You want to empower strong young women in #STEM, right Sup Forums?
You want to empower strong young women in #STEM, right Sup Forums?
no, I just want to put my #STEM in young women.
Why are Indian women attractive but Indian men are so ugly?
>hairy ass crack
pick one
>Why are women attractive but men are so ugly?
You might not be gay. Get out while you still can.
Then how do you explain this decently looking meme?
nice cock
Real smart women, don't white American girls.
Feminist on watch suicide.
Nope. If women want to be in STEM fields, there's nothing stopping them. If they don't want to, that's their choice and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm opposed to programs that discriminate against or exclude any group for any reason, regardless of if that group is a minority or a majority. Discrimination is discrimination. Let all programs be fair and open for everyone.
>t. Paajina
open paajina send bob
Different species have different levels of sexual diphormism.
You mean like how women have been discriminated against after programming became mainstream? Even though they were involved in the founding of what would become CS? That kind of discrimination?
I would poo on her street
there's no discrimination. even africans can learn javascript thanks to bill gates. nothing is stopping all those women from doing it except for the fact they're all in cis-gender-other-spiritkin-dance study classes instead of anything related to stem. if pajeet can get into it then nothing is stopping women except they're too stupid which is the case
I don't care
But the proportion of women in every field in STEM has been rising, user. I thought you were le rational logical man.
I have data, what about you? Where are the numbers on your made up SJW land where every woman is in gender studies because they think science is 2hard4girls? Why are you pretending to know what's going on when you're too stupid to run the numbers?
You want to empower strong young women OF COLOR in #STEM, right Sup Forums?
Get it right, fucker.
Mass number H1B around world do rigth on CS in USA.
Even Asian women are over represent in STEM,but white American feminist muh discrimination.
i can put up with shit but that's where i draw the line
indian fetish is too uncommon tbf when they're hot they don't pretend desu
I thought you were saying all women are stupid, now it's only white women? Are you moving the goalposts because you care more about feeling like you're right than actual facts?
I wish there was more Symmetra porn, autistic Indian girl is right up my alley but she's not that popular in the community unfortunately.
More just Indians. In my engineering classes there were lot of Chinese and Indian girls, but no black girls. Decent amount of black males, but 100% were actually native African, not African-American.
> women in STEM, let alone in IT
> 99% of the women on this planet could fuck up making ice cubes
Yea, great idea.
Don't begin same user, just white American women had better options inside STEM, but feminist prefer say muh misogyny.
lmao that cheap nigga he never said that just kill you are self
I dunno about symetra I don't play vidya but there's regularly indians threads on the porn boards
Who gives a fuck what lazy cunts with rainbow armpit hair say? Why not look at actual numbers if you're gonna act like you're a purely logical being? You could, for example, try posting this article:
>nothing is stopping women except they're too stupid which is the case
Can you fucking read, codemonkey?
I prefer if we just treat everyone equally instead, regardless of sex or race.
Racist idiot. I don't even care if you're being sarcastic or not. Get the fuck back to \POL\.
It's still shitposting, even if you are being ironic, guys.
I like how you assume everyone else is as racist and sexist as you.
I like how you assume everyone else is as naive and deluded as you.
White people marginalized and corroded communities of color for the last 10,000 years. They invented colonialism, slavery, racism, hate, nationlism, self pride, and whiteness. If you think giving non-whites/non-men a break for once is wrong, then you are FUCKED up.
Fuck off retards and post qt Indians.
>> 99% of the women on this planet could fuck up making ice cubes
The fact that your sexism is planet-based fascinates me.
i can read u fucking dumdum, he said that all the women going in STEM were dumb, not that all the women were dumb
regardeless of gender you'd have to be really fucking dumb to go in STEM you stupid idiot fuck
Just end it all.
Nice attempt at trying to justify your sexism. I bet you're white like most terrorists today. Let's not forget Vegas.
> white people rose above the detritus and created everything you take for granted since time began
You know who "get's a break"...?
People who've earned it, not assholes who think whitey owes them simply for existing.
It wouldn't be such a mystery if you got out of your parents basement more than once a week.
What is a mystery?
> muslims commit countless terrorist atrocities all over the world on an almost daily basis, in the name of "religion"
> one white guy a year goes off his rocker and kills a couple of dozen people
> comparable
I seriously kek'd.
No. I actually like seeing bad things happening to other people, but especially to women.
are you pretending like you care about the rest of the world now? that one white guy killed more people in the US than all the brown ones put together
Wrong idiot. What about Dylan Roof?!? White TERRORIST. What about the guy who ran over the anti-fascist freedom fighter in Charlottesville? Another white TERRORIST. Oh and Tiny-hands McCheetoface himself who gets off on denying refugees and marginalizing everyone. Once again a white TERRORIST.
Notice a trend? I do.
> blacks kill more blacks in chicago EVERY weekend than the vegas shooter did in one sitting
But is there not something to be said about people deeply mired in deeply misguided ideologies (Middle Easteners, Bajorans) or criminal and anti-authoritarian cultures (blacks), and in both cases the dregs of the socioeconomic pool, committing these acts versus people in much higher strata with better education and means (whites)?
I don't precisely know *what* there is to be said. That it's worse? More deplorable? Less expected? I'll leave it to the media and postmodern sociologists.
> notice a trend
Yea, you are a fucking idiot.
Most of them aren't. Don't be delusional BUT those that are, which is rare, are extremely attractive.
Looks like a gerbil.
Yes. We already established that you're a racist.
Congrats on your white skin.
This is no rabble of mindless orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armor is thick, and their shields broad.
No, it’s not up to me to empower them I’m busy doing my own shit empowering myself, if they can’t hack it go do something else.
Nigga please...I'm not racist, I'm just realistic.
I empower myself by fapping to women. :333
holy shit just kill yourself or learn to bait
Hahaha holy shit
Look at yourself
Indian people literally look like poo, it's in there DNA.
Probably because you are not gay. But honestly there are a lot of poo niggers that live around me and the women are not pretty
Nothing personnel
Indian people are the chillest. Makes you realize how most white people are just assholes.
>Caste culture
>Must get ahead no matter what
>Chill, not assholes
Sup Forums wants to deport THAT???
pic related comes from the last episode of rick & morty I've watched, is the following season worth waching or is it as shitty as the memes say it is?
why do they have to rely on men to empower them, why not empower themselves
It's a cute show, but it's somewhat meh, and normies faggot fanbase has poisoned it subconsciously. I only got partway into season 3.
Adventure Time/MLP are better.
well I'll look into adventure time first then thx. I already tried MLP but there was too much cuteness for me I never made it past the first season
For the same reason black men are so attractive but black woken are so ugly
Like with South Park, the later seasons are great; the first seasons are garbage.
And I feel you on pone. It was mostly ironic and research into lore to enhance R34.
Long short story STEM jobs sucks, any people just prefer work as consultor,mananger,businessman,data analyst.
All women speak about more women in STEM,begins manager,directives,coach,lawyers,freelancer,HR,sales or marketing, these women figure out STEM is bad choice career another women will do the same, and studies will tell "women leave STEM Muh misogyny".
Almost tech men community discuss about begin promote on STEM means begin mananger,sales,head hunter, focus STEM career is hard.
Foreign women know codemonkey begin best choose for them.
The problem is that most of these girls don't even like STEM, they just like the idea of being women in stem.
You can tell by the things they talk about. If you ask a male engineer about engineering, he'd talk about what project he's working on, what technology he's into, etc.
If you ask a female engineer, she'd respond by saying what it's like being a female engineer, what can be done to get more girls in stem, etc.
I don't want to stop them, but I don't want to encourage them any more than I would want to encourage men into STEM.
Last thing I need is them blaming societal pressure for their unhappiness.
go away siraj
Strong young women who are actually interested will get into STEM on their own. They don't need help.