Why is it that people who have better luck with the silicon lottery and tend to get better overclocks usually have more success with women?
Why is it that people who have better luck with the silicon lottery and tend to get better overclocks usually have more...
>tfw no pre-dyke phase kstew gf
>tfw no depressed pale chick to suck on my balls
>my ryzen 1700 only does 3.8GHz
>still a virgin
>wanting to deal with a depressed girl
how do i know youve never talked to a girl?
>tfw 7700k @ 4.7
>tfw no qt 3.14 gf
but if they're depressed can't you just treat them like shit and they don't have enough self-esteem to do anything about it
o dear
I won the Silicon Valley lottery and when I was younger I had ok luck with the ladies, this checks out op.
Holy shit it's true
>Never did overclocking
>Level 30 wizard
Just end it.
thats me
Put a fan on your VRM
lol no given enough time you're more likely to end up being blamed for her depression
women are whores who only care about your clock speed
>a good overclock on a K series Intel CPU is 5GHz
>a good overclock on a Ryzen CPU is 4GHz
People who use Intel get more women, fact.
money probably
more money to waste on hobbies like overclocking, more money for stacies to latch onto and drain you for
OC world record was on a AMD FX CPU 8.7Ghz. Andre Yang is swimming in pussy.
>a good overclock on a Pentium 4 is 8GHz
>a good overclock on a K series Intel CPU is 5Ghz
Intel BTFO by Intel
it hurts
>20 replies, no chads
>8700K can't do 5000MHz at a sensible voltage
>stuck looking at that disgusting 4900MHz counter on the MSI Afterburner overlay
>this is my life for the next 3-5 years
Honestly considering killing myself.
Boy you have no idea what you are talking about. Imagine a girl that does not have the energy to do anything. She does not care about hygiene, maybe overeats to cope with shit. No sex drive because meds or just depression. And constant negative feelings. They are emotional vampires and suck the happiness out of you. Depression is a birch and I would not wish it to anyone.
When I was a sophomore in college in 2006 a girl I knew in high school stopped by my dorm room while I was at my desk. She sat on my lap, put her arm around me, and said she'd heard I had some great videos on my computer. So I told her about my computer and proceeded to not get laid.
I was proud of it because it was a Socket A Athlon that did 2500 MHz on air. Stock was 1866. AQXEA stepping mobile Barton on an Abit NF-7S rev 2.
Now I'm a wizard.
just get a trap to suck your dick and have her put her dick inside of you.
fucking kek