>Saudi Arabia has become the first country to give a robot citizenship
Why aren't you guys talking about this?
>Saudi Arabia has become the first country to give a robot citizenship
Why aren't you guys talking about this?
Strategically created to be bald so she doesn't have to cover her shameful, sinful hair for the sand niggers.
>Why aren't you guys talking about this?
Because it's a marketing gimmick. The robot offers nothing new in terms of robotics, machine learning or mimicking human expressions.
The only thing mildly amusing with this """news""" is that they granted a robot more rights than females currently have in SA.
>The only thing mildly amusing with this """news""" is that they granted a robot more rights than females currently have in SA.
SJW shitstorm when?
>giving citizenship to a woman that can be turned off
because this is retarded and >pic related
So if I control "her", I could for example make rip off companies and make "her" take the fall for it, or related mischievous activities?
Sell drugs? Etc?
Newer. Islam is sacred among leftists because they're conflating culture and race.
> a whole new meaning for "identity theft"
I want to believe!
>Why aren't you guys talking about this?
There were 3 posts the day it was presented. Giving citizenship for marketing purposes seems wrong.
Is dat sum GODJESUS ?
Has it been stoned to death yet?
No, see
I understood that reference.
I pretend to practice Islam in order to counter signal leftists on social media with total impunity
>non-sentient, non-general intelligence gets citizenship because it looks like a human in a country where people worship a pedophile terrorist as their prophet
What a surprise.
>The only thing mildly amusing with this """news""" is that they granted a robot more rights than females currently have in SA.
>meanwhile real women can't drive
Saudi Arabia propaganda
well said!
>robots have more rights than women
And yet people wonder why I support nuking the Middle East.
Still more sentient than a real woman
what's the difference between a robot and a female that lives in Saudi Arabia? Legally, there is no difference
Because its not a real story, its marketing for saudi arabia to look technologically advanced.
From what I hear the robot isnt even that advanced, and certainly nowhere near the levels of intelligence of other AI's like AlphaGo.
The only noteworthy thing about this is nothing to do with the robot, its just a reminder that a country essentially has a marketing department which is interesting but we already knew that.
because it's gay
because saudi arabia and it's opinion literally doesn't matter
>In saudi arabia, women are objects. So in principle objects can be women. And women are eligible for citizenship.
Based Saudi Arabia.
>Saudi Arabia tries to look progressive to the west
fuck em, let the sand swallow their cities and return everything back to the sand
>Implying women have any inteligence.
Top kek m7.
but can you fuck it