Uninstall Facebook app now!
Uninstall Facebook app now!
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I won't click on that
thank you for the reddit link about facebook, here on Sup Forums, OP :~) i'll be sure to Uninstall Facebook app now. one quick question though: what's your favourite anime?
Looks like a bunch of tinfoil hat BS to me
>implying we didn't already do this
Why would I have the Faceberg app installed in the first place?
Dear reddit fag, welcome to 2010.
>Why would I have friends and girlfriend in the first place?
you should know better, op. like said, welcome to 2010. how can people still not realize facebook is a botnet? is everyone getting dumber everyday? it's not tinfoil shit, there's proof everywhere.
If you're using a phone then you're already part of the botnet. Might as well just keep using fagbook desu
People thought I was fucking crazy. There's enough anecdotes in this thread to prove that I was right all along.
Thanks for those flaming hot news AnimeLover1999
Never installed it in the first place. I enjoy my phone's battery life.
Nice one, but do you not realize where you are?
I just put tape over my phone's microphone! :D
Nobody who's supposed to be here uses Facebook or Reddit.
>installing a FB app
wtf is so hard about using the browser version?
That doesn't suprise me in the least.
A few months ago, one of my students asked me if I know/like Corona beer.
That was around 11:45 am. When I looked at my Facebook account at ~2 pm, the first thing I saw was a fucking Corona ad, despite never having a search history or anything related to it. Shit was spooky.
what do you teach?
> using reddit
> using facebook
Where the FUCK do you think you are? Get the fuck off this board
shills on damage control
sorry zucccc, not falling for it
are you saying it bypasses android permissions?
>implying anyone under the age of 40 still uses Facebook
Get with the times, gramps.
Would it be possible to bypass Android permissions without Google knowing? Facebook is their competitor, it seems unlikely that they would be in cahoots with them.
At the very minimum Facebook knows your demographic. It's not surprising your age would be seeing alcohol ads.
There's also a cognitive bias known as the Baader-Meinhof effect, where once you hear something you're likelier to notice that thing in the future.
For instance, if you hear an ad for Volkswagens, you're likelier to notice if there are Volkswagens around you, and it might feel as if there are suddenly more than usual, but it's just coincidence
Is it possible that Google has allowed companies secret access if they pay?
Intel will put special instructions into its CPUs if you pay them, and not tell anybody. Why wouldn't Google do this with their OS?
Am I cool again for not using Facebook?
Can't wait to be old enough to ruin things for kids.
You gotta admire Hillary for having that ability and not giving a fuck.
Yeah it's mostly networking for the >40 crowd since they're just now learning how to turn the computer on without their kids around to do it for them.
Younger generations are moving away from it.
It'll be gone in another decade or so.
>Am I cool again for not using Facebook?
Yes but only for a bit until the next big hip social media shitsite comes along until that eventually too gets bought by Facebook like all the other ones.
Most of the idiots(normal people) I know still use Facebook.
They still have accounts there but they're all over at Instagram and whatever messenger app is popular where you live.
...which technically is also Facebook but you know what I mean.
Literally 100% of the examples given prove the people experiencing them are brainlets that don't understand how deep the data mining goes.
>Just proposed to my gf and didn't tell anyone yet, and see an ad "so you popped the question?"
Probably bought the ring somewhere online, receipt went to email, email service mines emails for targeted advertising material, sells to Facebook, Facebook matches data from email address to Facebook account associated with that address, displays targeted ad.
>Am barista, burned myself, told co-worker then went to Target to buy burn cream, suddenly ad for exact cream on Facebook and i never searched for it
Same as above, sorta. Probably has account with Target, bought product, got email for coupons for product, Facebook bought data from email provider, etc
I forget the other ones, but they're all things that Facebook could easily acquire from affiliates and scrub against users email accounts to find out who to show the ad to within seconds.
Aren't you downplaying the whole thing a bit?
Beer ads are one thing to appear, but specifically Corona right after the discussion can't be a coincidence, especially in fucking Bavaria which has a metric fuckton of quality beers. I don't think Corona beer is even sold here except maybe some people who import it.
It would make sense for other companies to pay Google, but why would they grant their direct competitor an advantage, especially after their failed attempt to imitate them with Google+?
I thought that effect was more about new data? Like learning a new word, and suddenly you're hearing it everywhere?
/out/doorsman here. Stop sending faggots to our board. gb2reddit will suffice.
>failed attempt
Maybe after failing, they decided to team up?
They're aligned in the war against the public after all.
>local store gets new cashier
>we exchange literally two words when I was buying something (I paid in cash)
>she pops up as a recommended friend on top of the list the same day
>no mutual friends
>didn't know her name before that and she doesn't know mine
Kicker: I don't have the Facebook app on my phone, I only use the web version to speak to clients.
>Facebook exec states a fact about Facebook
>Reddit makes up fake stories trying to prove the opposite
i haven't been on facebook in 5 years but it's my only means of getting in touch with old friends. where is everyone going?
idc what is their argument against it, but you should know the fact that fb app fuck your battery in the ass, so everyone should delete it anyway.
I think it totally is a coincidence. Maybe your student heard the ad first, and that's what inspired him to ask you about it. And since the ad was running, it was just as likely for you to see and notice it.
That feels likelier than facebook covertly recording conversations through your phone's mic and searching out keywords.
It especially happens with new data, but it can happen with anything that gets your attention
>fucks your battery
Keeping the mic on all the time tends to do that.
That's not how Reddit works. When someone posts to Reddit, they post either a link or a picture. That link in OP takes you to a Reddit post of a link to a BBC article. Reddit didn't make anything up, BBC did. Reddit just capitalized on it. That's why Reddit is shit. It's a bunch of faggots regurgitating other people's content and spamming shitty old memes from Sup Forums
Don't talk to me or my mic ever again
>(((Rob Goldman))), the tech giant's vice-president of ads
Every fucking time
No. It doesn't. That's total battery usage in the last 12 hours my phone has been off the charger. I have to use Facebook for work and I can't stand the browser version.
>I think it totally is a coincidence. Maybe your student heard the ad first, and that's what inspired him to ask you about it. And since the ad was running, it was just as likely for you to see and notice it.
You're either a shill or an idiot.
What ads? There are no ads. Especially not for Corona beer in Germany. AT ALL.
It was a chemistry lesson and the topic was alcohol/beer, so the students asked my what my favorite beer was. And then another student asked if I knew Corona beer. Nothing in my internet history had any connections to it and I have never bought one, either.
You'd use that shit over simply sending text messages? What has Sup Forums become?
You can have a facebook and not have the app on your phone. It's a bit of a hassle but it's a marked improvement in phone performance and battery life
That's some pretty retarded logic. I mean, maybe it's true, but why would they serve you ads for things you've already purchased and no longer need?
>he unironically believes you need facebook to have friends and a girlfriend
>Sup Forums
>people with friends and girlfriends
Haha I upvoted your post, OP!! Good job, I hope you get a Reddit Gold!!
>people don't realize they're just so profiled that Facebook doesn't need to snoop to know exactly what you want
I'm still skeptical. If you want to know for sure though, try to trigger it intentionally.
Keep a log of all the ads you see, and keep a log of your conversations.
Then try doing the same without the facebook app
Because Facebook doesn't give a shit if you buy the product? They only serve the ads and charge the company running the campaign for ad impressions. You bought a product, they have an advertiser for that product, you're a target for the ad. Facebook gets paid. The advertiser isn't going to pull their campaign because they NEED Facebook's targeted advertising.
it's happening boi's
>you only have friends and a gf if you have a fecesbook account
how lower can you go?
I sure hope nobody here actually uses goybook.
I've known this for years, there are many reports of people seeing ads on FB about things they were just talking about.
Get the fuck out.
If you don't disable Facebook on a brand new phone, you should not be here.
I uninstalled it years ago when it was shown to worsen your battery life by like 30%
I don't even have an account there.
on LinkedIn (I only have it for references and professional shit) I get connected with a ton of pajeets since there are a lot in my school's EE dept
that's what you think
Zuck pls
>post leddit link
>no additional info
>OP clearly didn't read the article or have anything worthwhile to say
OP is a faggot and probably uses kikebook anyway
I also have anti-social filter enabled in ublock.
that doesn't make you immune
the biggest leaks of information in life have been my friends and family
Upvoted pal
>the biggest leaks of information in life have been my friends and family
Kill them, it's the only way to be sure.
Wow the biggest social network in the world that makes money by advertising and harvesting data to customize ads spies on its users? Who would have thought that.
There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit
it has constant popups begging you to install their datamining app
you have to go back
You should go back, soy boy
I never had it installed in the first place.
Now, something that got me curious, what's the difference between Facebook and Facebook Lite?
It seems the normal one has like 200MB, which seems a bit too much just for a social media app.
Im not Zuck just because I earn a wage. Many people here rely on facebook for a salary. It's a good company. This is just conspiracy nonsense based on coincidences
Hahahahaha said the faggot
Is this the new "There's nothing wrong with being Jewish"?
>whatever messenger app is popular
You mean text messaging?
I'm a normie who uses facebook and I've never used the facebook messenger.
>implying it is even installed
>implying anyone who regularly browses here has it installed
>linking to reddit
>You mean text messaging?
No one sends text messages anymore.
Even my parents are using Whatsapp now.
is this some austrailian thing or something?
literally nobody I know uses whatsapp.
Fuck off from here. You don't belong here. Tell the redditfags at Sup Forums to go back with you as well.
Still wrong and shouldn't happen.
i feel like this is gonna be in normie news soon. im opening a small short position on fb
I use both reddit an Facebook. I'm just here to get included in screenshots
That's because you are fucking new. Why won't you go back.
Maybe he checked your profile
make me, shitbird
I know people who use Snapchat...
I have a girlfriend but she is vehemently against all social media especially Kikebook.
>Be a good got on FaceBerg