Windows on ARM thread

So Qualcomm posted before the Surface Keynote tomorrow:

I can't archive the link. Thought?

Other urls found in this thread:


underpowered shit

I wouldn't mind an arm version of widows but unless there is some way to (even slowly) run x86 apps I can't see it being successful.

An arm windows device. Can you imagine? Less of a chance of NSA backdoors. Unless they lock it down and refuse to let anyone install what they want in which case it's fucked.

sounds like shit for windows but would be a great linux device.

it can according to
but better wait for real review.

Doesn't it only have 32bit apps?

t will not support 64-bit desktop application. There is no such thing as 64-bit x86 since x86 is 32-bit.

So why do they think their 5W piece of shit is better than any other 5W piece of shit, being x86 or ARM (HAHA NO SOFTWARE).

Cheaper than Intel for a fucking start

But with no software.
Besides, will it be cheaper than AMDs 2/4 3CU die?

No software??

UWP shit and 32bit applications?
That's a lot of software!

Are you an AMDfaggot?

Can't wait to run mpc-hc on my pixel

As long as it's not 10 year old software that isn't being updated anymore.

Why wont the devs just recompile?

No you fucking retard.
I simply hate ARM.

x86 is 16 bit

>less NSA backdoors
But TrustZone is literally embedded into AArch64.
It's 32bit since 80386.

and 64 bit since k8 :^)

The win32 api wont be locked away like on winrt