So Sup Forums, is there a device that tracks hidden cameras? I think I'm being monitored by sitting in my own house... Don't bother wasting your time asking me why. Please help.
So Sup Forums, is there a device that tracks hidden cameras? I think I'm being monitored by sitting in my own house...
Stop aaking stupid questions
tesla was a fucking autist and retarded in every way not related to science. This is the reason engineers make on average less than 100k/year while everyone in jersey shore became a millionaire in a couple years. Intelligence is an abundant resource.
that said, you can use and emf detector if you're really worried or a toilet paper roll and a flashlight if you're really cheap.
gangstalking? what makes you special?
>toilet paper roll and a flashlight
How is that supposed to detect cameras? I'm retarded
Consider seeking help for your schizophrenia and/or other mental illnesses. Thinking there are cameras in your house is not normal.
What makes you think you're being monitored?
If so about what? Like that you could exclude more and more places
turn off the lights, shine the flashlight through a tube, and look for reflections.
committed a crime, lots of witnesses, police involved
tesla was not related to tech in any way
hello edison