How to become a better programmer?

How to become a better programmer?

failing that, programming socks

I forgot to add:
A lot of people here have a misconception on programming socks, you don't actually use them to improve your programming.
The idea is you put them on and attract a programmer bf that can write code and teach you to program better.

write a lot of code

This 80s drag queen dude was the only decent thing about S2

Every skill can be advanced by reading books.
Like in RPGs.
Now go read and get +1 in programming, i believe in you.

also work with others to learn how they solve problems

Go on Github and read programs with high amounts of stars for the language you want to improve in

I really wanted to see him call lucas a nigger lol

>Being cucked by own father

He was really out of place and completely unneeded. Just an useless distraction from the lacking main plot, like the Indian psychic.


Shut up he was the only interesting character in all of season 2


kinda agree, but I hate his sister more, both felt outa place

>practice a lot
>try to make good and understandable code
>when faced with a problem, try to search it before trying to solve it
>having good logical skill helps

Autism (make Sup Forums meme websites as tests if you're a web developer as an excuse to practice the latest framework updates), google translate pajeet websites (so you know what you're competing with), detest the rajs and pajeets, and basically have an IT job that can understand you're an autist (basically just do helpdesk since you're basically half the day doing jack shit and you can just code, while the lady next door will always ask you every single day why the fuck her printer aint working or to reset her password).

I make 120k a year (supposed to be 150 but taxes because I get fucking paid weekly), being a helpdesk is a must, basically get paid and learn your code on the side.

Leave Sup Forums.

how to get into helpdesk, need any cert?

It's important to revise and understand what made the code bad though.
It's easy to just repeatedly write bad code and throw it away (leave to do something else) and not learn anything.
You also have to be critical of what you think is good. You'll find yourself wasting time producing good solutions but maybe it wasn't appropriate to spend that effort for that piece of code.

Also don't become cynical. If you're critical all the time it risks happening to you. It's important to keep the criticisms to important things and let not so important things just feed your emotional wellbeing.

Not quite. This is like the discussion of quantity vs quality.

The real answer is both writing code and learning deeply the language you are working with together with the paradigm it is tied to and the features it has, so you can make the best use out of it.

Writing a lot of code in one language will give you experience in solving future problems in said language, so you'll end up writing faster the solution.
Learning the language will end up in you doing better abstractions and eficiency when running the code plus when facing a new problem, you'll have a better idea on what to use to write the solution.

Yes, or if you worked in a call center in high school, and/or majoring CS, CEngingeering.

Read skiena, cormen and SICP (not necessarily in this order).
After that you should be good, i hope.

Follow naming conventions, learn to indent correctly and use a terminal text editor.

Read programming books.
Read programs written by other people.
Debug, profile, optimize whenever you can.
Understand well data structures and the complexity of each of its operations.