How hard did he fuck up ? His new site has almost no traffic. Did he go insane or why did he trade a stable income for a shit tier html site nobody will pay 5$ per month for ?
How hard did he fuck up ? His new site has almost no traffic...
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Literally who? And get you e-celeb jerking outta gee please
and sage.
don't act like you don't know eli
Is he another child molester/rapist? Looks like one
>expecting us to know who your e-celeb boyfriend is
he aint in the database
Backstory on this fuck, please
Explain yourself, idk what u are talking about.
That guy selfhost his shitty videos now?
That's good.
Typical nu/g/ doesn't even know the only youtuber slightly relevant to Sup Forums
The best part is that at least one of you retards is going to go shitpost in a Linus Tech Tips thread in the next five minutes
I say he fucked up hard. That's why he started doing some streaming on youtube ranting on how he failed to kill his channel. He is signaling regret.
is he the guy who usually wears that orange prison suit
>unironically using "youtuber" in a sentence
Talk about nu/g/
>people calling Eli an e-celeb and not knowing he's Sup Forums related
Wow Sup Forums really has gone to shit
who are you quoting?
talk about nu/g/
using facebook filenames on top of that. that's how we know we're dealing with newfag kids.
i think eli just doesn't care about anything anymore. if he has the money to afford living like that, that's great for him.
>he's not an e-celeb because I say so!
He shills php and globalism because its (((practical))). The guy is good if you want to be a code monkey wage slave.
I typed in "eli Sup Forums" in google and this is what it came up with, you can thank me later.
Catchy tune.
Why did they keep showcasing this girl throughout the video? Is this considered attractive in Albania?
Never cared for him, he's just some faggot that'll ramble for an hour about something you could've learned in 5 minutes
give me a quick rundown on who this is and why I should care
Mostly Kosovo,Albania,and the the substantial Kosovo migrants in Macedonia.
its my fault
Linus Tech Tips is shilled often enough here that I know who it is. And Linus created Linux AND is a mod on Sup Forums so It's not ridiculous that we know who it is.
That's "whom".
Talk about nu/g/
Sup Forums - consumer appliances
Doesn't even originate from here
Talk about nu/jp/
>How hard did he fuck up
>Did he go insane
He went insane a long time ago.
>Constant format changes in his youtube
>Constantly threatening to leave, only to come back again a few weeks later
>Surprised his channel died harder than shoenice
>actually finding your little back-and-forth humorous
R*ddit is that way
Yeah, you don't need to announce you're leaving youtube. You just leave.
I've almost become blind to it in my own country, but when I see it happening in other cultures it's so obvious and egregious.
his explanations were bloated with redundant unnecessary shit anyway
>so this is the part where i'm supposed to go into this long, tedious monologue
>but i'm not going to do that
>goes into long, tedious monologue anyway
I stopped watching him years ago, he's knowledgeable but i can't watch a 2 hours video that he keeps sidetracking from the main topic.
>Rolls eyes
>rambles for 2 seconds
>roll eyes
>talks again
>roll eyes
>Related to Sup Forums
The only youtuber that has EVER been related to Sup Forums was Terry Davis and he's GONE.
I just can't fathom what he was thinking. Sure, youtube creators are getting cucked, that's common knowledge, but how could he think that anywhere near enough people would be interested in subscribing to his shitty website.
He could have just opened a patreon and made more than enough. How could he not see that even if youtube is fucking him over in terms of adsense and strikes, he's still getting 1000000% more exposure through youtube than anywhere else.
I really thought he wasn't that retarded.
The period goes inside the quotes you imbecile.
just realized that 100.000% isn't even that far off considering he had around 1M subscribers...
>Thread about a ""tech professional"" fucking himself over in online / tech business despite seemingly better knowledge
>Most answers are shitposting about whether or not he's a e-celeb and about grammer
T-Thanks Sup Forums
this is the guy with that awful speech tick right?
hopefully he wikl stop showing up in my RECHOMEN-CH-A-CH-IONS-CSCCSCSHCSCSH
yep, also the guy with literal autism and a bald spot in his beard.
to be fair most men have irregular cover in facial hait, just slobs who cannot into hygiene and grooming cant cover those spots
It's always there and always fucking big. I don't know if it's a stylistic choice, some kind of disease or if he just can't shave for shit.
who cares ?
i know these dogs
they're dumb as fuck
This is the Sup Forums I've been waiting for.
What happened to Terry?
This Eli guy can host his own videos and they'll still be unpalatable
He's still around but not doing well. Sadly he isn't working on temple os much anymore.
Sage sage gay
you didn't even sage