How do you deal with social norms Sup Forums?

How do you deal with social norms Sup Forums?
All of my friends and peers are using facebook messenger, but it's so shit
>extremely bloated
>heavy on battery for some reason
>no dark theme
I have been using the Lite version for the past month and it's been bettet but still glaring at night
And a pain in the ass when someone "emojis" your messege and you dont know so you kewp wait for a response

So what can you do?
Third party apps?
Hermit life?

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I don't know what age group you're in but for me I'm 32 and i can't give less shit about being on Facebook. I haven't made new friends on Facebook and the ones that I want to keep contacts of I already have text.

It's literally not enriching my life. I have a certain account that i log in every once in a while to check shit out if it comes to that but I have no friends on it and update nothing on it.

It's fucking amazing.

I have no friends

-real phone calls
-japanese botnet aka. Viber

I call people when I need to see them

this and text

>japanese botnet aka. Viber
Viber is jewish botnet.
LINE is japanese botnet.

I sometimes lose out on potential friends when I tell them I don't use snapchat, instagram, twitter or facebook. I don't care about them so, not a big deal. My phone number and whatsapp are just fine for me.

You're already using FaceBook

The few people I communicate with are all on IRC.

Whatsapp is owned by facebook
People are mostly 20
And use fb messenger for group chats very often
Like we used to use skype groupchats back when we were younger
I dont use facebook as a social media tool or whatever it is, just for messeging, because being anti-social is not an option if you want to have a healthy mind
I cannot use sms with my friends who moved away to different countries and its not group chat capable like people expect things to be right now

I'm using messenger and Signal, nothing else
I'm 22 on uni and if I don't use messenger I'm royally fucked out of everything, so I have to, glaring security holes aside.
I've managed to get some friends using signal though, and they are kinda making their friends since they are a bit paranoid too so I'll probably be dumping messenger soon for good

I read the wiki page
Viber was developed by jew and then bought by japanese
So the logical conclusion is that it was made by the jews to spy on the japanese
>royally fucked out of everything
Exactly what im trying to say


In May 2013, some users on started complaining about alleged fraudulent charges on credit cards after using their cards on In some cases it was alleged that the victims' names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth and credit card information were used to open accounts at other online vendors.[67][68] In response, issued a statement that the company has undertaken significant measures to validate the security of the site, and that the results of a third-party investigation from a technical forensics company found no wrongdoing on their end.[69]

In March 2014, UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) named the company as the world's biggest online retailer of whale meat and elephant ivory, calling on the company to stop selling the items. In April 2014, Rakuten announced that it was ending all online sales of whale and dolphin meat by the end of the month.[70] In July 2017, Rakuten announced that it was banning ivory sales on its sites.[71]

I gave a rethought about using Viber since gooks bought it but not anymore.

how? like this:
except i'm 27

but i already had my glory days in the early to mid 2000s. no web design bloat/gloat, pre-youtube video hosting was hard as fuck, but then early youtube came out and it was amazing for uploading your shitty skate video, texts actually cost money back then (oops went over my limit AGAIN), myspace was king and was completely devoid of adults (unless you were a girl i guess, pedos have always been around but obv i'm a guy), 12 hour chat sessions on aol with girls from school was a normal thing back then, etc. etc.

i peaked then, and honestly i liked things so much more back then, so i'm not too mad/sad about how the rest of my life won't compare to those times.

I just deal with fb messenger. It's trash, but nothing else does gifs in fb messenger, which I love sending.

fb messenger lite is also missing fucktonnes of features so I can't use that either.

I feel your pain and holy shit snapchat is the most garbage app ever, but it's a necessary evil for me now.

No one cares. That's why.

Maybe those that care have similar Sup Forums friends and share in the autism. If you ever went outside and were social you would know that people don't care.

Imagine being out and about and someone asks you add them on Facebook or something.

>n-no thanks i dont use non-free software s-sorry...

There goes any chance of you being normal and making real friends. Let's not pretend like you wouldn't trade your retarded Sup Forums friends for normal people.

That's why.

Classmates, parents and relatives use WhatsApp, it's the only reason why I'm still using it
For the important people I use Telegram
I use Facebook just for anime memes and communities, but I wouldn't really care if I was forced to stop using it
And finally Twitter, I use it to get in touch with artists and other famous people, but just occasionally

Whatsapp for the everyday stuff, Telegram for some groups and functionality, It's quite awesome really, and my ex gf used to be my go-to link on facebook, because I don't have one.

I use Lite (not Messenger Lite). You can both lurk fb and use the messaging service, very light, fuck emojis

you have to be 18 to post here


>All of my friends and peers are using facebook messenger, but it's so shit
What's shit about it? Messenger lite is actually very good.

>it's been better but still glaring at night
Write a custom theme for or grab an existing implementation here:

I stick to using WhatsApp, Messenger and Pushbullet for texts, seems to work for me.

I don't.

meeting up
whatsapp as last resort

What does Sup Forums think of groupme?

hermit life for me. only way to reach me is:
- jabber
- email
- phone call

I meant messenger lite is glaring, i already stylus with dark themes for almost everything on my pc

Ughh, same problems here, OP.

What's worse is people my age are on fb messenger and older people are on viber.

I got bitlbee to work with messenger thru XMPP, and even if it's not perfect, at least I can pretend it's IRC or something.

On the other hand, fuck Viber and its hipster protocols.

This is the only right way.

How about this?

Use Firefox for mobile if you're too autistic to deal with a bright UI.

Thats retarded, whats the point of quick messeging if it aint quick

It's you being difficult not Facebook Messenger. Everyone else can deal with a bright UI and plenty of people prefer bright themes, I use bright themes for all of my dev environments and it triggers a lot of people.

Why not just turn the brightness down if it's such an issue?


>You're different so you're underage

Hermit life.Just say you only respond to phone calls. My buddies understand.

>I'm 22 on uni and if I don't use messenger I'm royally fucked out of everything

What do you mean?

my OOP class has a facebook group

If they stop hanging out with you because of that then they're not worth your while. I'd hate having to pretend to like what everybody likes because everybody likes it. See what I mean?

My "retarded Sup Forums friends" are actual friends worth hanging out with that will never sell you out

what is retroshare?

Same here, all the announcements are done there and all the leaks and communication happens in a chat group

I switched to facebook lite so i dont need two battery and storage whoring apps, and its just as effective.
All I care about is sending text and the occasional picture, and lite lets me do that. If I really wanna do something more, I can wait til i can use a computer. Sucks theres no dark theme, but what can you do.

tl;dr fb lite just works

I have everyone I talk to on whatsapp. Messenger and Whatsapp are both pieces of shit but at least I don't have to deal with Messenger's bloated app and Facebook a lot.

Why is everything payed on substratum?

>extremely bloated
What's that meme, OP? Which part of the messenger is "extremely bloated"? Are you saying "extremely bloated' whenever you wake up? Do you say "extremely bloated" first thing when you see your mom? Is Space "extremely bloated" for you? Vacuum, perhaps?
>heavy on battery for some reason
>no dark theme
literal autism

Total: 4/10, made me reply.

Get a Messenger Lite APK or just text them.

You have to become a hardened man and stick to principles. Life in the modern age is comfy with proprietary/drm bloat like Spotify and Netflix. Selling your soul buys you many luxuries and conveniences. Be disciplined with yourself and focus on the long long term, and you will see that the costs of Skype and Facebook and other conveniences outweigh their benefits--and maybe you will be so inconvenienced without them that you dedicate time to developing a good alternative.

I'm in Uni.
On my phone I have

>fb messenger - most friends and family
>whatsapp - my uni group cuz some people don't have facebook
>discord - online friends
>slack - uni group project communication, I suggested discord and nobody heard of it, but some used slack at their dev work so we went with that
>snapchat - desu its been dead for a while, should remove
>twitter - follow famous people
>google duo - talk to family with good video



Since when does a messeging app need all those permisions?
Since when does it need to use so many resources? THAT IS WHY ITS HEAVY ON BATTERY YOU FUCKING RETARD

goo bait made me reply

What is it with Sup Forums's obsession with dark themes? Do you really just sit in the dark 24/7 with no lights and your display's brightness turned up to the max?

Dark themes are much easier on your eyes no matter if its day time or not, you can feel it after using one for a while and then going to for example
Once you go black you dont go back

This is a pretty shitty argument, you should be sat in a well-lit room if you care about such things.

I've disabled every permission apart from storage.

It sucks that FB has become the norm so unless I want to lost contact with all my friends then I have to use it. I'd be happier if you could only use messenger without FB but they're tied in together.

I always have good lighting when I use a computer, a dark theme is honestly more visually obnoxious.

Maybe there is some truth to what you are saying, I'm just sharing my personal experience, I like to spend time in a cave

You might be right and I might be wrong, but fuck you anyway just for a good measure.

There's Disa if you absolutely need the botbet

Reminder that it's
"Daylight Saving Time",
"Daylight Savings Time".

The phrase "Daylight Savings Time" is incorrect. The plural "savings" became popular because it's used in everyday contexts, like "savings account." The grammatically correct usage is "daylight saving time." The expression is singular and not capitalized, according to the US Government Publishing Office style guide. The GPO provides the guidance, "d.s.t., daylight saving (no 's') time."

Reminder to correct your friends and colleagues.

Take the L
messenger is the only way to communicate with normal people your age

I believe they collect all chats but works very good for group sms and the app extends that. Wish it respected privacy tho

step 1) dont be an autist
2) or dont use fb like a pro
3) ur real friends will contact u on SMS


I use pidgin on my pc for skype, facebook and hangouts

I wish there was something like that for phones but fuck it


pay denbts

You're fucking retarded

Thank the Lord my tech illiterate normie friends use telegram for some reason.

pigdin still works for facebook?

You aren't wrong though.

fuck yeah, there's a third party plugin listed on their page

>capitalizes SMS
>uses u instead of you
kek, exactly the way I type when I'm talking to normies (especially Stacies).

I don't have any friends, girlfriend or a job, so thats a non issue.
Hopefully my mother will be dead soon, so things can only improve.

I want normalfags to LEAVE.

termux and Finch

Solution: Be like me and don't have any friends.

install Disa

I need to level up my autism before I can use a CLI client on my phone

>No one cares. That's why.

Sucks for them. Personally I do this and it makes people think I'm sort of ascetic holy man, which is desirable. If I wanted "normal friends" I wouldn't have spent 16 hours a day every day programming computers since I was 12.

> heavy on battery for some reason

That's because just like the Facebook app, it enables your microphone and records all surrounding sound, and uploads it to Facebook's servers to detect phrases being said for more accurate ads.
Possibly also heavy CPU utilization due to local speech recognition of said recorded audio, to save bandwidth and also save CPU power on Facebooks end.

I use mailman.
Whenever people start to talk about "we should make a facebook group, I whip out my laptop and make a mailinglist instead.
Everyone already have email on their phone anyway and so far people agree it is a good alternative since it gets messages out to everyone.
>And a pain in the ass when someone "emojis" your messege and you dont know so you kewp wait for a response
what would this sentence mean if someone translated it into english?

Use any of the alternative clients that don't rape your battery. They've been mentioned in this thread.

I use this Desu

Some people don't want eye cancer brightness everywhere.

>anime memes
kill yourself

Messenger Lite is fine. It's an official Facebook app.

Inferior in every way.



why is this not on iOS?

Unfortunately I do need fb messenger because a select few of my friends who I really do care for insist on using it. I've given up on my smart phones ever not being a pozzed piece of shit. x86 is my last holdout for freedom and even that's fucked beyond belief thanks to the only two fuckers

Signal > Telegram

i learned recently you can use messeger without a FB acc, but not sure what the deal is

>phone + whatsapp
This. I am still paranoid about using WA tho.

I never had a usability issue using messenger but I never liked the idea of using it as it doesn't support E2E encryption.

However I got fortunate that it was running so poorly on a friend's phone I managed to switch everyone over to Wire as a decent usable alternative. Like, his battery would drain in a matter of an hour or two it got so bad.

I use a mix of hangouts/wire/irc


Delete it and if someone wants to contact you then they would have to do so in a service of your choice. That's what I do. If they actually need something they'll do it.

Telegram group chats suck imo
I'd rather be in a Skype group

MaterialFBook on fdroid is fine.
Messenger lite is shit but ain't bloat.
I still use snapchat too