Would you spend $150 a month to own the best phone on the market goy....I mean guys?

Would you spend $150 a month to own the best phone on the market goy....I mean guys?


Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/LG-Electronics-OLED65C7P-65-Inch-Ultra/dp/B01NAYM1TP/ref=sr_1_13?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1509351386&sr=1-13&keywords=4k tv 65 inch

Well I’m not poor so I have one preordered and will pay it off in full.

But yeah, I guess if I couldn’t do that I would get a contract. What’s the alternative? Having to settle for an android phone?

>remember when phones did not need down payments?

What happened guys

The iPhone X is like a supercomputer in your pocket. You can’t expect that to be cheap.

My contract is over tomorrow. I'll just buy a new iPhone SE for £31/month. I'd have to pay like £78/month for an iShit X

A supercomputer that can only run Angry birds is useless even if tgat was true.

Welfare Cadillac.

imbecile thinking he has a supercomputer in his pocket
will browse facebook with it

how stupid can one be

Good goy. I should buy apple shares to get your money.

The Android poorfags have arrived I see

That is the MOST expensive iPhone contract, meaning, 256GB with their highest costing contract. This is not average. Why can't anyone here think for 3 seconds?

I probably have more money than your whole family, nigger
Won't give a cent of it for something as retarded as an iphone.

I can assure you you do not, you poorfag.

>We get peanut butter and cheese
>And, man, they give us flour by the sack
>Course, them welfare checks
>They make the payments on this new Cadillac

>Yep, it's true: Android is the poor man's phone worldwide

>Still Don't Believe Android Is For The Poor? This Chart Proves It

>Proof That Android Really Is For The Poor
>Google's Android mobile operating system has 1 billion users — more than twice the 470 million people on Apple's iOS equivalent — yet Apple pays out twice the amount of revenue to app developers on its system, according to Andreessen Horowitz analyst Benedict Evans.
>That's because Google is aggressively going after lower-income users on a global scale. The company recently launched Android One in India, which allows device manufacturers to make $100 smartphones. Apple, by contrast, prefers to sell its iPhones for more than $600.
>So although it sounds crass to say "Android is for poor people," on a global scale that's exactly how it is being used.

> Android Is For Poor People: Maps - Business Insider

>A new Pew study says the majority of Americans now own smartphones and the majority of rich, educated adults own iPhones.

>Surprise; Apple's iPhones Are Expensive So Rich People Are More Likely To Have Them


Android users are all fucking pajeets.

nobody cares, body

I buy phones that are a year old. Usually they cost 50% less than new if you price shop on ebay.

>he can’t buy the newest I phone on release day in cash


spending $1000 on a phone is retarded, anyone with any sense will just buy at the price performance sweet spot of ~$200-300

I'm about average income wise.

The poor people in those countries don't get welfare.

>poorfags think 61k is a lot

Hahhahahaha, that’s like 45 iPhone Xs

No wonder you use an Android. Better hang onto every penny, povvo.

I said i'm average, but please continue.

You’re averagely poor, sure.

do tell Mr.Faggot, what do you do on your Android device? play Love Live and Autism Simulator?

>posting a screenshot of your bank account in response to a joke
good god how insecure are you

N-no he’s a big man with a sub-100k net worth and doesn’t care who knows it. He’s proud to show off that McDonalds manager tier account.

Why would i do that when i have a better phone in the S8+?

>your net worth is only dependent on your available balance
are you really this stupid or did you just get lost on your way to /biz/?

> white bezel
> black boot screen
Something is off here.

It's really a cost-benefit situation.
Assuming you're not a NEET, a phone is an essential part of your everyday life and you will use it several ours every single day.
At this point you sit down and evaluate how much you're willing to spend to make sure those hours you will use it every day are the best possible
Sure, you could buy a pajeetphone or a chinkphone that fucking sucks for 150 bucks, or pay 150 every month to ensure you're using the best gear there is

> that fucking sucks for 150 bucks
Except that it's not.
t. not a NEET

> the best gear there is
so not the iphone then


You're like that guy that shits on iPhones because his no-name chinkphone that took three months to arrive is "just as good if not better" when in reality it's fucking shit with corner cutting everywhere, particularly camera and screen
I feel bad every time I see him using it.

my S8+ is better than the iPhone 8 & X

so yeah i am one of those guys

$100+/mo for a phone on a plan here in Australia is the norm.

We don't all live in the 3rd world where it's free

Its a picture of an iPhone 8, retard. You can see the new 'gold' color on the sides. Not to mention, massive fucking bezels compared to the X and a HOME BUTTON.


>the memes correspond with what the average person sees from day to day
Astounding. When I used android all my non-tech literate friends used iPhones. Now I use an iPhone and my stonerfag/poorass friends have samshits or cheap ass keyocera tier android phones.

However, I knew one guy who actually made apps and jail broke his iPhone and I’m pretty sure he jerked it to apple keynotes nightly.

Just fyi, the average American has something like $600 in their bank account.

> camera
> Assuming you're not a NEET
... You won't need a camera in your everyday life. Sometimes - sure but it's not an excuse to overpay for it.
> screen
If it's not a TN, it's good enough at worst, even if it'a cheap ass IPS with gray blacks, etc. Most people definitely don't need a sRGB on their panels for Telegram stickers.

can you show me the customization on the new iphone?

No. Thats a third of my rent.

No, but it has software bezels, which hasnt been done before. Revolutionary!

oh, can you atleast show me widgets and a proper file browser?

Uh, no. But it has iTunes so everything is safe when you connect to your computer.


does it atleast have a 1440p screen?

Reminder that this same mactoddler shill just sits in his mom's basement all day spamming these same threads 50x daily. Report, sage, and hide.

>Well I’m not poor
You can't even spare 20 buck for a Sup Forums pass.

The iPhone does have widgets
>using widgets ever

>"proper file browser"
Who are you to dictate what a "proper" file browser is? Some poodroind on Sup Forums

>The OLED display has a resolution of 2,436 x 1,125 pixels,
This display also has the truest colours ever, compared to the POOGLE PIXEL POO and its blue shift, and SHITSUNGS oversaturated AMOLED crap.

it is a samsung screen though you fucking mong

>replying to bait in a bait thread

> read richfag thread
>we are not poor, we have the money to buy $1500 phones
>nobody has a $20 Sup Forums pass to distinct their rich asses from poor pajeets and lagdroid users

Jokes on you, it's a Samsung oled. Also
>What is srgb

It has a blinkfeed clone for widgets
You do have a point about the file browser though.
Being forced to use the cloud or my samba server to move files(no fruitshit support for Linux) is a pain in the ass.

Pretty much Apple’a special snowflake 1440p


I'm not 100% sure, but it probably has something to do with that ugly ass sensor bar and wanting to keep the size of the phone reasonable without having to fork over money for higher pixel density screens. Also speshul snoflek.

Either way, the lack of touch ID on the X makes it a no go for lots of people I imagine. I can imagine there being lots of glitches with the facial recognition software on launch.

> (You)
>Either way, the lack of touch ID on the X makes it a no go for lots of people I imagine. I can imagine there being lots of glitches with the facial recognition software on launch.
Shit didn't even work correctly at launch event

No, it's Apple going for a ratio that scales well from their previous devices.

Either way it's retarded./


>watch ijustine’s two week with iPhone 8 video
>she says her friends are getting the 8 because they want Touch ID
As well people have been talking about NSA cia nigger gubmint global database tinfoil since launch. Hell I showed the phone to one of my pals and the first thing he said about face ID was an NSA joke.

The same could be said about Touch ID, but you can burn off fingerprints. You can’t burn off your face(Mohammed not included).

How can anyone justify paying so much for flagship phones? I have a 2 years old 240€ phone, I can still watch videos in fullHD, I can still have 30 tabs in Firefox, I catch gps and LTE when 1m under ground. Why do people pay $600-$900 to have the battery capacity slashed in half and have the body made out of the same, albeit white finished, aluminium

So poor people can show that they're rich, although they live in trailers and eat cheap ramen

You don't get rich by putting saffron into your cornflakes, but sometimes you feel like eating fancy

>How can anyone justify paying so much for flagship phones?
How can anyone justify paying $1000 for a sofa?

How can anyone justify paying $1200 for a speaker?

How can anyone justify paying $2800 for a TEEEEVEEEE?
amazon.com/LG-Electronics-OLED65C7P-65-Inch-Ultra/dp/B01NAYM1TP/ref=sr_1_13?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1509351386&sr=1-13&keywords=4k tv 65 inch

It's not about justification. It's about want and ability. I had an iPod touch before most people had an iPhone and was immediately turned off from Apple when my home button died, effectively killing the iPod. I no longer WANTED anything to do with Apple that didn't involve a clickwheel.

As a result I've learned more about tech in the last 8 years than I would have ever learned had I gotten an iPhone and just stayed in my comfy little bubble. Yet I still recognize the legitimacy of Apple's claim to have built a tight nit ecosystem designed around a single philosophy.

you should really just go with the bread and circuses argument, because Android is quite literally for poor asses. You know it's true. I know it's true. The only reason to use Android if you AREN'T poor is to gain the ability to truly tinker with your phone and learn things you wouldn't have otherwise.

No, because I don't want to spend 30-40€ on chargers and 30€ on headphone adapters every month

I love how every third iPhone I see has a cracked screen.

God bless capitalism.

Limey pig iphag.

Why not? Some people can afford it and like Apple products. I do but will wait until the bugs are worked out.

Exactly. People can see that for themselves.

>wanting a phone with software bezels for 1300€
>no touchID
into the trash it goes

That's cause you're upside down, silly basement-of-the-world dwellers.
Your dollary-do's are worthless outside ozzieland.

I like that is has no TouchID and I welcome that change.

captcha: square

that it*

captcha: iRapeO

>find local drunk
>buy him alcohol
>take him to a provider's shop and buy phone with subscription,but make the drunk sign the papers
>use phone until provider shuts down your account
>insert prepaid card
It's been done in my country for years and it still works.

Nah, they can keep their fugly notch phone. Reminder that jobs is rotating in his grave and a piece of shit like the iPhone x would have never been even considered under him.

Kek, nice idea if it works like you said in your country

The clerks are supposed to decline suspicious requests,but their pay depends on the number of signed contracts and there are no legal consequences for the clerk himself.
My drunk of a neighbor officially owned five iphone 7's and it still gets taken off his pension.

The article couldn't use a picture of an iPhone X? Why use a picture of an iPhone 8... Or 7... Or 6s... Or 6... I can't tell which one it is but you get the idea.


Nemrem vjerovati da prolazi tako kod nas, super ideja

Susjed kojeg sam spomenuo je Laki iz Noćne more. Neki lik iz kvarta ga je tako zajebo pa sad Laki ima samo pola mirovine.

Hahahaha, pa kaj je Laki mislio da ce bit, kaj je opce pristao na to kakav lik.

I have unlimited talk/text/data with a S8 and pay $90/month after buying my phone. Even if I did the retard monthly payments on my phone and paid for insurance it would be less than $150/month.

And my plan isn't even particularly cheap or awesome.

So you're saying, if i purchase an iPhone i will be considered wealthy by everyone? God damn, thats the fastest way to look rich man, I'll buy an iPhone as soon as i can

uhhh love live is on ios too

People don't seem to realise that rich people stay rich because they don't waste money on bullshit. It's up to their kids to piss away all their money.

Bill Gates and Donald Trump use Samsung galaxies which are generally cheaper than iPhones. You wouldn't go up to them and tell them they are poorer than you because they don't have an iPhone.

>rich people stay rich because they don't waste money on bullshit
> Bill Gates
The man literally wastes money on trying to get the world BLACKED via a cure for Ebolaids.

> Donald Trump
Have you seen his gilded penthouses?

>> Donald Trump
>Have you seen his gilded penthouses?
Yet he uses Samsung instead of apple

>the best gear there is
Yeah but running the literal garbage hand-holding ultra restricted trash that is ios.
You can polish the turd as much as you like, it'll just be a prettier looking turd.

when will this meme die? Phone cameras are all trash.

shit I hope you're not talking about the iphone's screen, that's been out of date garbage for years now.

>everything is expensive cus socialism tax
America wins once again

I wouldn't take one if it were free, I just hate iphones. I'd take a Windows phone over apple garbage.


I have an Samsung A5 (2017 model)

I pay £20 a month. It has unlimited calls, texts and 2gb of data.
I would never pay more than that. I understand that people pay £40 a month for the latest S series or whatever, but I honestly have no need for such a phone.

£100+ is absurd.

Im an android user and even I agree s8 is garbage in every way especially it not being oled and camera is mediocre

Even if they somehow stuck the latest i7 in there, its still going to get hotter than the surface of the sun running anything that even starts to look taxing, so whats the point

>i am not poor so i can waste money

said no rich person ever