probably a decade or three away.
3 TB was the standard big-size for 3.5" HDDs for too long. 3 TB's where the biggest not insanely pried drives in 2011 and this was this the case last year. Now we've suddenly got 8 and 10 TB drives and those 2 and 3 TB drives have become pretty cheap.
Just going by local prices, 240 GB SSD = 2 TB HDD, 1 TB SSD = 10 TB HDD. Prices do vary but it's roughly 1:10 in terms of pure storage capacity and that's pretty darn significant. You won't be building no 30 TB RAID array with SSD's any time soon.
It's not like I don't see SSDs eventually making HDDs obsolete. I am just saying that we are pretty far away from a 1:1 or even 1:2 price ratio. Don't care if the price is 10x for a SSD on my laptop or my OS disk but I'm not about to build no huge storage array out of SSDs.
I hate to break it to you OP but you will be faced with a controller-board with chips and all kinds of things on it you turn any 2.5" or 3.5" HDD upside down. THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THE MATRIX.
They don't have microprocessors.
> gets new computer
> has SSD
> only 222GB
> wat do?
> add 2TB HD from previous machine
problem solved. fuck the cloud.
OP's shitpost is a botnet. think about it.
i was wondering what was going to replace "cuck" and "normie". botnet it is!
>attaches image
nice botnet
Rule of thumb: Assume everything is a botnet and that you are being spied on by multiple entities for marketing/other reasons no matter what you do if you use a modern form of technology.
There, problem solved. Also, this topic is stupid as fuck.
HAP works on anything it's the NSA kill switch. libreboots the thing that only works on depreciated hardware.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I'm all for using FOSS, but you haven't provided a single source yet. Can you?
> doesn't attach image
nice botnet.
> 37 replies
Has Sup Forums really gotten this stupid..?
>Why would you use a form of storage which has a micro-processor and a dedicated card for it's closed, proprietary controller?
why on earth would these closed source operating system creators need to use complicated hardware to spy on you when it's baked into the OS
>it doesn't need to be on to access your files, like Intels Management engine in CPUs.
what the hell are they going to do with data with no power? Intel's botnet has access to the network, a SSD controller does not
> the overall speed differences are minor outside of booting
you're a fucking moron
>which is already very short with HDDs anyway
doubly confirmed
part of Sup Forums is genuinely stupid. part of Sup Forums isn't stupid but enjoys acting stupid for kicks. and finally the remainder of Sup Forums gets angry at stupid posts and can't help replying to them.
>he remainder of Sup Forums gets angry at stupid posts and can't help replying to them.
reporting in
Because they're physically smaller, so they can use the space for more battery.
Sage this retards shitty bait
how do you debotnet your SDD Sup Forums? i've tried putting mine in a sock in a microwave, no joy.
Sup Forums is a google botnet, so they have lie.
3TB HDDs were also unreliable as fuck from the start, and this is going to plague mechanical drives every time they get a bit more capacity at the same 2.5"/3.5" form factor. SSDs even at 2.5" are pretty much half-empty shells just complying with the form factor. Kind of reminds me of times when people were saying that CRTs won't die and were pointing fingers at plasma TVs being shitty, it was 5 years and CRTs went nowhere while TN and later IPS destroyed both in terms of quality and price. CRT couldn't compete just with the sheer number of parts and precision needed.
I have a librebooted X200 so I'm not worried about Intel ME
SSDs will never be as good as HDDs for long term storage though, you have to regularly power on an SSD to stop data loss whereas an HDD can just be tossed in a box for 20 years and used just fine afterwards.
Citation needed
>That's been debunked
My SSD must not have gotten the memo then
I was keep telling the same thing when companies started pushing hdds but nobody listened and look where we are now floppies are dead
You should probably look at a hard drive, they have processors all over the circuitry underneath. If you paid attention to the snowden leaks you'd know that the NSA really did backdoor HDDs.
Maybe you should buy higher quality hardware