What is Sup Forums's problem with KDE? It seems pretty good

What is Sup Forums's problem with KDE? It seems pretty good.

no distros

My experience with it.
>Install Kubuntu in a VM
>"Damn, looks pretty nice!"
>use the application menu
>It's really clunky and slow, like you have to hold your cursor on shit for half a second for it to recognize you moved it there.
>Can't seem to get rid of that widget dropdown in the top corner.
>Try to check some settings to see what it's got.
>"ooh there's a dark mode"
>Click it, does nothing
>Click light mode, it changes to dark
>Click dark mode, it changes to light
>Close the settings, KDE completely crashes to TTY

Never touched that shit since. Also, I hear the resource usage is higher than most other DEs, and especially WMs

Slow some times. It would draw the window frame around an app and the app would be drawn a second or two later.
Mouse scrolling options are not respected systemwide.
Full screen steam games launch okay but after you close them the compositor fails.

it's nice on my netbook. I like it.

There's your problem. Generally KDE doesn't do well with Ubuntu based distros, even KDE Neon has got some kinks.

Inferiority complex


Would not running it on Ubuntu-based distros fix the sluggish start menu, or the general unstableness of it?

Similiar shit
>Use arch as my first distro along with KDE as the DE
>try to watch anime
>KDE has 99% CPU usage
I've never touched it since

Also, I wanna fuck that dragon

Im curious, what hypervisor and did you have virtualization extensions enabled?

Solus (soon)

Not to mention all the branch off distros based on the big ones that focus on KDE like Neon, kaOS, etc

>needing to have KDE in the repos to install it

Literally every distro has it (assuming KDE supports the CPU architecture)

Virtualbox. It's a Macbook Pro 2012, which has the extensions on by default. Every other DE has always worked reasonably well

It's ugly as fuck no matter what theme you use.

Don't forget to mention Slackware.

It feels slow and the UI layout triggers me with its inconsistent use of large amounts of whitespace.

Also KDE 3 was the last good version.

KDE is fine. I finally settled on it being my main DE after Ubuntu went back to GNOME Shell. I haven't seen or used GNOME since before Unity. When I tried it, it was disgusting and felt like another modern wanna-be tablet / phone / pc all in one half assed DE. I tried Gnome Classic and I didn't like that either.

I have made respect and love for Xfce but it just feels a bit dated and for some reason the composition and color rendering in it seemed terrible to me.

What I did to finally accept KDE was stop using it on Ubuntu. I switched over to Debian Stable and actually haven't had KDE crash once yet.

KDE still pisses me off here and there. It looks great, but the multimonitor support is annoying sometimes. It will seemingly randomly forget my config for my second monitor at times when I dock/undock my laptop.

It needs to look good. Even gnome looks better.

No tiling wm, which makes it completely unusable.

KDE is more resource hungry, running it in a VM might not be comparable to running it on a real machine.

It is one of the most commonly supported DEs there is, you will hardly be able to find a distro without it.

It also looks better then windows no matter what theme you use.

What's this then?

KDE is the best linux DE, which is sad in general for linux

Yes. Try it on openSUSE

Mostly that it's just a drawing that i can't pull the tail up and do things to.

Lewd konqi best konqi.

OP, my biggest problem is that it's the least stable of all. Even Cinnamon sometimes appears to be more stable.

I used to have one issue which involved poor performance and I always have to use, which is enabling (or disabling? I don't remember, I have the alzheimers) triple buffering, and that's not an easy solution to figure out at all. The issue wasn't that specifically, the issue was it crashing left and right. With Fedora, Kubuntu, Neon, openSUSE and Arch. Heck, surprisingly enough, in Fedora it crashed constantly to the point it was unbearable, and in Arch it was probably the most stable KDE experience I had, despite me thinking that I was going to have some serious trouble. However, crashes were still frequent and there was no way of changing anything on the fly, doing any modification to a panel would not just restart the process but also show another crash notification.

Oh and mouse acceleration, for some reason I never got that flat profile to work well or at least it does feel off in comparison to for instance, XFCE.

I use KDE at work, and it's just so damn unstable. I end up having to restart kwin at least once a day because something crashed it. I'm just too lazy to configure another DE though.

It's shit.

It's quite unstable and some parts look plain unfinished for years. Seems like the development team is focusing on creating cool new features and the boring stuff like stability doesn't draw their attention.
Also the switch to Qt5/Plasma 5 few years ago was really bad and people still remember it. However most of the serious issues got solved already.
Anyway I'm using it now on a daily basis (switched from xfce) and if you learn how to bypass the bugs it just feels pleasant to use.

It's a DE so it must be bad. I use it tho.
Also Konqi a cute.

You can run KDE with i3 just fine.

Yes, *buntu holds back the libraries that KDE/Plasma is based on, so Plasma packages get pushed out, but the libraries they depend on are at least a few versions behind. This makes things very unstable.

Seems pretty good. Isn't.