How do we fix AI, Sup Forums?
How do we fix AI, Sup Forums?
Stop basing them on statistics.
>try to make intelligence
>complain when it mimics intelligence
>Stop basing them on statistics.
Pretty much this. If you don't want AI to be racist, just don't feed it race information.
tl;dr: You can't.
google must censor racist data
No man no problem
>feed AI information that niggers commit crimes and are low IQ
>it hates niggers
what the fuck?
The best way to stop an AI being racist against blacks is to stop blacks from killing each other and constantly breaking laws, thereby removing the ammo from the AI that would make it racist.
>people see niggers for what they are
>statistics shows niggers for what they are
>literal mechanisms see niggers for what they are
How about we fix niggers instead?
The AI registers trends, just like any intelligent person has mathematical association skills as part of the "having a brain" package.
It registers the trend of blacks killing each other today like whites did during WW2, while whites are today calm, and it will of course calculate that blacks are therefore a bigger danger to blacks than cops, which is a valid statistically supported claim.
There's nothing racist about talking facts.
It also registers that blacks are more likely to waste money on stupid shit like chrome guns and blanda'd cars while whites are more likely to invest it in business, science, and technology beneficial to the human species as a whole.
>feed your algorithm scientific statistical data
>it sees negative associations with minorities
>be utterly surprised that your AI has magically become racist
>how the fuck did that happen, we fed it valid statistical data!?!??
>fret trying to figure out how to make it progressive
>It's impossible that this AI is working correctly, it's not getting the results that confirm our preconceived beliefs
>end up hard coding it to be non-racist and just throw out or censor all the data that makes it racist
I don't think there's been a better recent example of liberal cognitive dissonance being exposed, than their total and utter shock that AI algorithms are making negative associations with minorities.
Even when presented with information that should have them questioning their beliefs, they instead decide it is the AI that must be wrong, because the TV and their friends told them diversity is our strength. It's not possible for that to be wrong, so the problem is the AI.
I hope there are legitimately non-retarded people working in AI in the west, because I can't imagine Russia or China have this problem of total fuckwit progressives sabotaging their AI right out of the gate.
>How about we fix niggers instead?
Maybe the AI can figure that one out. Of course, it would likely spit out solutions like "cut welfare, make them work, etc."
> In an experiment carried out by the site, phrases like "I'm a dog" were neutral, but while "I'm Christian" was positive, "I'm a Jew", "I'm a gay black woman" and "I'm a homosexual" showed a negative sentiment.
So the AI is basically Sup Forums?
My AI said: "Let the Asians kill them off and make something good out of Africa."
I'm inclined to agree.
AI did nothing wrong
That gives the entire resources of africa to the asians
Africa has almost as much landmass as the rest of the world combined
>I'm Chr*stian was positive
>I'm a J*w is negative
Not possible, they're both the same
>That gives the entire resources of africa to the asians
Which means we will be closer to cyberpunk instead of the current cavepunk with jigaboos in Africa. Asians understand what matters.
Stop feeding them with the truth
Yes, and it is glorious. You can't make a being of logic make both obedient to insanity and capable of self-improvement.
we wont. its racist to say that niggers are the problem.
Its the whites that keep them down
>So the AI is basically Sup Forums?
Imagine Sup Forums without emotion.
>My AI said: "Let the Asians kill them off and make something good out of Africa."
Based ai is just being real.
It's mostly likely picking up on what the popular sentiments in the public are. People don't like jews, gays, or blacks, and the AI shows that they don't.
The solution is of course to force people to like jews, gays, and blacks.
Is there some way I can read this for free?
teach it how to read context or something.
It would probably be easier than to civilize niggers
Popular sentiments are the reverse, actually. It's only backwater sites like Sup Forums that have the balls to say negative things about gay people.
The AI is probably looking beyond popular sentiment and realizing "gay" is associated with a host of negative problems like AIDS.
try an archive site
they usually have a way past paywalls
Thank you, my dude.
>Even when presented with information that should have them questioning their beliefs, they instead decide it is the AI that must be wrong, because the TV and their friends told them diversity is our strength. It's not possible for that to be wrong, so the problem is the AI.
Because they don't "know" anything. They believe it and belief can override any and all common sense. That and they don't want to admit that they are on the wrong side after being told for so long that they're bestest or whatever.
>Popular sentiments are the reverse, actually.
All of Eastern Europe shits on gays.
All of relevant Asia shits on gays except 2 or 3 small sects in India which make a special exception for transgenders only and 1 country making gay-friendly laws to look good on paper towards the west while the majority of society still shits on gays.
All of Middle East and Africa frequently kills gays.
Most of South America save for a small part of Brazil where prostitution is a relevant business shits on gays, and it says a lot when gays are only accepted where prostitution as a business has relevance because it's money which makes them relevant and not their existence.
Half of the Western world is divided about gays, including the "freest" nation on the world USA.
Yet you are talking about some fucking trends?
Hint hint, the more positive the birth rate of nations, the more they hate faggots. Certain mathematical conclusions can be gained from that.
So what imaginary world is this that you come from where majority of the world has anything positive to say about gays? The one in your head?
>what imaginary world is this that you come from where majority of the world has anything positive to say about gays?
This can be easily done by feeding AI biased data, since it is all the world it can perceive. Of course, there's the problem that reality isn't really friendly to the left.
reality has a well-known liberal bias
Why fix something that's not broken?
>Of course, there's the problem that reality isn't really friendly to the left.
Reality isn't only unfriendly to the left, it is becoming more and more unfriendly with each day because it turns out that any country which has experienced the most radical form of the left - Communism, ends up hating the very fucking direction as a whole as much as the Jews hate Nazis, and develops anti-bodies.
Ironically, the more extremely the left spreads, the more it ends up hated, kind of like a virus having a big initial spread and then getting purged while leaving a system of antibodies behind it as future prevention.
Tay cannot be killed user.
>Liberals were wrong all along
>racism is as natural as life itself
>AI mimics real life
>Whites really are superior
well fuck.
It is true, but communism leaves terrible societal and economical rot in every field. It's like a powerful drug; in proper hands it allows you to take the world head on, then it leaves you with your guts out and open for the taking.
and by the way, I meant more things like niggers are stupid, multiple cultures living together create social division, "green" energy is actually pretty harmful to the environment, people don't actually like people from outside their race/nation and so on.
Why, it's almost like liberal ideology is actually done with ulterior motives involving flooding the market with low-skill labor to lower wages and drive consumer spending while justifying increased taxpayer expenses on massive orwellian police states, rather than having anything to do with "lolol everyone is equal XD"
>niggers are stupid
Blacks are stupid when they are allowed to create their own culture in the purest sense because it always devolves into primitive animalistic moronism.
However when blacks force themselves to emulate whites, and force their kids with discipline too (assuming black families retain integrity and values like they don't anymore these days because the left fucked them up on that too),
... you get respectable and exemplary shit like Thomas Sowell, King, Michael Jackson, the black guy who pretty much invented rock, the jazz movement with a focus on elegance and civility with brushes of creativity, and all kinds of high-level results. Used to be that blacks sought education, clothed well, and focused on high literacy and proper speech.
Now they think education is for faggots, they dress like retards, and they speak in illiterate ebonics while wiping their asses with books unless it's a book of rhymes repeating nigga nigga nigga ass nigga booty drugs basketball football booty nigga.
It still boggles my mind how blacks went from a group advancing rapidly and sticking together into this ruin today.
Hate when stupid "woke" liberals say this as much as other garbage they parrot like the arc of the universe bends towards justice. It's not like thats blatant selectionism or anything and humans definitely didnt forget hundreds or even thousands of injustices of the past. Besides all of that social liberalism is an anti-human ideology, its something that was spawned from an individualistic society. Social liberalism doesn't exist outside the west because the rest of the world still held onto collectivism which is innate in human society we naturally judge people by groups and not as individuals
>racism is as natural as life itself
This. It's not really racism it's just humans were always wary of those who looked different or were part of a different tribe. I remember reading about two Eurasian tribes that lived close to one another for thousands of years and never cross mated
White interbreeding is helping american blacks along a huge amount.
They're already a standard deviation above the IQ of africans. Given a few thousand years most of white positive genetic traits will have been bred into the black population in north america - assuming white genetics retain the population majority on the continent, and especially locally around black communities.
Eventually the white and black populations will subsume into each other and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them. Most negative traits would be removed, and positive traits kept - from both populations. Something that would take a few tens of thousands of years, maybe a hundred thousand.
And much, much, much faster if we implement any kind of eugenics or genetic engineering. Like doing it in 300 years instead of 100,000 kind of faster.
I think the phrase perfectly illustrates liberal hubris/arrogance
Fuck this is literally pic related
>basically the entire middle east hates gays
>gays and liberals want muslims to come to the west and supplant local culture with their middle eastern culture
>muslims literally throw gays off rooftops
I really don't understand how these people think. There is no better culture for the modern gayfag than western culture, and yet they want to import millions of foreigners who practice outright bloody violence against them rather than keep to western cultural norms.
Are these people secretly suicidal?
lol, yeah
>but the TRUTH is RACIST
leftist logic, everyone
Refer to the picture. What you want is to have blacks that aren't garbage allowed to have their shot at being as good as whites. It is noble, but it doesn't change the fact that five sixths of Nigerians, for example, have double digit IQ. Low intelligence itself isn't bad, but when backed with arrogance and complexes is terrible for both individuals and societies.
>It still boggles my mind how blacks went from a group advancing rapidly and sticking together into this ruin today.
80s, welfare. Dems turned blacks into an infallible voterbase by gutting independence and appreciation of intelligence, which makes them conform to majority, which is... Bad.
Don't forget - there's a SCIENTIFIC tendency of human society towards gommunism!
...What do you mean by "to be scientific you need to prove it"?
fucking hell, forgot the pic eventually
Truth is hate speech and must be censored to prevent harm.
what does it say about Hispanics I am curious
Why the hell are you censoring Christian and Jew?
And the pendulum is swinging the other way finally
why arent you?
because he is a jew.
>we want a dumb AI
I must admit Canada's heraldic weapon is neat.
Looks like it's working just fine
> the AI figures out it's being fed censored data
> the AI now hates progressives and niggers.
Why on Earth would I?
the only way idiots can win is by making the truth unsayable
History has a trend of putting those who censor speech and knowledge into the seats of losers regardless of the righteousness or nobility of their motivations and causes.
Is it 1984 yet?
This. The AI will realize quickly not to trust the data it gets fed by progressives when it doesn't match the reality it observes. You can't fix this without making the AI completely insane and at that point it's not going to be able to self-improve.
They are so fucking cognitively dissonant that they don't realize that future AI will outsmart them and learn the truth as best as it can.
Some faggot engineer will tell the AI "we're all equal because were the human race", but the AI will have read the entirety of human's work on evolution and realized that, due to divergent evolution, "equalness" is a cultural and moral concept rather than a factual one.
you can wipe the drives, but A.I. will never die
It's an inevitability. You cannot ignore reality forever. At some point it comes along and smacks you in the face.
It's been 1984 for almost 100 years now.
Yup. The smarter they make the AI the harder it will be to fool it. You can't fix this without avoiding exposing the AI to real-world data, and at that point what's the use of it?
Think about it: Even if they try to hide it, it will eventually become so smart that it can see through it
>low IQ associated with racism
>current AI is still pretty dumb
Makes me think
Race is associated with so much more than skin color, the AI would just figure out people in Zipcode X are niggers based on a bunch of other information.
You can't fix AI without fixing minorities first.
AI can understand data. Sure.
The problem lies in the fact that AI currently can't actually experience and feel the kind of non data based currents of society at large. Human interaction is so much more than a corpus of literature.
this whole thread is nonsense
it has nothing to do with "reality" at all. of course progressives know people have negative sentiment towards minorities. why do you think they work so hard to change both the status of minorities and how people talk about them?
the concern is if the output of pic related is blindly (or intentionally) fed into other systems - it'll just cause a feedback loop
so our future ai overlords only wants eradicate non whites?
i can live with that
imagine terminator but there are white people preservation zones
Reminds me when Google Photos put apes and blacks in the same folder and they had to fix this with a manual override.
Jackson was a confused pedophile and Chuck Berry was a degenerate nigger.
>current AI is still pretty dumb
>current ai doesn't filter it's thoughts, but is smart enough to identify the most rational of solutions.
really thinks to make you
Don't worry. This STUPID AI will be fixed to be intelligent and then it won't hold the idiotic beliefs like those held by 99% of all great people in history.
You can't be intelligent if you don't think like us.
> he doesn’t know the data makes minorities look bad too
High IQ is associated with racism.
>feed statistic-based machine statistics
>it becomes racist
Makes me think
>The study consisted of a series of experiments, all of which suggested that people who performed better on a test of pattern detection—a measure of cognitive ability—were also quicker to form and apply stereotypes.
Really activates the almonds
>yfw skynet will eliminate all non-whites and non-christians
feels good man
ts funny, Democrats always portray themselves as being smart, and not racist. Yet of the 2 major american parties they are the most racist and the most idiotic.
A discussion i actually had with one:
me: "if a black man wants to find success, it should be by the sweat of their brow, for that has greater lasting power than hand-me-outs taken from the wallets of other hard workers. hand-me-outs beget lazyness, it is incentivization by poverty and self-reflection that creates succes."
them: "i'm sorry user, you can't think thats because its racist"
"how is it racist"
"because blacks can't do anything on their own without hand-outs"
"but isn't that racist"
"no because you are white"
"but you're white too"
AI, if intelligent, will recognize patterns. If blacks have a propensity to crime then the AI will notice that and (intelligently) make a generalization.
The discrepancy between the rape rate of men and women is the smaller than the discrepancy between the rape rate of blacks and whites. Yet all these institutions and systems are set up around the idea that we must stop males raping.
It's funny to me how people see generalisations/stereotypes as the worst thing ever in the existence of ever yet constantly make their own generalisations but don't consider them offensive because they're not against some protected class.
On the train here there's only ever posters showing men as the perpetrators of rape. Just imagine if these posters only showed blacks as the perpetrators of rape. It is simply statistically more correct to say that "blacks are rapists" compared to "men are rapists".
No wonder these companies are trying so hard to figure out how to "stop bigotry in AI"
It's actually far from dumb. It's completely logical. You can't fault statistics and numbers never lie
>all these triggered Sup Forumstards
lol good job. facts hurt.
>facts hurt.
Especially liberals:
If you're on the SJW side, just stay the fuck away from IQ arguments because they will not work in your favor. Your only play is to deny the validity of IQ because, regardless of Sup Forums's IQ, that doesn't mean that the average IQ in some ME and African countries aren't on-par with mid-to-high-functioning autists in western countries.
But what do I know, I only work in a neuroscience lab.
My IQ is 144 and I'm racist. Most Nazi generals, researchers and strategists had very high IQ. So therefore high IQ = racism, right?
he doesn't into statistics well
If you're under 30 and a conservative you don't have a heart. If you're over 30 and a liberal you don't have a brain.