Seeing this sexy bitch cuss people out on
Seeing this sexy bitch cuss people out on makes my dick hard
He tells it like it is, no formalities.
>nerd turns into a bully when he gets the chance
kind of a cliche tbqh
Linus in general makes me hard. Must be amazing to just do your thing and not take shit from anyone.
What's his problem? That's no way to treat another human being
You know Linux wouldn't be the thing it is today if he was just a nice guy
Websites that don't require JavaScript or CSS to work make my dick hard
>I am fine with doing either, what ever Linus finds works best for him. The only reason I went to the direct pull request for apparmor was that as I as understood it Linus wanted the larger LSM pull requests separated out so that it was easier for him to see what was in them.
>And again sorry, I screwed up, it should not have happened, my perspective was incorrect and I know I need to make it right.
Linus = Chad.
Post the sarah sharp ones
>hey guys I fucked up
>You have fucking fucked up, go fix it
>G-guys Imma girl, and inserting myself into this conversation that wasn't mine to start with, u shouldnt speak to people this way!!!
>(5 page response on why you're fucking wrong as shit)
>omg sexism!!!!! omg you hurt that guys feelings though!
>(10 page response on why you're full of shit)
>Hi Sarah, I'm the guy who fucked up, and I admit I fucked up also this was all fixed 2 months ago
>desperately post it on twitter thinking this will work
>find out LKML doesn't have a shitty cunting HR department
Well maybe they should try writing non-shitty code.
Is that why them fems tried to corner torvalds some time ago?
i would also like to see linus bully girls
>Rule 1. Do not break user space.
Fucking based.
t. Sysadmin
To be honest, userspace is quite adept at breaking itself with no external influence whatsoever.
Meanwhile, I'm a shitty programmer who gets constantly picked on by everyone and I can't even say anything back because I know they're right.
>why can't you do this faster
>look at this, that was your fault
>why are you here?
he's a pure narcesist
This. I fear for the future of Linux when he dies, his iron fist holds everything together.
>Whenever I look at your code, I just want to rewrite it so badly. Sorry dude it just sucks so hard, totally FUBAR
How do you respond?
Go for it
And you're an idiot that doesn't know words.
please be patient im a php developer
Tru dat, but at least the kernel isn't helping make matters worse
>Great, I've been wanting to get off this shitty legacy codebase for months. Have fun!
>And yes, a large part of this may be that I no longer feel like I can trust "init" to do the sane thing. You all presumably know why.
What did he mean by this?
Lol when I read his posts I imagine a giant baby in diapers who screams and stomps at ant sized developers.
>t. Pajeet who can't get his pull requests accepted
he's referring to a bug introduced by a systemd dev
System is shit. You know this and you know that's what he meant.
Is there a link to this one?
I can relate to that
> actually a lot of work and testing has been done. A regression was
> found, the fix is in testing and it should land soon, but its not the
> regression you are having issues with.
Stop gthis f*cking idiocy already!
As far as the kernel is concerned, a regressions is THE KERNEL NOT
The regression was in the kernel. You trying to shift the regressions
somewhere else is bogus SHIT.
And seriously, it's the kind of garbage that makes me think your
opinion and your code cannot be relied on.
If you are not willing to admit that your commit 651e28c5537a
("apparmor: add base infastructure for socket mediation") caused a
regression, then honestly, I don't want to get commits from you.
It's that simple.
I'm *very* unhappy with the security layer as is, the last thing I
want to see is some security layer developer that then goes on to try
to re-define was regression means.
If you break existing user space setups THAT IS A REGRESSION.
It's not ok to say "but we'll fix the user space setup".
Really. NOT OK.
I think I will have to revert that garbage, for the simple reason that
I refuse to have code in the kernel from maintainers that cannot even
understand the first rule of kernel development.
The first rule is:
- we don't cause regressions
and the corollary is that when regressions *do* occur, we admit to
them and fix them, instead of blaming user space.
The fact that you have apparently been denying the regression now for
three weeks means that I will revert, and I will stop pulling apparmor
requests until the people involved understand how kernel development
is done.
If you never fantasize over getting scolded by Linus, you don't belong here.
He's the only reason I use linux
Linus is based as fuck
What a fucking boss, I'm wet
A thirty-second pause at bootup is easily long enough that some people
might think the machine is hung.
I also call bullshit on your "it will surely be fixed when we know
what's the right fix" excuses.
The fact is, you've spent the last several months blaming everybody
but yourself, and actively told people to stop blaming you:
and have ignored patches that were sent to you:
despite having clearly seen the patch (you *replied* to it, for
chissake, and I even told you in that same thread why that reply was
wrong at the time).
So now, after you've dismissed the patch that did the equivalent fix
in udev (Ming Lei's patch basically disabled your idiotic and wrong
sequence number test for firmware loading), you say it's ok to bypass
udev entirely, because that is "more robust".
Kay, you are so full of sh*t that it's not funny. You're refusing to
acknowledge your bugs, you refuse to fix them even when a patch is
sent to you, and then you make excuses for the fact that we have to
work around *your* bugs, and say that we should have done so from the
very beginning.
Yes, doing it in the kernel is "more robust". But don't play games,
and stop the lying. It's more robust because we have maintainers that
care, and because we know that regressions are not something we can
play fast and loose with. If something breaks, and we don't know what
the right fix for that breakage is, we *revert* the thing that broke.
So yes, we're clearly better off doing it in the kernel.
Not because firmware loading cannot be done in user space. But simply
because udev maintenance since Greg gave it up has gone downhill.
Kay, this needs to be fixed.
Suggested fix: just use the 'seq_printf()' interfaces, which do the
proper buffering, and allow any size reads of various packetized data.
Of course, I'd also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought it
was a good idea to read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with system
calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted. Who the f*ck does
idiotic things like that? How did they noty die as babies, considering
that they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?
He's the hero the world deserves
fucking kek
>Linus, with only a week of work put into the project, annihilated all of the competition in the VCS market.
This shit always gets me. I think Linus truly showed his powerlevel when he annihilated BitKeeper overnight.
Please for the love of god post a link, I wanna see the code
How do I learn how to use a mailing list?
And why mailing list when you have GitHub
Why not go all the way and give up on html as well? I am sure RMS uses emacs to visit websites so he only sees the text
Tempted to subscribe and filter out all his replies so I've got hot wanking material in my inbox every night
ITT: autists fantasizing about an autist being in charge
hey pajeet, how about you find a new street to shit on. your current one is full
Chuckles were had, Linus is a god
>he's creating a hostile environment where i don't feel comfortable
how long before he is forced to leave the linux community
Naming the eternal kraut, Poettering
Systemd is cancer
Heres the mailing post:
Click on the nested links on the left to view replies, in turn those replies will have replies. Eventually it turns into giant cluster fuck of replies, from heaps of people, All of them backing up Linus.
>And please bring up "cultural sensitivity" while at it. And I'll give you back that same "cultural sensitivity". Please be sensitive to _my_ culture too.
>Google "management by perkele".
>Do you really want to oppress a minority? Because Finns are a minority compared to almost any other country. If you want to talk cultural sensitivity, I'll join you. But my culture includes cursing.
Holy shit finns are the kings of banter
It's a bug alright - in the kernel. How long have you been a
maintainer? And you *still* haven't learnt the first rule of kernel
If a change results in user programs breaking, it's a bug in the
kernel. We never EVER blame the user programs. How hard can this be to
To make matters worse, commit f0ed2ce840b3 is clearly total and utter
CRAP even if it didn't break applications. ENOENT is not a valid error
return from an ioctl. Never has been, never will be. ENOENT means "No
such file and directory", and is for path operations. ioctl's are done
on files that have already been opened, there's no way in hell that
ENOENT would ever be valid.
Shut up, Mauro. And I don't _ever_ want to hear that kind of obvious
garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again. Seriously.
I'd wait for Rafael's patch to go through you, but I have another
error report in my mailbox of all KDE media applications being broken
by v3.8-rc1, and I bet it's the same kernel bug. And you've shown
yourself to not be competent in this issue, so I'll apply it directly
and immediately myself.
Seriously. How hard is this rule to understand? We particularly don't
break user space with TOTAL CRAP. I'm angry, because your whole email
was so _horribly_ wrong, and the patch that broke things was so
obviously crap. The whole patch is incredibly broken shit. It adds an
insane error code (ENOENT), and then because it's so insane, it adds a
few places to fix it up ("ret == -ENOENT ? -EINVAL : ret").
The fact that you then try to make *excuses* for breaking user space,
and blaming some external program that *used* to work, is just
shameful. It's not how we work.
Fix your f*cking "compliance tool", because it is obviously broken.
And fix your approach to kernel programming.
I don't know, how many years does he have left to live? 20? 30? Maybe more?
>Greg might be a giant and he might squish people without ever even noticing, but that's just a grave, deadly physical threat no real kernel hacker ever feels threatened by. (Not much can hurt us deep in our dark basements after all, except maybe earthquakes, gamma ray eruptions and Mom trying to clean up around the computers.)
Sarah Sharp was portrayed as the stereotypical feminazi in the media and here, but reading her posts she makes it clear that it isn't about her being a woman or anything like that. And reading Linus' and the other dev's responses, no good argument is ever given as to why it should be tolerable to humiliate others or how politeness gets in the way of good work. Linus just keeps repeating that it's his way of doing things and anybody unhappy with it can fuck off. Like an autist isolating himself from reality.
kill yourself
poor Mauro
the level of argumentation here is incredible
I don't know, user. I think some of their reasoning is perfectly valid
Think about all the shitty programs you have ever used. They became that way because of soft cunts like Sarah Blunt. Do you want Linux to become that?
>Think about all the shitty programs you have ever used. They became that way because of soft cunts like Sarah Blunt.
People don't become incompetent the day you start holding them to some minimal standard of politeness.
Very eloquently said. Care to put arguments in your sentences?
they don't and shouldn't need to step around what Sara deems as 'appropriate' to converse on the mailing list. She doesn't have to get along with Linus, or anyone else, who she doesn't like the tone of just like they don't have to get along with her. Again, Linus only explodes when people who he knows can do better do stupid shit, or when they refuse to accept that their shit is wrong. If it's the first case, he belittles their code. If it's the second he tells them to change or find a new maintainer. Pussyfooting around in email is time consuming and can lead to people being confused and misinterpreting things. it's better to get right to it, get it out, and move on.
Honestly would take this any day over sterile automated PC emails.
exactly. I mean, even reading the entire thread (finally almost done) sara admits her original stance/email might not have been the most solid. I'd much rather have people being people than forced 'please fix, because you broke this. thank you for your time' friendly facade
This was so satisfying.
Because that's all Lennart and his butt buddies do, blame everyone but themselves for their shit, essentially saying "you're holding it wrong" and no one ever called them on it.
>That's no way to treat another human being
fuck off tranny liberal
hunks of FOSS making bitches pussies wet all day long.
Why no sexy pics of RMS and his big beefy cock?
>I'd also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought it
was a good idea to read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with system
calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted. Who the f*ck does
idiotic things like that? How did they noty die as babies, considering
that they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?
In posts like that it's not about pussyfooting anymore, it's about refraining your aggressive impulses. He is not direct here, he goes the extra mile to humiliate.
Result of this shit is competent devs leaving the project.
amazing argumentative skills you have here
>read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with system calls for each byte
>competent devs
you mad user?
I wish he would care about userspace
rms is a LISPing faggot
This. Linus is the best thing that happened to technology since the internet. Anyone who gets him mad has deserved it and he even fully explains why. It's not like he's just saying "NO NO NO REEEEE YOU ARE STUPID" like these TL;DR people assume. The person that gets him mad will know exactly what they did wrong. Some of the pastas here are even parts of conversations where he explains how someone is still trying to be smug while producing garbage and refusing to fix it. It didn't start that way.
>posts no arguments
>expects arguments in return
He managed to make a whole kernel and keep it working that way, why should he change? His "if you don't like it, get out" attitude is reasonable.
>competent devs making mistakes like that
Humiliation is a great door for improvement tho
The tinydrm code seems like absolute pure shit that has never seen a compiler.
I'm upset, because I expect better quality control. In fact, I expect
*some* qualitty control, and this piece-of-shit driver has clearly
seen none at all.
And those patches were apparently committed yesterday.
I get tons and tons of lines of warnings:
drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c: In function ‘mipi_dbi_typec1_command’:
drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/mipi-dbi.c:65:20: warning: field width
specifier ‘*’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 5 has type
‘size_t {aka long unsigned int}’ [-Wformat=]
DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER("cmd=%02x, par=%*ph\n", cmd, len, data); \
with nasty chains of nested defines, but then I also get actual compile failures
drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/core/tinydrm-helpers.c:198:26: error:
redefinition of ‘tinydrm_of_find_backlight’
struct backlight_device *tinydrm_of_find_backlight(struct device *dev)
In file included from drivers/gpu/drm/tinydrm/core/tinydrm-helpers.c:11:0:
./include/drm/tinydrm/tinydrm-helpers.h:53:1: note: previous
definition of ‘tinydrm_of_find_backlight’ was here
tinydrm_of_find_backlight(struct device *dev)
(with similar stuff for tinydrm_disable_backlight()).
It looks like it might compile if CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE was
enabled rather than being a module.
Doing this:
in tinydrm-helpers.h gets rid of the complete build failure, and only
leaves the tens of lines of warnings.
How the hell did this get to the point where crap like this is even
sent to me? Nobody tested *anything*?
Linus has a huge ego. No wonder all the good devs have left long ago
kernel dev doesn't use github because there are too many retards.
you could use the rss
>good devs
In your dreams maybe
Sophie Wilson knows her shit
>still defending people developing like shit
if you can't tell the difference between an attack on your code and an attack on your very existence, maybe working with other people isn't your forte
how is that not an attack on your very existence?
and i should add:
he was furious. Be a better developer and that stuff doesn't happen
big baby didn't learn to cope with his emotions, if he throws tantrums it's not his fault, don't annoy him
he expects a certain quality of code coming from his developers. They fuck up. Hard. He knows they can do better. If he says "oh, uh Mr., Your code could be better. I mean, seriously, who actually goes through that silly stuff bit by bit? Lol. Could you pretty please fix it? Thanks" not only does it get across how annoyed he is, but it also doesn't put them in the spotlight, which is useful for ensuring they don't make the mistake again. hell user, you're on Sup Forums. If wanting people to be professional and not insult each other is your preference, you wouldn't be here.
>but muh professionalism
Linus doesn't want that, for reasons explained in the email thread.
not only does it not get across how annoyed he is*
Without him Linux would die.
Honestly I don't give a fuck about corporate etiquette but It's probably more productive to treat your team like responsible people who don't need to be dragged in the mud to fix things. What he gets instead is people being upset and ultimately leaving the project. Not everybody can cope with this shit.
>tried to corner Linus
again, him and others have stated in the email chain all of those points. him, and others, said (in short) that while maybe it's a bit too much on rare occasions, it's deserved and reasonable the vast majority of the time. if they can't cope they should go through a middleman instead of being directly next to Linus in the chain of command, he spent an entire email on that topic
it wasn't ever about sarah sharp being a girl, she didn't complain about being a poor girl in a white male environment or any shit like that as far as I know
from what I've read Linus was first mention her gender
SAVAGE and he's completely correct as always