What are you eating right now, Sup Forums?
>cottage cheese + sour cream + banana
feels good man.
What are you eating right now, Sup Forums?
>cottage cheese + sour cream + banana
feels good man.
That fucking disgusting.
Sounds fucking repulsive, I'm eating nothing currently cause I'm not a fat fuck
No, it isn't.
the worst part about dairyfags other than their diet is that they and their homes smell like shit all the time and no one tells them
house special fried rice with everything in it.
>Sounds fucking repulsive
It's really healthy dish desu
I totally fucking agree,
>cottage CHEESE
>SOUR cream
Holy fuck OP must not have a fucking nose
C-can you post a pic, pls?
Yes seperate I am fine with that but the taste with them all together
I've got a bad news for you user..
This is a fucking technology board
You have a fucking Hewlette Packard Laptop
Not even a fucking thinkpad, get out
home made pizza
What news?
Nice hobbit feet Bilbo.
I had a dream today that I sucked my own dick.
What does it mean, guys?
Recently moved, felt a bit hungry and the fridge is empty. There were some potatoes luckily.
looks tasty
wew lad
it means you're flexible
or OP
or OP and flexible
Stream it pls
> Not supporting Sup Forums memes
You're destroying our community and our sense of identity. Fuck you.
yum yum
i know meat is immoral but i love it anyway
I had a blueberry muffin and some choccy milk earlier
Distracted eating is the #1 cause of overeating. Eating at your computer is literally the modern equivalent to a TV dinner.
Now nothing. Sweet sour fish, and rice a few minutes ago.
>Distracted eating is the #1 cause of overeating
>eating while working on the computer
>takes me half an hour to eat five bites because I'm constantly doing on something else
>after half an hour stomach decides that it's enough and I'm no longer hungry
>always have been a skelly
This is the most fucking disgusting dish I've ever seen here.
Lunch time at work.
on a fast, so won't eat anything for a couple of hours.