LTT isn't fucking awesome

>LTT isn't fucking awesome

I'll never get how this meme started

>inb4 screen resolution

linus is a cuck, nobody likes him

>squeaky faggot voice
>gauged ears
>ayylmao for a wife


>muh ad hominem

I'm speaking of his work

At least, he's not going to die virgin.

Anything he does is invalidated by the fact that he's a huge faggot.

you're gonna need to be clearer than that, sweetie.

i take it thats their "xbox one x"?

I dig some of his crazy shit like the 7 gamer pc. Nifty. Other than that I pass but I don't hate the guy.

oh how fun and

So this is what Luke does now

90% of their content is just to push ads

i was not being clever i was stating that it is made to look very much like an xbox one x

>external power brick
What's the point?

What's the point of your existence tho

In maintaining a technology related topic...I'm gonna post an anime picture and ask for a better youtube channel than MDE if there is indeed one

forgot loli

I create a thread and proceed to destroy it with utter shitposting when it no longer suitabley entertains me!

I am a GOD

what happened lincuck, are you not getting enough views from retards and fake accounts?

OP here, he gets plenty of views from non-fake accounts, soyboy

I've wanted a very small pc for a while, there isn't any reason for me to switch around parts all the time so why not. I'll probably do that for my next computer.

and for people complaining, I used to watch linus earlier when he was on that other channel and his voice was much worse then.

calling somebody a soyboy in defense of linus cuck tip after he got a vasectomy

>his work

Implying he doesn't pay one of his hipster lackeys to do all the work for him while he chokes on a sponsorship

>Calling someone a soyboy
>In the same sentence as defending a gay bathhouse cum mop

I like that he doesn't take himself seriously, and is actually somewhat open when called out on shit.
>"the reason we make "clickbaity thumbnails" is because people click them. We are a business, our job is to make money."

Him being a shill is questionable at best, because I can't think of a single major company that he hasn't criticized when they do something stupid.

His employees seem genuinely happy to be there, too.


I found it really, really cringey that one video a few weeks back when he started the video with a rant about how people think his wife is a bossy bitch.

Overall, though, he's done a pretty good job of not letting a bunch of basement NEETs get him down. If you don't like his content, don't watch it. He obviously doesn't need your views anyway.

It's no secret that he is running it like a business but it never seems to get in the way of the sort of content that he wants to produce for the channel. I personally stopped enjoying the content after a while due to the fact that it started feeling like I was filling my time with just junk videos.

I'll never understand how there are people who find the time in their days to hate on someone making content ON A VIDEO-ON-DEMAND site.

Like, it's not like it's bumping your favorite show off the programming block. If you don't like it, just don't watch it.

The only things worse than e-celeb threads are e-celeb hate threads.

And not only that, but the criticisms are just ad hom attacks 99.9999% of the time. Y'all can't find anything actually wrong with their CONTENT, so you go after their looks, voice, or family. Sad!

fuck off linus

Fuck off, Rossman.