Why the fuck is this allowed?

Why the fuck is this allowed?
The previous version was 4GB, that is already too big, i mean it's an app and it's bigger than the entire OS, but this one? What the fuck? Does the installer contain every piece of code ever written?
For fucks sakes.

>it's an app

i call everything an app because it's only 3 letters and it's super easy to type
it's the one thing apple did right

Stop installing every side feature you twat

>still using vs after the microsoft telemetry fiasco
seriously though theres much better alternatives

No. Just no.
VS is by FAR the best piece of software for development in C# it's so fucking good i even put up with any spying it does on me and 20GB installs and other shit, that is how fucking good it is. Other software doesn't come even fucking close. Not to mention all the plugins and shit for development for android and other playtforms tailored specifically for VS.
VS is literally the industry standard and second to none.

Enterprise is for big boys.

just ditch it, leave vs, leave windows.

so is ide?

Ditch it for what? apple os? That pile of crap? Nope.

Linux? And be trapped in the software compatibility and installing something breaking something else hell? No thank you.

Windows has the 95% market share for a reason, because it is best there is. Having your personal data stolen is a small price to pay for perfection.

Unused resources are wasted resources.

Enjoy your stockholm syndrome.

tfw IDElet

>apple did right
app was used long before apple did anything with mobile

>because it is best there is
Are you sure that you're not confusing the cause and the effect?

but apple was the one who replaced all those ugly terms like software, application, program, addon, plugin, extension etc etc with one single nice clean word APP

freetards can't get over how wonderful, fast, stable the windows 10 is,
the best version yet inb4 muh telemetry, the year of linux desktop
will never going to happen, deal with it

Okay, name one single piece of software better than VS at developing in c# for windows and android so i can laugh at you, because there is none.
I know because i looked and always came crawling back to VS because it's so vastly better that once you use it it's impossible to settle for anything lesser

and fuck you, I'm the one laughing at you

I'm not talking about "the best there is", I'm talking about your reasoning about windows having 95% market share becuase it is "the best there is". Surely, it couldn't be the other way around where the only reason why wangblows has such good support with software is because it is 95% of the marketshare.

You just clicked install on every single feature to then go
>Why is VS so big guys
I'm sorry you have brain problems.

What happened?

>most people are total scum
>most people are illiterate and brainwashed by the tv
>most people use winshit
this is some almond activating stuff

>good support with software is because it is 95% of the marketshare.

>okay guys developing drivers for our product will cost a million bucks
>should we spend another million developing them for linux when the only upside we get is 5% more compatibility on the market?

Also do you want to know why windows is 95% marketshare?
Because windows is one big happy unified family.
If someone says "I made an app for windows" you will know "oh cool i have windows i can run it" doesn't matter it's xp, 7, 8 or 10 it will run.

If someone says "i made an app for leenox" you will think "oh shit i probably can't run it because i'm running leenox distro #99845 while that guy is running #16547.

If linux devs weren complete autistic antisocial retards and came together to work on one distro, best case scenario Ubuntu, instead of having 50 different distros where millions of man hours are spend reinventing the wheel over and over again for each of them, if all that effort was poured into a single distro, we would likely have 50/50 market split now between linux and windows.

You have nobody but you'reselfes to balme linuxtards

>Because windows is one big happy unified family.
more like, Embrace Extend Extinguish, which plunged us into what is essentially a duopoly for desktop operating systems

Nice meme

>doesn't matter it's xp, 7, 8 or 10
This is factually incorrect you dunce
xp lacks features that 7+ has
7 lacks features that 10 has
you can get most things to run in any linux distro as long as you bother to deal with manually getting the shit done.
you will never get directx 12/11/10 on xp

You are cherry picking most of software runs on any windows version from xp and above OUT OF THE BOX
WIth linux it doesn't often work even between major updates of the same distro, let alone between different distros
And if you thing that having to spend 50 hours of "manual work" to getting it work is even slightly acceptable then you are a delusional linux drone

Visual studio a shit

Xcode master race

>You are cherry picking most of software runs on any windows version from xp and above OUT OF THE BOX
yes just like you are
>WIth linux it doesn't often work even between major updates of the same distro, let alone between different distros
incorrect or the vast majority of applications
>And if you thing that having to spend 50 hours of "manual work" to getting it work is even slightly acceptable then you are a delusional linux drone
Yes good goy not having the option of getting it at all is so much better than being able to get it to work