Fellow Sup Forumsentlemen, can we please have a brief moment of pity for those too poor to afford an iPhone?
For all android plebeians out there, I’m sorry. I’m sure life will get better.
Fellow Sup Forumsentlemen, can we please have a brief moment of pity for those too poor to afford an iPhone?
For all android plebeians out there, I’m sorry. I’m sure life will get better.
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I love being spied on and having my personal data sold to anyone: the post
>android poor so salty he has to photoshop an image
>he can’t even afford an argument
Poor little tiny tim
I'm currently using a Motorola Moto Z play running on Android Nougat. Life goes pretty well but I won't deny that I'm sometimes ashamed of myself in social situations : it seems that not many people know about microG or free software. My normies friend laughed at me for introducing them to Wire, for not using Snapchat...
And when I tell normal people about how I prefer android over iOS they often give me a suprised look. Other than that it's pretty comfy
fake news
I’m sorry to hear that. There’s no shame in being an android user. You just got dealt a shitty hand in life.
By friends do you mean people who look after you in the shelter?
iPhones are shit OP, calm the fuck down
>eats shit out of his toe
>calls himself a doctor when he only has honorary doctorates
Stallman is the worst
if a nigger steals an iphone is he rich now?
When he steals 2, then he's double rich
why are android users so salty?
I wish I had money
Im poor as shit :(
if the money was mine, i will spent it in what i want,fuck you poor
>Forgetting the latest
Doesn't change the fact you edited your photo Pajeet.
My S8 has a similar price to the iPhone 8. Try again.
Thanks, now everyone can see how retarded are Android users.
It's not about the money.
>mfw I am a mac user and post iToddler memes to cause chaos
You're a god amongst men. Praise be you.
>pity for those too poor to afford an iPhone?
>It's not about the money.
I paid 120€ for my current smartphone and it can do everything your 1000€ iPhone can. It looks similar too.
Why do you think you need to spend so much money for a device when you could have every function for a fifth to a tenth of the cost. Are you by any chance preoccupied with how people perceive your social status and try to bolster it with a gimmick?
If so, you should know that poor people do this more than wealthy people.
doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02516.x
tl;dr: Apple buyers are actually poorer than other buyers
I got one recently, and it's pretty good.
It's a quite restricted system, but it's quite smooth in return.
Ever since I got an Iphone, I spend less time looking at my phone screen and doing actual stuff.
Thanks Steve, whether you are in Hell or Heaven right now for creating a tiny tarot card with glass glued on it.
I have an android because I choose to have one, but enjoy your iPhone. iOS 11 brought a bunch of cool shit to it.
How is massive battery drain "cool"?
Did I say battery drain was cool you fucking mongoloid?
Gosh user, you don't have to be so rude. You've really made me feel uncomfortable.
>I can’t afford an iPhone but my knock off was 12% of the price. This somehow proves I’m not poor
In never knew true pity until I met android users.
Whoa wtf man is almost like the updates added new stuff that taxes old hardware more wtf maaannn
I’d much prefer android, where a company decides it’s been 6 months and my phone model doesn’t deserve updates anymore.
>but muh lineage OS/whatever other unofficial pajeet shit OS rom garbage
Why should I waste so much time tinkering with useless shit that breaks in the most essential ways, Mr. Android “sorry I’m late for work. My clock app crashed when the alarm was supposed to go off” OS
Android fags are a fucking joke. Android should be a stepping stone to becoming a big boy and wearing big boy pants and just getting shit done. It works as a phone and many other things, but the point is that it works.
Pic related. Android users.
Damage control in full effect
>iToddler thinks hes smart by missing out on an obvious joke
holy moly color me surprised
literally the worse flagship this year
>fuck hueg bezels compared to other bezeless memes
>no fingerprint scanner
>worse face unlock than samshit
I'd rather buy an iphone 8 over an X any day of the week
Never owned an iPhone, but having to pay shitton of money for a brand name and not functionality is literally the most autistic thing to do. Then again, i think not even autists do that.