A FOSS decentralized image board. Maybe with different servers for different boards or they all contribute to a big board. I don't know yet. But join #freechan-dev on freenode if y'all are interested. I'm not particularly skilled at programming but we'll see if it takes off.
Pic unrelated idk what else to use for now
New Sup Forums project idea
Other urls found in this thread:
Here was my bingo from last time. How'd I do, anons?
Hello everyone
Am I winning, dad?
feels gud not to be a Sup Forumsfag
yay I guess
Did I win or lose?
>Posting an image more interesting than the topic.
wasn't the topic about the bingo anyway? I thought developing an improved version of Sup Forums bingo was the new Sup Forums project idea
Yes please. We fucking need that real hard right now. We need a way for nodes to set themselves up as moderators anonymously with only the amount of subscribed nodes to help guide people to the active moderating nodes.
We need full decentralization and no cancer shit like Sup Forums which is about to disable legacy captchas. Not to mention we need to take care of the cancer, the redditards and the normalfags. And consumerism garbage on Sup Forums.
All of this is plausible in a decentralized setting only. And nntp-overchan doesn't count because it requires too much investment and is too risky for the necessary number of nodes to run. Instead we need pieces to be distributed network-wide.
Overall I think that ipfs with pubsub can do everything needed, although ipfs's daemon is dogshit right now.
We have GOT to get this working, though. Every passing day it becomes more urgent. People have been saying 'you're here forever' for over a decade, but it won't be long before the last couple of people who've been there that long are gone as well. And with them gone, all you're left with are the crowd that thinks identifying and tracking everyone so they can ignore the content of their post and only use reputation as an argument is the sumum of internet culture and should be mandated by law.
How do you own a MacBook Pro but say you don't have an Apple product
come join us in #freechan-dev on freenode
>Don't own any apple products or services
>I said no
Can you read, user?
>16:10 monitor is MBP
>doesnt have apple shit
extract anywhere but the steam folder and run the exe
user, I feel sorry for you being this retarded.
The bingo thing says DON'T own.
I said no to this.
Which means that I DO own one.
Holy fucking shit
While uncommon, 16:10 displays aren't exclusive to Apple. ebay.com
Whats that book mentionedd with caption as read it?
"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
by Gerald Jay Sussman and Hal Abelson
Here is a pdf : mitpress.mit.edu
Can you write with proper grammar and not use a double negative?
Sure. Can you stop being a brainlet?
>using words like
>using words
>decentralized image board.
>Maybe with different servers for different boards
neo-Sup Forums
New time lurker. What's the book?
>>dont use apple shit
>>have a monitor with 16:10
>Can you stop being a brainlet
Red is Apple ecosystem
Fuck off appletoddler.
No I'm fine.
- sent from my iPhone 5S
don't take them seriously user, i think it's a new trolling technique around here or something
nobody could be that retarded
Sup Forums is as type of social media so anyone that has that checked is full of shit
>attaches the Sup Forums bingo image as a pic unrelated
>expects relevant on topic conversation
i know i'm part of the problem, but why is legacy captcha so important?
Because unless you're connected to a google account and all scripts are enabled, it takes several minutes to """solve""" a non-legacy captcha, whereas it doesn't even take a second to solve the legacy captchas.
fuck, so that's why it's such a pain on my linux laptop vs on my windows one
I have no idea why owning a graphing calculator is on this chart.
It's like asking if you've taken high school algebra before.
I tick all these boxes and I've been lurking Sup Forums for all of 2 days. You fags are basic.
Haha nice one reddit you almost fooled us but then you gave yourself away. When random faggots have the power to silence people on a whim you get just another reddit where if you don't like shilling for hill then sorry but you've just been banned from every subreddit automatically.
How long would it take before you have a script that bans any cryptographic ID that has posted saying that they don't think it was her turn from every single node under reddit control?
t. retard
>what were ponywars
It's like some of you really believe that Sup Forums is all about freedom
Haha yeah what an idiot fellow redditor we all know that giving control of boards to anonymous individuals is the perfect solution.
It totally doesn't lead to 3 people controlling 90% of boards and deciding who gets to use the site and who gets autobanned for wrongthink.
Sup Forums doesn't ban me for having too much to think in public so it's a big improvement on reddit.
But if you guys think you are such wicked smart redditors because you've seen rich and morto why don't you try suggesting some of your potential moderation methods and I'll tell you how a high tier redditor would abuse them to silence dissent.
Do I win mommy?
OK reddit whatever you say brailet.
>le funny brainlet wojak maymay xD
So far it's only you that's talking about reddit.
We were talking about Sup Forums alternative, not reddit so if you are so obsessed with your shitty site go, stay there and never come back
>audiophile headphones
And I'll how the reason you were really banned is just because you're an asshole which is what really happens in 99% of these cases. The fact that you're so emotionally charged about it just further goes to show how insufferable you are as a person.
inb4 this never comes to fruition
i never had facebook, but i have a twitter
married, 29, posting since 2006
Pretty neat idea, except a lot of the people who have the resources to do this (time) are in school now.
>Also, fuck bingo
>doesn't know a single programming language
>posts on Sup Forums
get out
I don't really get why you would use a "hacker phone", you can just attach a real keyboard to a normal android phone.
I've never needed to, and the few bits I've needed for pi projects I can literally copy what the tutorials say :^)
i'm afraid you're of touch with reality
Sup Forums i now a tech consumerist board filled with 16 year olds
what the fug
You have my sword. Please, shill this idea later in another thread - I'll try to join you then, although I'm not very experienced programmer (php-laravel fullstack meme webdeveloper + python developer + very basic knowledge of C and C++).
and quite a few of them actually run linux
Fuck me
I'm in the middle of learning Java, R and Python because my uni wants me to, but since I am no expert yet, I didn't check the programming language field.
>download ubuntu from windows store
>sudo apt-get screenfetch
You are now part of the Sup Forums elite
I'm a huge faggot please rape my face
I got a bingo, I was hoping I wouldn't
Haha yes fellow redditor we need tough moderation on our Sup Forums alternative
Ok only if you put on lipstick
So I asked in my bingo, but I figure i'd ask here too. Is the MDR-V6 considered to be audiophile enough for Sup Forums? I know jack shit about headphones for the most part.