It gotten so bad from these retards sharing their shitty propaganda everywhere it tricks new users into installing Arch Linux.
There's actually nothing amazing about Arch other than the AUR.
Why does every edgy 13 year old use Arch Linux?
Lol it has a diaper
i am gay
Eh, Manjaro does the job just fine for me
Lol it has a diaper
i dunno, especially with how piss easy it is to install with anarchy
What distro would you recommend OP?
Not that I really care, but this just a shitflinging thread so might as well peak right now.
no one actually gives a shit
exactly, these people think they are doing rocket science or some shit by copying and pasting from the wiki.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be able to use Arch. The distro is extremely bleeding-edge, and without a solid grasp of Unix principles most of the benefits will go over a typical user's head. There's also Arch's minimal package manager, which is deftly woven into the system- the minimalistic philosophy draws heavily from CRUX, for instance. Arch users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the benefits of pacman, to realise that it's not just minimal- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Arch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in pacman's tendency to break your entire system, which itself is a cryptic reference to Linus Torvald's epic "WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE!". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judd Vinet's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Arch tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>other than the AUR
No shit. That is why you install it. That and the low initial install size.
>the low initial install size
its 2017
no, you install it because you are such a hipster faggot you don't ever want to be seen using a mainstream distro.
>implying arch isn't mainstream
Thanks for reminding me, you might make a good calendar some day.
thx desu
>no one actually gives a shit
But you do, why else would you be making this thread?
wow that is such an intelligent point to make, literally no one ever makes that point in a thread like this.
you've earned your intelligent points for today.
Yeah, I know. I'm superior to you in every conceivable way, sorry if that's not politically correct.
Remember that the u is silent in desu. Don't forget, it may save your life one day.
which is why you're starting to see people complain about it
hipsters will soon move to a different distro, maybe bsd
>other than the AUR
Wake me when another distro has an equivalent user repository with literally all the software I've ever wanted to install.
The only one complaining about Arch is OP, as it seems.
>copying and pasting from the wiki.
Yeah, just like Gentoo.
Probably Void. BSD is a bit .. much for the average archfag.
There is nothing wrong with Arch. Although I would suggest using Manjaro or Antergos instead. The thing about Arch is that it pays off.
works for me too tbf fuck him i care desu
>pays off
>but you do
a good post to be honest I always forget des
Manjaro IS arch noob
Me too. lets have sex here.
Seems fine to me.
It was simple to install with Arch Anywhere and it seems to me like a nice choice for something that is a bit lighter.
It has never crashed or caused problems with configs in all the time I have been using it which is a bit over a year I think.
It seems simpler to get all my packages available via default or simply through AUR compared to adding a bunch of PPAs.
Everyone makes it seem hard which it was not. Seems easier than Ubuntu with the install script actually.
lol, almost all the Sup Forums threads about archlinux are made by people who can't even install it, there is not such thing as arch propaganda but there are tons of ubuntards making daily threads about shitbuntu.
I got mad clout in preschool for using Arch, so desu this is 100% true
no you don't my IQ is 95, and i run arch daily
This i bet op is a fuckin hetero. Yea i bet you like pussy you normie