Buy Ryzen R7 1700

>Buy Ryzen R7 1700
>It will be fast

I hate AMD so much, my 48GB of RAM using the AMD board and CPU are cut in half in windows, while the same 48GB of RAM werks just fine with my old Intel build.

So now I have a better CPU but my RAM is cut in half (latest BIOS update).

Why are AMDtards so incompetent?

have you checked your msconfig?

>experience index
That hasn't been a thing since vista tho

Of course I have! I can make it boot into windows using the 48GB but as soon as I do anything a little demanding the systems freezes.

Linux/gnu does not have this problem

Did you install it properly?
What does Memtest has to say about this?

You got meme'd son

Haven't tested it with the 48GB installed, just with 16 and 32, none had problems.

I'm sure it's just Ryzen shit RAM compability, and I don't want to go and buy more RAM since that shit is expensive.

lmao, sorry you got meme'd op, but at least you aren't a ramlet :^)

it seems there is something wrong with the motherboard's ram socket.
try another ram. if it is the same, you would find the problem.

> Haven't tested it [but] I'm sure it's just Ryzen

OK then.
Have you tested anything that's not an 8 year old OS?

Just return it and buy an Intel system. Ryzen simply isn't worth the hassle with so many major, crippling bugs and lower performance. Sure, it's cheaper, but you get what you pay for.

The problem is not with ram socket, but cpu socket. What he should have is LGA 1151 socket, but apparently he has AM4.


Ryzen is not compatible with w7, upgrade to 10

Hahaha you got poomemed boy. Comfylake is just plug/xmp/play. Here you poozen peasants have to research if your unicorm ram will work and often it doesnt. What a failure

go back to your monkey soup

Yeah, dont do this OP

Go back to your designated shitting street.

What motherboard are you using OP?

Always these shit threads from people using long outdated operating systems on current hardware.

It's called legacy.

Wrong way around - MS doesn't support ryzen (or kayblake) on win7, not that ryzen won't work on win7.

>I want the latest and greatest hardware
>but I refuse to use software that supports it


hello OP.

This is one problem.

Your motherboard is faulty, OP. Send it back to Newegg or Amazon for a new one.

What are you doing that needs 48 gigs of RAM in the first place, OP?

my 32gb ram works on my ryzen 1700 machine

We told you 8700k, you didn't listen.

>he listened to Sup Forums

>windows 7

What motherboard are you using?

So, let me get this straight.

Its 2017 and you're using Windows 7, an OS that mainstream support ended for in 2015? And you're using a processor that specifically doesn't list Windows 7 as a supported OS?

And you're wondering why shit aint working right?

Don't worry, we all go through the AMD meme at least once. There are simply too many AMD shills online and they are aggressive as fuck. I got memed into buying an FX 8120 instead of going with the extremely better i5 2500k at the time and had the shittiest time of my life with a PC ever until I switched back. AMD shills then were shilling the POS known as bulldozer and vishera just like they are shilling Ryzen right now. They never work as intended, they never give you the peace of the mind of just doing whatever you want to do without having to babysit your incomplete hardware, there's always a billion and one "ifs" and "buts".

hello op.

creates a top notch system
installs a 8 years old OS
screetch like an autistic ape on Sup Forums that an unpatched OS doesnt work as intended

Works On My Machineā„¢

I'm on 64gb with W7 and don't have this problem, he's just retarded.


Cool, chances are you also don't have the exact same hardware setup as the OP, and you got lucky.

Congrats. Would still recommend switching up to Win10, why didnt you all grab the free keys while Microsoft was giving them away for a whole year?


I'm on 32GB with W7 and also don't have this problem. OP is just retarded and/or has a faulty motherboard.

16GB RAM, 32GB of RAM work fine, it only cuts to 24GB when the 48GB of RAM are installed.

>mfw another SOPA thread
When will he kill himself, lads?

wait, whos doing the raping, me or them?

>why didnt you all grab the free keys while Microsoft was giving them away for a whole year?
The same reason why I stayed on XP until W7 came out, if MS won't make better system than W7 I rather switch to Debian than W10.

It was in Windows 7 buddy.

Also the MOBO is the a Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3, I had 0 intentions to overclock, and this one had what I needed, 4 PCIe slots, 6 SATA ports and a DAC optimized USB port, with 4 fucking slots for RAM.

>blame AMD for macroshits fuckups

Had the same problem with my i5 750 had to buy new ram. It was due to voltage shit

>I'm a tech illiterate
>It's AMDs fault
I don't even think this is bait anymore, it's easier to believe people just are this dumb.

I have the exact same CPU and 64GB of RAM and no problems.
Windows LTSB 2015.

What's your motherboard? Have you tried anything other than Windows 7?

>using ryzen in a 8 years old OS

Don't you have to have the xmp file loaded for it to read all the ram? I was watching bitwit video and it wasnt reading all his ram but he said the xmp needed to be loaded for it too.

Which GPU are you using? I wish there was a way to use a GTX 1080 Ti in LTSB 2015.


>In an
Because that sounds right

>I have a different hardware setup and this doesnt happen to me.

Cool story bro.

I tried to buy RAM for my new Ryzen build and found out that high speed DDR4 is almost unobtainable. Super high prices, no availability.
You know, if intel wasn't caught bribing motherboard manufacturers I'd think this was a coincidence.

>Windows LTSB 2015

Thats cause you're using an OS that is from this decade unlike the OP.

It's the DRAM cartel comprised of Hynix, Samsung and Micron that decided there not going to compete with each other, limit supply and "focus on mobile".
Both DDR3 and DDR4 have skyrocketed due to this.

>an 8 (eight) sounds wrong
>a 8 (eight) sounds right
English isn't my first language, but I know I'm not wrong.

I've seen people install and overclock 64gb on Ryzen. Sounds like you fucked up.


>48GB of RAM
Fucking autism

My threadripper works just fine with 64 gb. You are probably doing something wrong OP.


Use "a" before a consonant sound (e.g. "a banana"). Use "an" before a vowel sound (e.g. "an apple").

The key thing there being that it depends on the sound, and not necessarily the actual letter. "Eight" starts with a consonant, but actually has a vowel sound at the start. "An eight year old" is correct.


what motherboard?

He was doing so well... he is right about it except the E being a consonant part.

technically AMD and Intel don't support it either, but the generic drivers work well enough
