What needs replacing here? I'm out of ideas.
>start up
>fan runs for a few seconds before going silent
>screen doesn't turn on
>stays like that indefinitely
What needs replacing here? I'm out of ideas.
>start up
>fan runs for a few seconds before going silent
>screen doesn't turn on
>stays like that indefinitely
check thermal paste
It's an old system from like 2005 that was given to me. I figured I might be able to find a use for it if I can get it going.
Does it beep boop?
The laptop.
No, the only noise is the fans for about three seconds.
Do you really want to take it out? Buy a phenom.
Yeah probably. Just trying to get it going if I can though.
Minimum config test it, but it sounds like it's not even POSTing, so you're prolly shit out of luck.
We're not all angry bitter cunts who's depth of knowledge of technology stops at apple and lagdroid and jewtel. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Thank you both, I will try these.
> applel shill threads get shitposts till autosage
> actual tech talk gets this reaction
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
Had similar problem. Change CMOS battery
I don't know if you've ever disassembled any laptops before, but just in case you haven't, it's not for the faint of heart usually. You'll probably have to completely disassemble it if you wanna check the thermal paste, because the CPU is usually on the bottom side of the motherboard afaik.
The motherboard is probably fucked in some way.
most laptops that get this way are instant junk
>people talking about changing thermal paste as if that would work
Fucking Sup Forumsedditors... If the temperature was too high the first few seconds when he started it up then there would likely be smoke because that would mean very high current in the machine and no thermal paste would fix that you fucking morons.
If he can't even get into the bios and it still turns on then it is likely the CMOS battery that is drained. Which is normal on 10+ year old laptops. It's usually a pain in the ass to change, but it is a cheap fix.
It's nothing to do with thermal paste you retarded cunts. Even if there was literally none there the machine would still last long enough to see a BIOS splash screen before it hit thermal shutdown. Fuck off and argue about smartphones you cock receptacles.
This. Bad RAM. HDD, something is preventing it from completing POST. If this doesnt work then yeah, into the trash it goes.
The absolute state of Sup Forums
>If he can't even get into the bios and it still turns on then it is likely the CMOS battery that is drained
Who the fuck are you calling a Sup Forumsedditor? A dead CMOS battery prevents the machine from remembering settings on a cold reboot, not from POSTing. You can fuck off back to your apple shill threads as well.
That's a clock, Ahmed. It's his mobo not posting.
Sup Forums is not actually capable of providing tech support. no need to get your panties in a bunch jessica.
A dead CMOS usually prevents bios from even starting. Pull out your CMOS. It won't start. It will also forget settings if you disconnect the CMOS or if it drains. But it won't start unless there is power in the CMOS battery. Just try, you will get exactly the same situation as OP. Lights will turn on, fans will go on, but it won't boot up.
Not worth giving a shit about it user
I have plenty of other machines here as well if you'd like to continue..