What's the best alternative to pic related?

What's the best alternative to pic related?

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Dropbox, their client is a whole lot better than google's piece of shit that works sometimes. Google is the cheapest though $3 a month for 100GB. I'd like to hear someone's experience with OneDrive.


jsut get yourself your own homeserver, install ipfs/synthing and be done with it

onedrive cause i use office

If you can't set it up yourself, there is a lot of free running servers


I choose Google Drive because it allows up to free 15GB of storage. While it does a good job, it also presents spyware, obviously.

I'm thinking on NextCloud, as it promises free unlimited storage AND privacy. How many of you recommend it? Is it good?

For fucks sake, this. Nextcloud works pretty well, has clients on everything, has fine permission control, has a library of useful addons, and is FOSS.

Nobody has any excuse for using any file storage service they don't own or have direct access to.

Windows File Explorer

>promises free unlimited storage
pls explain?

How is this better than Google if I have to find the storage and have a suitable server to run a client?

One Drive

you need a server to run the server, not the client. the client runs on your PC/phone/smart toaster

what about iCloud?

Using your own hard drives

It's better because it's auditable open source software running on hardware you own. If you don't own the product, the product owns you. Don't give Google the patronage. Their entire business model is owning you and selling your data.

If you don't have the server, you can't use the client. Therefore, you need a suitable server in order to purposely run a client.



OneDrive is fine.

bittorrent sync is free but obviously theres no cloud backup.

Yeah I get that, I have a NAS, running RAID1, set up at home. I back-up the NAS occasionally to an external drive, but it's nice to have an off-site copy. This is personal shit; I'm looking for disaster recovery if it's ever needed. I'm not looking to over complicate things.


Perfect, I can make copies of everything now.

TransIP stack

But you'll have to live in the Netherlands.
If you do you get 1TB free as in beer and botnet free storage.

I pay $65/mo for 4TB of storage, a vpn, a media server (downloads, transcodes, and organizes content automatically), a webserver, a DNS server, a mail server, a test bed, and anything else I can think to do with it at any time.

Stop spending money on dumb services. Learn how to get and setup your own shit that you can actually trust. $65 gets you a ton of server these days, you could easily spend only $5-10 and get a couple hundred GB and a gig of ram on a vps.

I'd just put the external drive in a sealed container and toss it in my car or put it in a cabinet at work if I were going for simple. Since I have a dedicated server in a data center it's probably easier for me to think big.

You have to host it or rent a server to host it on, not sure where you're getting free unlimited storage from.

Threw a bunch of 250GB in an old computer for nextcloud. 250GB of storage at full redundancy for pennies and it works great.

NextCloud > OwnCloud


I've always wanted to do this, but I have no idea where to start

howto Google drive on GNU/Linux?

>all this shilling on Sup Forums
Just intall syncthing

this looks nice, thx for this

if you just want to backup some stuff, no high throughput, any computer will do.
install linux on it (some "server" version), and then it depends on what you wanna use.
for example, if youre ok with SFTP (FTP over SSH, i.e. no real time sync), you really dont have to do much. install an SSH server (probably comes already installed, depending on distro) and the SFTP module, configure your SSH server and youre done. any FTP client will do (i use filezilla)
if youre gonna use SFTP, a few things: you should disable password login, use keys instead, and disable root login (sudo still works on your user account)
to set what others can/cant see, you can use unix file permissions

If you want something else, like NextCloud or Syncthing, theyre pretty easy to install too, just follow instructions on site

this post[0] might be useful to you. just dont use SMB, its shit
[0]: reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/3jnaqx/pikeeper_keep_your_data_fresh_a_pibased_nas/

>OneDrive is fine
>Actively shilling the botnet

your paint skillz amaze me

Does anybody else have unlimited picture storage like Google Drive?

Hey fags, a raspberry pi is fine for a nextcloud server.
>but what about data security
If you keep the data on your computers, there is still redundancy.
>but it's hard to set up!
A LAMP server is one of the easiest stack, learn it or gtfo my Sup Forums
Oh, no, wait...
Free or cheap nextcloud providers, hosted by professionals!
You have literally no excuses to not use nextcloud.

Google Drive doesnt have unlimited picture storage

the only good answer

Lol, nextcloud fag.

mentioned 3 times already, but there a few limitations and some missing niceties

Lol, Lol, fag. fag.

Can you use Nextcloud without running the server? I've seen on their website they link to some "providers" but how do they work? Are they reliable fast? And what's the max free space you can get?

My employer and the online classes I'm taking at the University of Texas use Office365, so I use OneDrive mostly these days.

My alma mater, the University of Michigan, uses Google Docs, so I have a bunch of stuff on Drive too.

I don't know why anyone would use anything else.

Perhaps someone wouldn't want to be part of the botnet.

>Are they reliable fast? And what's the max free space you can get?
It depends, each provider can set their own rules. But you can assume most of them are reliable.

Perhaps, if you don't want to be part of the botnet you should cut all wires.

Perhaps, you shouldn't need to cut all wires to not be part of the botnet.

So you use a fly-by-night host company to manage your Nextcloud account for you. How is this better than using Google, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.?

Perhaps. If you have a SS# or any other type of national ID, you are already part of the botnet.

Perhaps, perhaps not perchance.


>So you use a fly-by-night host company to manage your Nextcloud account for you.
I don't, I have my own server. But let's assume.
>How is this better than using Google, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.?
>Server-side encryption
>Open-source back-end and front-end
>is not Google or Microsoft
>you can share documents and folders with users on other servers
I'd rather give my money to some small and honest hosts than to big data jews


Onedrive just werks

syncthing master race reporting in

syncthing fags, google drive fag here. wtf is it? do i need some storage service and then use syncthing to (((sync))) with it? brainlet here, idgaf

is it like ownCloud?


>"Syncthing is a BYO cloud model where the users provide the hardware that the software runs "

Perhaps, I'm not an amerifag and my country isn't a botnet itself.

It looks like it is similar to nextcloud, you need a server to run it + storage, which makes it way too much work to back up files.

The whole point, of this exercise, is having the data stored off site for disaster recovery.


cool, looked into it. seems like there are places offering $3.99/TB/month. NOT BAD AT ALL!

I pay $2.99/GB/Month currently for a paltry 100 GB to Google

basically, you can keep your shit on your computers (no need for a server), and sync between your computers.
but ofc you can also just install it on some server and have that as the "main" server.
apart from that, the difference is, it uses a P2P protocol, instead of other server-client protocols

Syncthing is not like NextCloud at all! see

yes, it exists git-annex.branchable.com/

since it is a peer-2-peer, do a lot of places offer Syncthing as an option? or is it more common to host your hardware some place and then run the discovery server on it?

you can have your own discovery server, but usually you just need to install the client on the PCs you want to use. its not supposed to be a centralized service, like GDrive, NextCloud, and friends
you also dont have to create accounts and stuff, so might as well try it out with some dummy data and a few computers

Why tho? $10 for unlimited storage

>Stop spending money on dumb services.
Is this bait? We're talking about plain cloud storage and you come in with your flaming setup of ultra overkill.

>not encrypting all your data and uploading it to cheapshit privacy invading hosts like Google
best of both worlds, privacy and cheapness.

Depends on your background. If you aren't the right kind of Sup Forumsentooman it's probably worth paying extra to have someone else run your service.

why the fuck would i need a dns server u dumb fucking retard

ah, i see. so it only works if i have some systems that are online all the time and can sync to. thanks for the info

>doesnt know what DNS is
>calls others retards

Why do people hire cloud storage? At first it's $0.03/GB, next month it's 0.06. Local storage is cheaper in the long run, will probably get you more storage too


yeah, its like bittorrent in that sense. if there are no seeds (a node with the full file), you cant get the it

Thanks to kim dotcom

OneDrive 99/year for 5tb. Entire music and movie collection is on it. Stream that shit daily to all my devices. Can upload and pull down from any device too. Office on all my devices too

>Comes built into os, no extra bullshit
>google is $3 a month for 100gb, apple is $1.49 for 50 gb or $5 for 200
>Have to sync everything in icloud, can't leave certain files in the cloud for saving space.

Fucking apple. One job


>Didn't read the whole post.
>Too dumb to find a cheap vps with a few hundred gig of storage.


You can't actually trust those other free services. Even the best free one-Openmailbox is shady.
