User-kun, why are you still overclocking? You sacrifice efficiency and reliability, suffer from higher temps and noise...

user-kun, why are you still overclocking? You sacrifice efficiency and reliability, suffer from higher temps and noise, and pay more for mobos as well.
You've grown into such a handsome young man, there's no need to care about getting a bit higher fps in those games of yours.


>tfw have to overclocked to use meme filters in mpv

Undervolt master race reporting in, [email protected] 1.15V


>You've grown into such a handsome young man
You made my year, user. Never have I ever read a joke of that caliber.

t. brazilian favela monkey eater shilling i5-8400 everywhere in disguise of a weeb


>implying rostie would care about overclocking
>implying rostie would care about technology in general

>You've grown into such a handsome young man,
Stopped reading right there

>Implying any girl would even care if I took my life, much less about what I do with a computer

It's true, anons. Shouldn't you be more interested in more grown up stuff by now? You know, I find nice 300W PSU's much cuter than those big 600W ones.


Bark like a dog on vocaroo first.

>young man
Bitch, I'm almost 30


Overclocking is no longer necessary to be honest.

>overclock cpu
>underclock gpu

you take that back or else

No Intel I wont "upgrade" from my i5 2500k


if you sucked on Cirno's tiddies, would you get ice cream instead of milk?

anyway I have a separate machine for vidya gaymen. it's turned off when I'm not using it, and it's not the main machine I use for everything else, so overclocking it doesn't cause any problems.

O-oh my.

>Touhou is an anime


I will sacrifice everything for power

>You've grown into such a handsome young man
Why is my mother yelling at me about my computer and taking off her panties?

But I agree, baka. That's why I don't overclock

I salute you, fellow /bant/ers

Maybe if you carred about being a better man as much as you care about installing gentoo you wouldnt have that problem

Well it does have 2 or 3 fanmade animes

Why is there an anti-overclocking propaganda thing going on all of a sudden?

Overclocking has been the people's champion for fucking decades and now all of a sudden people hate on it for things we never cared about for those same long decades?

Is intel/AMD pretempting a shitty overclocking series of chips or something?

Who the fuck talks like this. Get help. Actually who am I kidding, we all know you're beyond help.


i run my 3.5GHz 8320 at 4.0GHz at stock voltage, doesn't really run any hotter
and it's a cheap mobo, don't need to go out of your way cost-wise to overclock amd cpu's

Why, cause I'm not a filthy 500 pound virginity-intact weeaboo? Because my fingers and keyboard aren't covered in a crust of Dorito crumbs?

>shame tactics
Go away lady

I agree. I overclocked my last cpu, it was not a great experiece in the long term. Now i have the wonderful i5 8400

Did that hit a little too close to home?

Why is it always roasties that just spout "hurr hurr ur a loser".

is intentionally fucking up your reply the newest meme

respond to me nigger

Re: 63137025

With regards,

Overrated. Efficiency doesnt mattet, its a dumb meme. I wouldnt give a fuck if my PC was 2kW as long as it can cool itself
When overclocked reliability detetiorates vety slowly over a course of years.
An overclocked PC stops handling the overclock and returns to stock vales after years of heavy duty when it becomes obsolete anyway.
And in the end its back to stock which it can run for decades more.
Bigger coolers.
I love my PC booting faster and running photoshop snappier.

Overclocking isnt hardware abuse, its hardeare fine tuning.
Stock values are defined by the worst chips that pass the quality control plus some margin of error.

Think about Sandy Bridge If the worst chips of the batch work @3.5Ghz and the best ones @5Ghz you should try OCing because the odds are your chip isnt the worst.

shut the fuck up gook cartoon whore i don't give a shit


>being this new

Anime and anything from the gooks is shit. Nuke them again.

start by killing yourself


>early morning in eastern european house far away from city
>fully manual wood/coal heating
>i can suffer hours in cold house before i leave for college
>or i can turn on my [email protected] with nvidia thermi graphics accelerator and get my room warm in ten minutes on load

it's not like dumb cirno would understand

also, overclocking is fun. it's kinda like checking your lottery ticket

Every woman is roastie including anime girls

do you have a license for that loli?

i wont to fuck cirno
