Does Sup Forums dream in code?
Does Sup Forums dream in code?
i dream in visual basic 6
What are you trying to accomplish by posting the same fucking thread over and over again?
it's an ebin meme
I dream in emojicode
He was sort of irritating and smug when he was young, but he's grown to be a fine white national socialist
No, I'm a brainlet
Anyone who's life consists of 90% coding might end up dreaming in code. Just because some guy who hasn't hit the age of 18 yet has a couple dreams about code doesn't make him a fucking genius. It just means he's been coding for the majority of his waking hours for probably months on end. Can we stop acting like this is a big deal?
Stupid chicano kid wants to feel 'murican by turning against his people. Imperialism at its finest.
>emojis unironically
It's true though. The Mexican government is so fucked that people have to move to have any chance at a decent life. The US may be the single most corrupt government on earth, but they hide it so well and don't oppress their people so openly like other governments do.
if(vertexBuffer == NULL)
vertexBuffer = something_cropped_off;
I do dream about coding sometimes, but it's never pleasant.
It's like I'm working in the time I was supposed to rest.
I have to agree with that too. However, I want to add that the opression the US government doesn't apply on its people applies it to other people of other countries. The reason why Mexico, Central/South America are so fucked up is because of 'murican interests meddling in these countries. This is your own doing too, these are the harvests of your imperialism. Everything costs breh.
hes based but hes not white or a national socialist
Please, China will bankrupt those dump countries not the US. They've already finished Venezuela
>dump countries
They can't bankrupt something that was already bankrupted by you guys. They are making it worse so that you guys drown faster in all the mess you've caused. About time your little empire goes to shit.
He says this as a the child of legal immigrants from Mexico. There's nothing legal immigrants hate more than fence jumpers.
>turning against his people.
Americans are more his people than mexican illegals ever will be.
Not if they're using sub-sonic ammunition.