
Screenfetch thread

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gosh you are a meme my fellow g


Mark my words, this guy will kill himself in the next 4 years






Hi Sup Forums!


Do you niggas ever get anything done with such low amount of installed packages?

Pape pls

Annoying faggot pretending to be a girl

here you go


You're not actually running Debian.
>Packages: 0

be nice to her

Thanks user.

Not as bad as that faggot "Femanon"




>sudo screenfetch



Why the fuck do you open some images with your image viewer when taking a screenfetch? You never keep them open when actually using you're PC... I hope...

I need more RAM....

You need a proper OS.

Naa I'm good.
I'm dualbooting with Ubuntu Budgie

Only people who actually just show screenfetch

Your desktops are irrelevant


>doesn't know how to clear his screen


What do you use for that bar at the top i'm new to open box and dont know what to use with it

A man of culture.


Sounds like a pretty shitty culture


shut up idiot


You should take a look at budgie.
You might like it

i've tried it on my previous install actually, it's legit.

but i'm too used to xfce, i want to enjoy it before they switch to GTK3 in 2019 or something....


rate niggers



>using the package manager
100% of my software is compiled from source, no packages


Still needs a proper OS

>Fgt shit
>Dicks on SFW board

0/8 m8, ur b8 is not so gr8.

Well, he uses W10 LGBT, no wonder.

>sfw board
what are we facebook

Liar. A base Debian install still has to install packages.

uninstalled those packages

Looks like someone can't read the rules.

Hi, Sup Forums!

that viziulizer is ugly

fcking furries

Why is that, sir?

just is

>he has read the rukes
what are you some sorta faggot. wew I got banned kek, I've been here for 6 years and have never read the rules


is this reddit?

my """"screenfetch""""

found the newfag

I don't know according the this nigger who can't look at some prime boy pussy without questioning whether he's a faggot or not This is reddit. I was even gonna show you new fags how to triforce ;__;

why do ubuntu users always have no taste


no saying the n word

fuck off m8 you telling me people have actually read the rules on here. I'm not a newfag been here since I was 13



What a coincidence, your astro fits your desktop too.

why are arch users always poorfags?


my gf illya is so cute

Whats the problem with Mint?

not elitist enough

Kuro > Illya

Do you use compton with it?



Can I join to the anime club, OwO?

you need to buy a mac first

Yes I do.

But I don't want, senpai.

Very nice, I like your desktop a lot :)

That better?

What terminal font? It's fucking disgusting I have to use it

Could post the wallpaper, user?

URxvt*font: -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-jisx0201.1976-*

not sure how i feel about calling it disgusting


oh fug breddy gud but that alpha on the music player is way too low

*exposes peener*

why do people pretend to be girls here?

Because lunix desktop threads are autism central


yo ben its been awhile