Says something self deprecating

>says something self deprecating

>tfw no slightly odd but still QT gf to discuss Linux with


I knew a girl in highschool who had no chin, but she was hella sexy. Pale skin, huge, child-bearing hips, the largest mammaries I'd ever seen in person, only second to the short autistic girl whom I hung out with.

Tell me more about when you dipped your peen in the short autistic girl

I didn't. She was autistic, not dumb. Plus, I kind of hated her because of how much she reminded me of myself.

>my girlfriend reminded me of my own boobs and hips

user, you're starting to creep me out. I came here to shitpost about l1 techs, and that's it. Not erp with a bunch of lanky permavirgs.

>I didn't come here to erp
I don't mind


True nerds are best nerds.


There is nothing even remotely cute about her.

>Thinking this girl is attractive in any way

This is why I chuckle every time someone on Sup Forums talks about their "hot" gf.

bro shes a 10!

She's the kind of girl that had to compensate by being smart, and ironically this makes her likely a better person than loads of other broads.

you can tell these fat fucks are liberals and they have incestuous sex with their sister at the same time

Libertarians actually. Or classical liberal.
Points still hold though. You're just bummed you can't watch.

>incestuous sex
Nothing is more republican than fucking own sister. It's a family tradition in the south apparently.

girls with that sort of look are considered very attractive here in England

English girls age at lightspeed. I wonder if it's all the alcohol?

fuck off cia niggers, go fuck each other on pol.

That's because every girl there is fuck ugly. She'd probably be the hottest girl on the island.

This has not been my experience with women AT ALL. For the most part the ugly one's just seem bitter and strange with no discernable hobbies. Beautiful women, on the other hand, seem to be better adjusted socially, also with no discernable hobbies.

>advocate for network neutrality
>f-fuck comcast

naw they are your average dumb centrist if anything

They did explain their rationale in one of those hour-long videos, though. The ISP market is broken and you can only choose one or the other.

She's easily a solid 9, brainlet

surely more government regulations will fix the problem

You're not even clarifying how this one specific regulation is going to do more damage. Just face it, you're not going to see the government take any proactive steps in making it easier to enter the market anytime soon.

You know that brown people you like so much have far higher rates of inbreeding than whites?

did you know that white people like you have significantly higher rates of cuckolding than blacks and spics?

How will it help the ISP market barrier problem? NN has fuck all to do with that. Its basically a hope that the FCC will do a job the FTC didn't.

If I had a semi attractive girlfriend with whomst I could talk about linux I would be happy.

Maybe Sup Forums 9. Every other board would give her 5 at best, maybe except /tg/ who would rate 11.
Also, I can't help but think she's an anorectic tranny.

I am not white I am jewish

I'm pretty sure everyone is jerking your chain dude. Unless she has nice feet.

>I'd give her a five
I'd drink five gallons of her bath water.

It won't. It's mostly for the consumers so that they could enjoy unrestricted access. It's the easier option compared to lowering the barrier to entry and encouraging competition. The government, being the bloated bureaucratic mess that it is, will most certainly choose the easier option.

Why give this specific government action the benefit of doubt? It will not give consumers unrestricted access it will give lobbyist more sway on the FCC who has more regulatory power.

E-celebs are not technology

>Why give this specific government action the benefit of doubt?
The principle of it seems simple enough. I don't see anything wrong with it unless there was something specific that was sneaked in along with the rules
>it will give lobbyist more sway on the FCC who has more regulatory power
how, though?

Have you seen how the ISP and giant tech companies try to persuade FCC with every step they take? It moves the FCC from light touch approach to a heavy handed overbearing one. FTC is more insulated from lobbyists. The Obama appointed pajeet FCC head was a verizon lobbyist. The sneaked in trap is the title 2 change which will cause ISP be held accountable to interstate commerce laws.

Go back to the chamber. rabbi

and you are a cuck who likes being bent over by isps

>free market dogma even when it goes feral and fucks you out of your money
you are the dumb kind of libertarian. you believe in the free market, not you interests.

Why? What did I say that upset you?

you mean your interests. you have no idea what my interests are

will im about 99% sure you dont dominate a market
unless you do or are some kind of sick masochist, you want markets to be competitive.

I dominate ur mom last night

I bumped this off of page 10 because of your autism.

>Watches as white Knight faggots fall all over themselves to tell a hideous fucking CHUD that it's beautiful

How old are you? I swear you just described my friend's wife that I had the chance to bang when my friend said something about wife swapping for the night, but I didn't find out he wasn't joking until years later after I left my cunt wife for being a cunt.

Damn I wish I would've asked if he was serious. Of all the stuff I could change if I had a time machine, that would be it. She may not have a chin, but the rest of her makes her a 9.99999999999999.../10 anyway.

What's her name? I want more.

But user, 9.999... = 10

only in scientific notation / floating point

Her soul
