"hello my friends today I will show..."

>"hello my friends today I will show..."
>immediately close video

Why are so many videos like this? I wouldn't even mind this if it weren't for the fact nearly all of these pajeets have completely broken or skewed interpretations of whatever concept they're trying to demonstrate, and it's always presented in the most horrendous way possible with barely decipherable English.

Other urls found in this thread:


>click video on a technical topic
>female voice
>close immediately
I've given them a chance, they never EVER go into anything more than a topical treatment you'd get from skimming wikipedia or a spec sheet.

So true

>click video
>no text transcription in the description

>opening youtube links when searching for information on a subject

are you guys too retarded to read text?
protip: stackexchange

Are we watching the same videos?



Post your pajeets vids below...

Why are you looking for that kind of info on youtube rather than reading a book or a wiki article like anyone who isn't a brainlet would?

because it's how they teach you to make speaches in a college

Listening to this makes me nauseous

>unironically bitching about people who know more than you on a subject taking the time to produce a video for brainlets who can't bother to read

This is why you're unemployed or underemployed. Know your place in the world you niglets

That's usually what I end up doing. But I have a slim hope that I find lectures on concepts being presented differently, and nearly every time I'm left disappointed, I don't even know why I bother.

Fuck off third worlder. No one asked for your shitty regurgitated misconstrued crap that you read off wikipedia. Start fixing your plumbing situation first before getting ahead of yourself.

>>click video on a technical topic
>>female voice

Must green card that bitch!

>go to stackexchange with title related to problem.
>problem and answer are unrelated to my problem


You wish I was a pajeet. I'm just humble enough to have the smallest amount of respect for people who might be able to teach me something. I don't have a fit of 'tism anytime some speaks to me with an accent. You learn from people smarter than you, and guess what, sometimes English is their 2nd language.

If you're watching a video on a subject, you're basically begging, on your hands and knees, for someone to literally show you the answer. You're cucking yourself because you're unable to read and teach yourself something. Instead you have the nerve to complain that the guy you wish you were has an accent.

>people that are smarter than you

Real protip: every time you use SE/SO/etc., make sure you pretend you're female.
It provokes the high preponderance of male responders (see encyclopediadramatica.rs/No_girls_on_the_internet#Nerd_Rush ) and it has a slight chance to shield you against the fierce and immediate hammer of fascist bureaucracy that comes down on anyone posting any question on those sites (white knights will defend you for showing the ignorance you undoubtedly did and they'll be encouraged to steer feedback to actually answering your question).
Those who forget the NGOTI principle are fools to be exploited.

Stop being triggered, user.
Remember where you are.


Lemme change colors here...
> you're basically begging, on your hands and knees, for someone to literally show you the answer.
C-can you show me the answer, user~? I'll do anything...! ;3

Or make a fake post with the wrong answer and get the real answer from the immediate replies you get from autists.

He's good af at drawing tho
If this works, many failed attempts can be found. :c
But still, smrt!

I'm honestly amazed at how Stack Exchange became a wikipedia-like autistic bureaucracy so quickly.

I reckon it's human nature: a quirk of any sufficiently organized and elaborate human system, especially one that awards points and honors for actions more corollary with being involved in some way than being legitimately helpful.

Oh for fuck sake, this is /g!The video should be related to technology...

sry youtu.be/ByySVCv90ek

the take charge attitude
the ready seizure of deserved pride

Thank you sir, I would like to apologize for my unproper behavior in the previous comment.
This video reminds me of a hot brainlet chick that teached programming to younglings using the turtle package on Python. She had good sexual characteristics but I decided to not plant my superior seed in her womb fearing that my lineage would get contamined with brainlets like her.
Lol, why do they use such weird things like Turtle and Kudo for teaching programming?


I don't know what those things are, and I don't know what's happening in that GIF. She shifts away opportunistically? But then why was she so close to begin with? Perhaps she simply took the guy's movement as a tacit demand that she move. Then the guy is mistaken in his apparent reconsideration of her wanting to be intimate. Is that assumption even warranted? Whether or not he determines anything from her new position, the fact endures that he cannot now place his arm around her, so he's forced to abandon the idea whatever the case. Do I have autism?

No, you're just one more male in the 21th century trying to understand how far can you go without "raping" a woman...

>why do they use such weird things like Turtle and Kudo for teaching programming?
It's an efficient introduction to programming

Oh, no; I'm just genuinely interested in the social dynamics at play.
I would never literally touch a girl, user.

Sounds like someone is mad about his country's jobs being outsourced.

I've never needed to use a video for these purposes, why don't you learn to read written instructions?

Video is just a much more natural superior format for learning stuff. Also video tutorials are 10x more informative on average. Because you can see every step they take with no excerptions. Almost all text documentation I've ever seen is missing necessary information or examples.

I'm doing this all the time on Sup Forums, and I'm not the only one. Works for me.

Damn he roasted your fat american ass