Found this in my python cookbook. My initial thoughts were that it is an nfc tag. Not really sure though. Please tell me what this thing is.
What is this thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a AI.
It's an anti-Tyrone sticker (makes the gate go weee-oooo if you don't pay for the book)
no niggers allowed
It's the processor for the book, put it back or you won't be able to read it.
They're tracking you.
Flush it down the toilet. Then go grab some cash and leave the country.
rf anti theft sticker
its an antipiracy measure
Close, it's RFID
It's used to prevent tyrones stealing stuff and getting away with it
You can easily remove these
t. Tyrone
here is a tip for your next job, deandre: cut from the middle to one of the side with a boxknife or scalpel, no one will notice it
t. jamal
>t. Yrone
Fuck off I am indian motherfucker!!
>melanin-infused hands holding theft deterrent device
Basically even worse. I don't even know if I had a choice whether I'd be a negroid or a pajeet. Probably negroid though.
>pajeet reveals himself on Sup Forums
I'm so sorry user, you have no idea how badly the rest of this thread is going to go for you.
u sayeng what son of basterd bitch ?
racist motherfufkers
Full bridge rectumfrier
open bobs
do milk
vajene pikture
no toilet pls thanx
>racist motherfufkers
go shit on the streets pajeet
Oscillating circuit.
Thread theme
user, op is Indian
I used to pretend this was a computer to my sister and that I got it from the future.
>barcode 2.0
it's used for resource management
show bobs
bitch lasagna
Discriminating against people from a specific country is not exactly racism.
Racism is generally getting that Caucasian/negroid/mongoloid table and judge people by that.
>not knowing what RFID
>tyrones stealing
But it was inside a book
It's not RFID, just RF. It's basically just an antenna with a super-simple resonator, but no logic whatsoever.
its RFID, literally type it into google and look at images.
Even if it looks like certain RFID tags, it isn't. It's one of these:
Face your fears
Fight back the tears
No more leaving leaves with smears
Off to the loo
With Android 2.2
Sup Forums you'll spam
Until your space program!
Looks like a charging coil for wireless charging op.
I don't really think RFID is ever used for anti-theft tags. Certainly, if I were implementing it myself, I'd question the reliability of RFID. You wouldn't want it failing just because of transient protocol errors, interference, cross-talk or whatever. RFID is probably better suited to applications where people actually want to use it.
>complaining about racism on Sup Forums
please go back newfriend