Come home arch boy!

come home arch boy!
ditch aur
embrace dnf

hufag! domi... more like homi.

Archlinux general?

>Duke Nukem Forever package manager

>mfw I love fedora and dnf but hate systemd
>mfw I am begrudgingly on the teet of redhat

SELinux for life. None of that AppArmour meme shit.

Tfw I don't mind systemd,love dnf and gnome is my fav de. Also fedora has some nice gnome fps patches for gnome in the 27 distro for me

Wayland more like wayleave gaming

Fedora is pretty good.

Same but I hate Gnome.

Ya dun goofed

more like waylate

Compared to other distros, sure. Compared to windows or macOS it's light.

> did not finish package manager

>1.3 GB idle

more like waydidnteventakeoff

>23 minute uptime
>1586 packages
>Intel CPU
>falling for the 16GiB RAM meme
I'll never take advice from you.

you can still use xorg it is linux after all not winddos

What do you mean? Everything is being ported to Wayland, all major distros use Wayland (arch doesn't include it by default, but then again arch doesn't include a window server by default).

hello form two releases ahead
>tfw cant use legacycaptcha :(

that font hurt me

i enjoy torturing myslef m8

i dig the font, what font is it?

its called monofur

I use Fedora

Was never an arch fag though


Fedora was one of my fav distros for a long time and I was seriously considering switching (from Arch). I actually did a year ago or so and soon realized that their Chromium build is compiled without support for html5 live streaming. That was the only reason I didn't stick with it. It's a great distro but for this reason and now also that they've sold out to Microsoft I will never consider them again.