Non-botnet Windows 10

Microsoft made a windows 10 version with no spyware for the chinese government.

How do we get that version? Does anyone have it?


Other urls found in this thread:

>le ebin spyware maymay

Average brainwashed millenial.

Is it still a "maymay" if it's reality?

>zero proof = reality

Ok kid.

Yeah, let's pretend that we haven't discussed this topic 1,000 times before and that any proof I might post hasn't been posted in the aforementioned threads.

>never had any proof
>b-b-b-but thousands of times before!!111

No, you're right. There's no proof whatsoever that Windows 10 has any features that could be classified as spyware. That means it's safe and you should feel free to use it as you see fit. Personally, I'm still going to avoid it, but that doesn't mean you have to.

Hey OP, I heard of a nice little project that tried to do that. Hold on a few minutes, I'll have to go find the paper.
Ignore the tards in the meanwhile.

Let's pretend that every "proof" of "windows sending telemetry even though I disabled it" ever posted hasn't been proven to be a result of user error.

>hold on a minute
Nevermind, already found it.
I actually run Linux as daily driver but actually needed a machine for some chink phone flashing, so gave this shit a go.
Actually was pleasantly surprised to how far ti cleansed the system.
Just make sure to not let the batch script not install the low-tier packages it's trying to install. (e.g: Telegram)
But the paper actually was a good guide on how to forcefully remove the datamining utilities.
The only things I didn't like was Windows 10 itself and it's ways.
I would still highly recommend either a older version of Windows and debloating that in a similar manor as that Windows 10 AME install. Or you could just install a flavor of Linux to avoid all of that (and possibly some social interactions for the next few months).
I thought it actually did a pretty okay job if you actually can understand the instructions properly in the PDF and shit ( It's a mess.) but I ended up installing an older OS because Windows 10 is really dumbed down.


>and possibly some social interactions for the next few months
inb4 loonixfag

2 seconds of googling

> KMS-activated period is, 150,000 days aka 410 years.

I knew about ameme, I'll have a look at that .pdf though.

Any tests on telemetry on that build? Does it still call home? Why isn't it used by Sup Forums?

Just tale a look at it, take it all with a grain of salt since the creator seems to be relatively ignorant too (See Telegram.)
Just analyse what files do what and see how you can implement it yourself.
I am browsing around too lad, I still need to find some more for myself.

Because nobody actually gives a shit about telemetry.

90% of loonix users on Sup Forums have telemetry and worse on their install and don't bother to disable it.


M$ released it this past May so it's pretty new.

According to M$: "The China Government Edition will use these manageability features to remove features that are not needed by Chinese government employees like OneDrive, to manage all telemetry and updates, and to enable the government to use its own encryption algorithms within its computer systems."

I doubt there are Chinese backdoors since it's just 10 Enterprise with a special license that will disable/enable the features during install.

Doesn't even get security updates tho, so thinking LTSB N is still the best choice

Everything's fine, Sup Forumsuys. There's nothing to worry about after all. Is Windows 10, dare I say it, /our system/?

the one which comes with xiaomi airbooks. Make a iso from iso creation tool and there you have it!

>Doesn't even get security updates tho, so thinking LTSB N is still the best choice

Fuck. Can you install them through other means such as WSUS?

I just don't want any telemetry or keylogging of any kind, but will settle for something reasonable enough.


Oh it's absolutely spyware by the default, I'm not trying to argue against that.
My issue are people who claim that telemetry options do nothing and then link to one of the articles in which the author configured something wrong.

You're really going to pretend that you're not and ?
C'mon, man. Stop funposting.

>I just don't want any telemetry or keylogging of any kind, but will settle for something reasonable enough.
LTSB if you don't want store apps, otherwise get regular Enterprise. There should be links on MDL.

Yes, I will. That should be obvious if you have ip counters.

>Sup Forums
>using ubuntu
>canonical not being the punch line of every single joke here along with gnome
Hello newfriend

>That should be obvious if you have ip counters.
Which I do, thanks to 4chanx. Think about that.

In that case you can be sure that I'm either not those two posts or that I predicted that you'd ask me that half an hour before you did and changed my ip.

I don't know, but thinking I'll give it a spin later tonight.

I've read the pdf and looks pretty good, if those files are removed, no way there's data being leaked, right?

Fuck off right the fuck back to readit

If I have to use windows I just use 8.1 in a VM.
Seems to be working great for me so I don't have to deal with 10 for now.

>reddit invented tl;dr
Stop trying to fit in.

you know that existed before your precious site(reddit), right?


b-but user, GAYMZ

both the Russian government and Chinese government declare windows 10 spyware. also try running wireshark on windows 10 if you still don't believe them.

No fun allowed, huh?

This. There is no "correct" or "official" (read: Pajeetsoft approved) way to disable telemetry.

If only there were pajeetsoft approved options to disable those parts too, right?
The group policy description even lists exactly which components have their own telemetry, how convenient is that!

I rate you 4/10, you got your desired (You)s

That's great, but will a future update require additional changes? Almost certainly.

Is that supposed to be an issue?

Do you want to have to manually change shit every month?
Ironically win10 with the botnet removed is harder to set up than linux distros

I certainly don't mind changing an option every now and then in exchange for a usable operating system that can run the software I need while lincucks are busy reinventing the wheel for the thousandth time.

>enterprise only

shoo shoo, poo in the loo

I don't mean to touch a nerve, but that's awfully simular to the argument lincucks would use to go against usual M$ Wangbows users.
Can you see that too?
Feel free to correct me if you feel like.

>using ubuntu

The reinventing the wheel part?
I don't know, I think it's much more present on Linux, to the point where it's advertised as an advantage.

Hey the AME guy says this can only be done on build 1151, what about the latest stuff?

Tokay geckos are the best op!!!!

Nice Stockholm syndrome you got there

Inconvenience of occasionally changing a setting versus inconvenience of inadequate software. Both are Stockholm syndrome.

Is LTSB a meme?

werks for me

do games run fine or better on LTSB than on regular windows?

I have no clue!
Not a windows user here, never willingly worked with Windows 10 aside from just giving that project a go in a controlled environment.

My suspicion says it still is able to filter out some stuff, but since in the newer build there might be some even be a new hard necked generation of keyloggers implemented.
I still think it might still be relevant to use some of those instructions on later builds but it obviously won't cover all.
>reinventing the wheel
Well, I disagree halfway with you on that.
It's usually the case that someone senses something is missing from the piece of software that they want to reinvent.
Let that be "freedom" or just some additional features or styles.
People usually do it because they are able to and are not forced down by patenting.
Here is my half agreement with you that there is actually way too much of
everything due of the same argument I used previously.
>See the lovely comic embedded
But it also gives you more space to try out different alternatives if you feel like the standard isn't really feeling like it suits you.
And it usually is advertised as a alternative, not as a advantage.

>much more present
Oh yeah, that is a fact.

>And it usually is advertised as a alternative, not as a advantage.
I meant that having numerous alternatives is advertised as an advantage.
That is a good thing up to a certain point but, as you said, there's actually too many right now.
What happened with Unity just recently is a good example. Too much human time is wasted.


Does ltsb have the stutter issue on games people here talk about?

Just bumping with a OC thing I put together, don't take it serious it's just the Linux4Niggers iso.
>>And it usually is advertised as a alternative, not as a advantage.
I think that depends on what aspect you're looking at it, it can be beneficial if you're growing tired of the standard and want to try something else.
But yes, I agree with you that that is a very unstable factor to use for advertisement.
They should definitely head for a set of other factors to advertise that at the same time sound attractive to the audience.
Excuse me, but I haven't heard a lot about this. I am not really someone who keeps up with gaming related topics.
Do you mind telling me? I already did some searching but don't really see what you are trying to say.
Is it just very bottleneck'd to a point where it's unusable as a game engine?

I'd be so embarrassed if I posted like this.

Ubuntu's Unity. They scrapped GNOME, built their own thing, worked on it for 7 years and then switched back to GNOME.

Fuck, yeah, I see.
I had that initial release of the game engine unity with Linux support in my head.
In that case, yes I agree with you.
I tried it a good time ago and thought it was the worst shit ever and decided to ditch it for Debian with XFCE, that actually was comfortable to me.
Still use it to this day.
I haven't touched Ubuntu ever since.
But I infact saw some thread about that here on Sup Forums, didn't pay a lot of attention to it because it didn't interest me.
Thanks for clearing it up for me.

I mean mostly you're right but it really does get re enabled. Haven't touched my computer for a few months guarantee there's an 'update' or 12, a few of which will reinstate it. The buttons in settings do nothing and don't work half the time anyways.

Not that guy but this is the shit that re enables itself all the time.

I used Windows 10 since release and never had settings "reenable" after an update.
Most of the time I'd clean install big feature updates but I last time I just upgraded and all the settings were still intact.

sir, you are right
vindows is not the shpyvare
vindows really is great operating system

>they fell for the windows meme

Look up Windows AME

>LTSB will only work on the silicon that was released when the last build of LTSB was released



All win10 versions do. Even without connecting to the internet shit stutters like a bitch.

MS must have really fucked something in the way win10 handles power, because shit is caused by GPU throttling.

Do you know what info is recorded on LTSB with botnet options turned off with no reg hacks or .bat scripts?

Can you turn off updates on ltsb?

It records everything the same as normal windows. The only real difference is that you get feature updates slower and don't have to remove some metro apps. Diagnistics and telemetry are still there.

Also yeah you can disable both security service and update service in all versions.

This doesn't make sense, say, there is no cortana on ltsb, so how would you still be recorded by cortana?

Editing policy groups or with 3rd party stuff?