>average Sup Forums user is a university educated programmer making 150k starting at fortune 500 companies in silicon valley
>I'm an electrician making 60k
Who else /brainlet loser/ here?
>average Sup Forums user is a university educated programmer making 150k starting at fortune 500 companies in silicon valley
>I'm an electrician making 60k
Who else /brainlet loser/ here?
No mam, 90% of Sup Forumstards are actually neets who have never worked a day in their life. Why do you think linux desktop threads were so popular?
> Linux desktops aren't used in the industry
60k is pretty decent if you live in a low cost of living area.
why would I work a day in my life when I invested in Bitcoin back when the topic first came up on Sup Forums ? fucking brainlets slaving away in some rotten dungeon for their shekels. kek
Don't you have some linux flavor shitposting thread to be in? What flavor is it this week, BSD?
60k is good money i only make 30k and i just graduated
60k is good unless you live in new york or cali
I rest my case.
if you actually believe this, I have a bridge to sell you.
I make 80k working at a small dev shop, it's all good
but you're just making that up user. there's no need to lie on an anonymous image board
i dunno, maybe for a better purpose than eating cheetos, drinking mountain dew and masturbating to internet porn?
maybe you want to find a woman?
why would I lie ? I wont work a single day in my entire life all because I listened to Sup Forums. maybe you should do the same thing user.
once Bitcoin goes a bit higher and I sell it all off I will simply get a women by throwing around money. no need to look before that because I would upgrade later anyway.
>sharing your 50% of your buttcoins with some roastie
You just need more experience my dude.
Once you get 3-5 years under your belt you'll be able to demand 6 figures.
if you really did invest when bitcoin was first mentioned here you've already made 65000+% in profits. no need to 'wait for it to go higher'. just proved that you're just lying user, it's time to grow u..
>I'm a virgin
that's the perfect way to attract a slag you'll never be happy with.
you have it all figured out, user.
Obviously I didnt invest when the very first thread popped up but I was one of the early adopters. also I lost quite a bit with shitcoins and trading like a retard because I am a brainlet. Still I already have enough to retire right now, but if I wait just a bit longer I will have enough to be a fucking richfag for the rest of my life.
all women are golddigging slags. they didnt want me when I was a poor, fat and ugly neet with a small dick that was living my moms basement. but when I have money they suddenly want me, fuck these whores.
why do you care if we believe you or not?
I dont really, I simply explained it incase you were a brainlet that takes everything literal so I clarified my statement.
You can learn anything, user. Education also does not only come out of the butt end of a high priced institution.
You can advance in life.
Industrial electrician master race
I've...seen things you people wouldn't believe, $10 billion worth of equipment running on windows 3.11 in the year 2017, DCS systems so old and complex they developed self awareness
Analog everything, soon to be gone forever, like tears in the rain
sounds like caring to me
go spend some of your gains on a hooker
What horrible things must have happened in your life that you ended up feeling inadequate because of a "100k a year meme" on Sup Forums.
do you work on PLCs or just connecting them?
>Who else /brainlet loser/ here?
Uh, almost everyone? Because those scenarios you've mentioned can't possibly be proven to be true, especially not on an anonymous image board. Stop taking Sup Forums that seriously.
go fuck yourself user, I am still more successfull than you ever will be. you might have been the Chad in your little highschool but out in the real world the only thing that counts is money and I have plenty. So the only thing left for you to do is pick up the leftovers after I have picked the absolute 10/10 women I want to be with. we will see who has the last laugh. and the best part is I can sit around fapping to anime all day and being a disgusting fatass and women will still line up for me once I cash out. Meanwhile you watch your diet and measure it all to the gram trying to hit the gym 7 times a week. kek enjoy your miserable life.
In my first year of CompSci, what am I in for lads?
i didn't read your post, you sound upset. use some of your gains to fix that.
>projecting this hard
you fucking imbecile are just jealous of my life, stay mad
lmao, i wish you realized the irony of your post
you'll breeze through it if you're decent at discrete math
>Six figures
Hahahaha fuck off. The only physical trade profession offering that much money is underwater welding and only the best of the best among friends can get such jobs. And it's borderline life threatening. Average yearly salary for trade jobs stay at 50k to 70k.
2-4 qt3.14s that drop out during or after the first semester.
1-2 uggos that will graduate in the program, but not really understand anything. But they won't ask for help because they're just as autistic as the boys.
Sorry, when I say "drop out" I mean switch to business/management/marketing/communications.
ignorance, the post
Did you fucking read it?
He's first year. There's going to be the 2-4 8+'s who are only doing CS for the scholarships they're getting. When they realize they can't just suck their way through the courses, they'll drop.
if they're smart and decent looking or better, they'll just group with smart beta orbiters and pass on those merits alone.
Im an electrician makin 0 k
Proof, you user motherfucker
if that's enough to pass in your university you should study somewhere else.
it's enough to pass in most universities. learn the ways of the cheat.
Yeah, not here (Liberal Arts College)
The girls didn't want to talk to the boys, and heaven forbid any of them talk to "the ones with tits".
I have a girl u will never have...
Pillows aren't that hard to buy, friendo.
please remember the safety videos about holding your breath with overly full lungs before throwing a breaker's switch
one of my dad's coworkers inhaled vaporized copper during a switch blowing up when being turned on last year
he could have survived with severe burns if it was external, but not when he breathed in during the event
?? If you don't have a 10/10 grill right now, you never will. I hope you know that having money doesn't get girls, that's a meme. You have to have half a personality first(Which you dont)
have you heard of cost of living? You could practically live the same on $75k in Richmond as you could on $150k in San Francisco
Don't worry, no one in Sup Forums makes more than you. No one in Sup Forums even works.
I earn $9000 a year, and I love being a bum. I just tell women I'm an entrepreneur.
I've never heard of this. Anymore information?
don't waste time on that loser, his asspain and delusion know no bounds.
I make 28k delivering flowers
many rich and ugly old men have young gfs because they have money
27 making 200k a year developing software with no degree
take that, college!
why would you want one of those women outside of entirely vain matters?
that's awesome, user. i wanna be like you someday.
fake it til you make it!
Machinist on track for 80k this yr, good bit of OT though. I deal with shitty old fanuc controls, and I'm usually the guy to decipher what's going on with the esoteric conversational controls on some of the machines.
where do you live? how'd you get into the job?
Yeah, yeah nice one son, but your mother ain't a pillow
this. the whole board has a HUGE fucking spillover from Sup Forums, by the way. any "career" bullshit you see on here is probably LARP.
nice numbers.