>apple is sh-
Apple is sh-
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tell that to the san bernardio shooter
Apple is a part of PRISM and you are retarded if you believe this.
Apple refused time and time again and eventually they just hired hackers to get his data as Apple still wouldn't give access.
>Apple still wouldn't give access
It's not that they wouldn't. They just couldn't
In this case Apple just hands much of the data off to third parties after "sanitizing it".
Anything that Siri can't answer from data on your device it just Bings or Googles. You think Microsoft and Google haven't figured out how to collate that data?
Different kettle. Any data that went into iCloud would have been made available to authorities, but any data solely on the device can't be handed over, and that's what the FBI wanted access to.
Apple wouldn't help break the security on the device.
If it was an android or windows phone you know for a fact they would have handed over the data in an instant.
Okay, shill.
>nudes taken are being filed under a relevant tag
Sorry what is the problem here Pajeet?
is iCloud the most private form of cloud storage there is? I was told MEGA got co-opted by the kiwistan authorities awhile back.
That's the whole point.
already explained here:
I don't think they have anywhere near the same levels of difficulty of getting past the protection measures on either of those platforms, but Google can't inherently give access to all Android phones. If it was a Samsung phone then maybe Samsung would have folded and tried to help them.
Mind you, I'm not even sure Android is any easier to decrypt than Apple would be. The security systems are different but the encryption levels are still at least equivalent.
>is iCloud the most private form of cloud storage there is?
No. Apple has full access to it.
>The security systems are different but the encryption levels are still at least equivalent.
So Android has the secure processor exclusively for handling data encryption keys? I didn't know that.
>No. Apple has full access to it.
They don't have a use for it. They don't have an advertising arm or an analytics division.
That's not even necessary.
You can encrypt your shit just fine without it. You don't need it for encrypting your Linux drive do you? No.
The secure enclave is used to hold encryption keys for various things, including the storage, but it doesn't make the actual encryption any more secure.
Think of it more like a hardware Keypass.
Why exactly do they need to tell this to their users? Isn't it suspicious?
Because the data is shared between all your devices it cannot use any of the device keys which means only a common key can be used, Apple's keys.
This is why the fappening was a thing. All the data is available to them.
Try using your brain for a second.
Privacy is a meme
What is even the point of these threads? If you seiously think having iphonr or android phone is a risk, then give an alternative.
Some will say get rid of cell phone altogether but that isnt feasible in 2017. Nor is living with just landline.
All big US countries are in bed with the US government, you think most people will believe that Apple is not? You we believe that feds hired some hacker to break into a device and that's how they got inside? The world works differently...
Of course Apple and US gov. won't say anything because it will hurt Apple's rep and sells.
Everyone knows Apple coders are just too inept to adequately execute a data collection scheme and have something to use it for
What about that one nigger who asked siri where to hide a dead body and thus cops got him?
Sure, and all of the sudden they ""((hacked))'''' into his phone and eventually got the data.
That's so much more plausible than the US gov. letting Apple customers keep their false sense of security while still just getting all data from Apple they need.
They paid for an irasel firms 0 day in the millions to get into that phone, and the exploit only exists on older models. Research moar.
Shit on apple all you want but secure enclave is the real fucking deal, it's the most secure phone on the market regardless.
delet this goy
If something can upload data, why would you trust anything it says?
Now go ahead and unlock my iphone.
*nothing personal kid*
Well... Apple has only been Pro-privacy after the Snowden leaks. And we know from those leaks that they don't care about privacy at all. Would not surprise me if it's just marketing
Now do it on any modern version of iOS since they took that ability out years ago.
>they took that ability out
it gets scarier than that:
The fact secret services and countries law enforcement agencies take them to court to access data and deny that they can isn't proof enough? Or they spend tens of millions telling these agencies to fuck off for the fun of it?
Fuck apple for not being more helpful in that case. Shitty muslim isis scum dont have rights to anything except a swift death
sure buddy, stop sucking yourself off. all big corporations are your enemy and you should use at your own risk.
What does Prism have to do with advertisers?
Advertisers sell your data, the feds use it to put your ass in jail whenever they feel like it.
This autism level
based apple
Droidfags eternally btfo'd
>"WAH, stop insulting my fruit religion. Praise steve jobs ;_;"
Well not shit iPhones are more secure.
Android literally stops updating in your phone. Who the fuck would buy something that stops updating.
A lot a click bait shit like the 'icloud hacks' and other cherry picked events
The fact you only found this handful of items on google is a testament of how safe iphones are.
If i started collecting links of these websites with android related security concerns I would literally never get to the end of it.
Android literally stops updating in your phone. Who the fuck would buy this shit.
nice blog
here's your (You)
They literally gave the government access to a phone months before, like straight up just gave into the FBI's request, don't give me that shit that they wouldn't or couldn't, obviously the FBI got around their security, the court case was just for show to see if apple would do things the easy way
>exploit only exists on older models
They also could use a copy of the ram. A bit harder, but always win.
> you can do it knowing that Apple does gather your personal information
> does gather
Apple spends thousands on this shit, and have an entire team reviewing this shit for spelling and poor grammar.
There's no way they'd fuck something like that up.
their team consist of morbidly obese SJW trannies and fags
>Advetiser's use your information to sell you stuff
>Government uses it to jail you and create a police state.
>Hur dur at least my personal data isn't going to advertising companies
I have no idea what this means, but I'm just going to assume it's something I don't like.
NSA really has bad slides
here's what you should have read
>diagnostic capabilities requires the user to have unlocked their device and agreed to trust another computer. Any data transmitted between the iOS device and trusted computer is encrypted with keys not shared with Apple. For users who have enabled iTunes Wi-Fi Sync on a trusted computer, these services may also be accessed wirelessly by that computer.
That comes from apple the same people who said they respect your privacy before getting raped by hackers and 4 waves of the fappening happening.
Apple devices,especially the mobiles, don't interoperate well with my my personal secure open source infrastructure. Android does it much better but it's still shit too. I also do compartmentalization so phone being pwned by by IRL entities doesn't screw much, and on line only stuff doesn't touch my phone. However, switching my infrastructure to be compatible with Apple's bullshit will compromise the security of the larger, more important system. Also phones being so un-trustable makes it not a wise thing to dump money on them because I don't want to rely on their functionality much in the first place.
>Apple doesn't gather your personal information to sell to advertisers and other organizations.
This doesn't address them giving it for free in accordance to PRISM and such lel.
Besides, computers work on code, not on marketing promises. And when your shit leaves to a server you don't control, consider it wide open, you can't prove otherwise.
tip top kek
You do realize the iCloud hax was basically first dumped on Sup Forums in the first place. "We" very much experienced it first hand, at least openly. Lel at you for downplaying that hack, we have the nudes of basically all the celebs thanks to it.
>they say they don't spy on me, it MUST be true!!!!
Fucking lmao
For a normie there are two choices :
- Government and advertisers get all their shit
- Government gets most their shit (mostly metadata, on phone data depends on exploits, which are getting scarcer)
>Apple wouldn't help break the security on the device.
falling for this marketing sham
Burgerland is truly going to the shitter. What's next? Pajeets taking over their tech jo... oh shit.
I'll just believe if they open the source code.
literally baited by the government with fake suicidos
wow android fags really don't like that apple doesn't sell your info eh? salty.
Fuck off muhammad
There's been apple employees seen selling whole databases of customer data on deepnet...
And actually siri itself taught of it.
why is this slide at critically low health
Who do you trust more? A fucking advertisement company who relays on selling people's data to make money or a hardware company that has been in the tech industry since the 70s?
Bunch of marketing scum is what apple is.