Where do you prefer your fingerprint sensor? Front or back?

Where do you prefer your fingerprint sensor? Front or back?

non-existant like the iphone X


Face ID, fingerprint sensors are inferior now.

Back so your thumb is never used.


>Face ID, fingerprint sensors are inferior now.
Don't want either of these. I'm fine with a pattern lock.

iphone shrills

I prefer a finger in my butt OwO

razer got it right by putting the fingerprint scanner on the power button. scanner on the back is too awkward and scanner on the front is outdated

Front so I can use it without picking up my phone.

Sony did it first.

prove it fag

Nowhere since using biometric features as a password is a retarded idea.

This, it actually sucked. I had the z5p and the sensor constantly didn't pick up your fingerprint. It's such a small surface to try and read off of.

>pattern lock

Objectivley the worst and dumbest kind of security implementation on a smartphone. Anyone sane would just say PIN code, but no, these retards want to perform thumb gymnastics in a specific manner to unlock their device.

nowhere, NSA

>giving google and the jews your fingerprint and iris data

Dumb old man grandpa

In three years every phone will face unlock

>it actually sucked
my z5, xz, and now xz1c are pretty much perfect when it comes to this. only 1 out of 20 times does it not work.

dude I had horrible times with the z5, I would have to try about 3 times for it to register. Maybe I just got a duff handset since every other fingerprint sensor I've used is fine.

iPhones suck.

Nowhere, you dumb fucking goy

if you have a passport you already gave them your biometric infos..

not in my country

I prefer not having it all or functioning like a home button.
Even worse meme, fp is at least working fast.

that would be ? africa ?

This. It's going to feel like not having authentication at all.

Cry more.


What the hell are you talking about? I got called a shill and denied it by stating that iPhones are shit. Where was I whining about anything?

If i had to have one; Back as it feels more natural and easier to do it in one hand,

Maybe. I had a Z5 for just a couple days when I noticed that the power button was actually shifting and sliding under the case.

I swapped it out for the Z5C (lol, manlet hands) and it's fingerprint sensor works very well. Only real has an issue when my finger is a bit wet.

It's a real godsend for using Android Pay or when mounted in my car.

I can't imagine having the fingerprint sensor elsewhere.

I will say though that sometimes I just want to check the time/notifications and the scan is so quick that it automatically unlocks the phone accidentally.

fingerprint reader is a meme implementation.
you have to activate it with a password on power on, and grease build up on the sensor results in you getting locked out of being allowed to use the sensor by the time it scans properly.

Preferably nowhere.

On the side, if the phone must have one.


He's a burger, their government figured I would be to expensive for blacks to have an national ID. The whites on the otherhand have a mental disorder so they think that an ID is an imposter and the marine court can't touch them.

Edit: State drivers licenses have Fingerprints now

>Objectivley the worst and dumbest kind of security implementation on a smartphone.
Prove this, and show everyone just how much more secure face, and fingerprint scanning is on a smartphone.
>Dumb old man grandpa
Probably younger than the age that you're pretending to be, but okay here's your (((you)))
>In three years every phone will face unlock
My phone won't. It's a dumb gimmick that doesn't work as a security feature just like the fingerprint scanner.

biometrics = CIA nigger botnet


Probably the only thing I prefer in the front.


on the side