*middle-click to open in new tab*

*middle-click to open in new tab*

Other urls found in this thread:



If it wasn't a link, how would you open it in a new tab?

*control-click to open in new tab*
>opens in same tab

it worked until yesterday
they just pulled an instagram

That's often caused when some “““genius””” web dev deicides VIDS isn't elaborate enough, so they write hudreds of lines of JS to recreate the behaviour of an anchor link for a [/span] or whatever. You're not actually clicking a link, just executing some JS that happens to navigate you elsewhere, so you browser can't treat it like an actual link.

Fug, I fugged up the code

so they write hudreds of lines of JS to recreate the behaviour of an anchor link for a or whatever. You're not actually clicking a link, just executing some JS that happens to navigate you elsewhere, so you browser can't treat it like an actual link.

jewtoob just decided you can't middle-click the links in a channel page, nor control-click them
same behaviour you see in twitter, instagram....
I am wondering if there is some plugin or browser option (the same as disabling pop-ups) to avoid this type of restrictions

same shit on newspapers when you want to copy text, and when you paste it, there is a disclaimer in your copied text

Why would you block middle mouse click

IMO to mimic smartphone app behavior

who are you quoting

I dond ged id
Smartphones don't have a middle mouse button. What are you gaining by blocking it?
Should they also block physical keyboard entry because that would “mimic” smartphone app behaviour?

staying in the channel, not having multiple tabs open
they basically enforce that you watch their recommendations at the end of each video, instead of using background tabs
at least that is what I do (opening tabs of the videos I want to watch, and then end my youtube session)

YT middle click still works for me. Am I missing something? On Firefox. Tried disabling my anti-botnet addons and it still works fine.

it doesn't work on mine since yesterday

I checked and it works fine for me as well. It might be because I'm using the old design.

>middle-click to open in new tab*
God bless your soul

are you guys telling me you didn't know middle click?
well, you won't enjoy it on youtube from now on....


Oh right, that doesn't work. Pic related; why tf does a tab that changes the view need so much JS behind it? Has G**gle's botnet become this bloated?

the new youtube interface is horrible
the channels in particular
you also can't control+click, a new feature!!

For all the dummies too stupid to fix it themselves.

Works for me. The only thing that doesn't work is and I don't think that ever worked.

>middle-click to open in new tab
>a new tab opens with javascript:void(0)

>using the mouse to browse the web

that's because nu-webdevs believe is harmful and use or that behave like links instead

you could middle click or control click those tabs until today

You are literally the first person that understands this thread
and I thank you for that

>Right click
>"Open in new tab"

Hooktube just werks.

>view image in new tab
>does nothing

that doesn't work on channels

implying that works anymore

Why is harmful?

It loads a whole new page instead of just using JS to change the layout.

I have no idea, probably something to do with smartphone users

But thats a good thing. I can bookmark separate pages.

and hyperlinks is the defining feature of the WWW though. You'd have to fuck up hard to have a browser dislike a simple well-formed hyperlink.

This always triggers me so much.
Same with right clicking something and it's blocked or does something made 100% in JS.
I miss the times when "inspect element" wasn't something you needed for everyday casual browsing.



>inspect element
>it's a fucking mess of badly formatted JavaScript and CSS in deeply nested HTML
No thanks.

>go to page in an image gallery with scripts blocked
>completely blank area where image should be
>>>>>>web devs can't even show a jpeg image without javascript

i want to kill web developers
i want to kill them all

You can still bookmark the new page. JS can now change the url and read the url to figure out what state it should be in.

>middle click to paste url

"Can" doesn't mean any web"""devs""" actually do it though

javascript was a mistake

They probably changed it from a php link to a Javascript thing

that breaks the back button and history

>animal crossing cheats website
>click and drag to highlight
>appears saying 'No Copying!'

>a php link
what does he mean by this?

Not with modern JS webpages.

that is the point of the thread and the image
that it doesn't work anymore

You can break that misfeature by blocking js or override only the copy-detection function with a user script.

>website inserts some stupid shit into copied string

JS can add stuff to your history. Lots of sites do this and you probably don't even notice.

A link to the same page with different arguments in the URL, meaning it's a link in the traditional sense,