>be me >buy a thinkpad t420 >ctrl and fn swapped >install minimal ubuntu linux >now need a guide just to edit files >install i3-gaps for rice >now need a guide just to move around and swap windows >switch to using vim >now need a guide just to edit text
Sometimes I just stare dumbly at my screen, struggling to figure out what to do next and what I was even intending to do, as I sort through troubleshoot after troubleshoot, adding bizarre features and editing config files, resolving dependencies and compiling my own software just to get this shit to work.
Is it worth it Sup Forums? Is it worth it to be this way?
Nathan Adams
We do it for fun, if it's not fun for you then just install regular Ubuntu or Winshit and do the job you need to do on it.
Austin Peterson
>Is it worth it to be this way? Yes, at some point when using i3 everything will come to you naturally and you do not need to think about what you are doing.
Jaxson Baker
Hunter Harris
No, nobody on IRC really cares about you, if you try to fit in on that it will just be something else for example that i3 will be too mainstream. This a game hipsters play to rationalize being a loser and you cannot win.
Chase Williams
You fell for the meme, don't be ashamed and just install Windows again and enjoy everything just werking.
Jose Gomez
Get a Mac. Full Linux xp and as easy to use as Windows.
Michael Rivera
>T420 >not T430
Charles Brooks
>T430 it's the first generation with the shit keyboard
Jose Diaz
I wouldn't say to get a Mac, but he could install MacOS on something for that option.
Jordan Smith
Why? What are you gaining here over using Windows/macOS/even a fuller Linux distro?
Brody Ward
As with anything, it takes practice. Once you get into the swing of things and making your own shortcuts and modifiers for i3/vim, things will get much easier for you to fix yourself. You'll learn paths, compiling, where things are, why things crash, fixes, patches... just have the patience and slow down to read things. If you start stressing yourself out, you're trying too hard. Relax, for Christ's sake and stop being a faggot.
Asher Brown
>not relocating left ctrl to caps lock pleb
Kayden Diaz
I want to do this, but I also want to use caps lock as a shortcut to Insert mode in vim.
Dylan Wright
>go to /tpg/ for laptop advice >find out HP zBooks are way better and get one over thinktrash >ctrl and fn are not swapped because HP knows how to make a laptop. >install ubuntu so it just werks. >didn't change DE because unity is the most beautiful and usable one there is. Never fall for Sup Forums memes.
Parker Cook
Nigga just read the manual/do the tutorials
David Rivera
>buy t420 >install w10 ltsb >update and install drivers >start using my computer as a tool it just werks
Matthew Martin
Just use kde or mate and a text editor that lets you use windows CUA controls desu
Ian Ortiz
>bought X220 >"wow Sup Forums was right it's amazing >motherboard dead in just 3 months i bet gentoo isn't a good idea as well
Charles Parker
Nowadays you can flash them to use the classic keyboard and older generic batteries But T420's can use Ivy Bridge quad cores with Coreboot so the only differences between both are the lack of USB3 on the T420, the lack of eSATA on the T430 and the bigger housefire dGPU on the T430
Nathaniel Jackson
>so the only differences between both are the lack of USB3 on the T420
You can add that in one of those ports
Dominic Taylor
Expressport USB3 cards are slower than native USB3
Mason Hill
you can just check the man pages for any package you download, it isn't a big deal
Nolan Hughes
but still faster than usb2
Liam Brown
>you can't instantly be good at something you just started doing
Dylan Gonzalez
Nice blog post, no one here has ever experienced Windows before using Unix.
Angel Howard
>ubuntu for a new user grave mistake
Chase Bailey
Go back to windows and keep clicking your next button if that makes you feel productive.
Elijah Rivera
What do the words "User experience" and "Intuitive" mean to you
Evan Rodriguez
means who cares
Mason Gutierrez
Ivy Bridge support REQUIRES Coreboot, which has NO POWER MANAGEMENT WHATSOEVER, and will run at maximum wattage.
No USB3, no Ivy Bridge, and worse cooling. dGPU is optional and runs hotter on the T420 than the T430, so that's not an argument.
The T420 is an objectively worse machine in every aspect. If you're willing to mod in an Ivy Bridge and lose 80% of your battery life, you can mod in the classic keyboard on the T430.
Sebastian Gray
Modded keyboard is only 80% functional and creates a bunch of keys that do nothing that you can't bind.
Hunter Gonzalez
No it doesn't retard. I'm typing on one right now.