Brainlet programmer

I really wish I was smart enough to be a great programmer. Seeing how subpar I am compared to others regardless of my effort simply due to my genetic brainpower is devastating.

Is there still hope for me to develop my ability through insane effort or will I always miss raw intelligence?

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Do you devote months to doing a single skill? if not you will never be a great programmer.

If you cant sit down for 7 days in a row to read a single chapter in a book, you will never be a great programmer

If you don't have the discipline to force yourself, you will never be good

>programming requires intelligence
TOP FUCKING KEK, you realize 99% of the supposed """smart""" programmers are susceptible to getting outsourced by pajeet.

I can, and have, done that. But around me I see people who could do reversing by the time they were 12, maths come easy to them and they implement crazy algorithms and backdoors without much effort. I don't know if I could ever reach that level considering intelligence can't be improved.

>who could do reversing by the time they were 12

Reverse engineering takes the most amount of effort out of all skills. I am going to assume they are reversing video games using cheat engine right?

> I see people who could do reversing by the time they were 12, maths come easy to them and they implement crazy algorithms and backdoors
no 12 year old is doing this.
if they are, they're hinging off someone else's work.

return_type function_name() logic math_operators

everything is a variation on this one simple idea

>Is there still hope for me to develop my ability through insane effort or will I always miss raw intelligence?
The key to life is to set goals that are within reach and not above your abilities

Except it's not you lying mongoloid.
If you reach goal then your life is meaningless again. Key to happiness in life is having unreachable goal.

I'm not happy with my reach though. I guess I should just accept I'll never amount to much.

That's what I believe though, I may be wrong (and OP shouldn't believe me because I'm an epic failure in life) but I'm not lying

I'm saying that raw talent shouldn't be replaced with maniacally hard work especially when it's happening to the detriment of your social life. I'm talking out of experience because I wasted my life.

>I'm saying that raw talent shouldn't be replaced with maniacally hard work especially when it's happening to the detriment of your social life. I'm talking out of experience because I wasted my life.

OP here, what I'm asking is CAN it be replaced, when aptitude in more complex programming seems tied to raw intelligence?

As for being detrimental to social life, or anything else for that matter, I pretty much have nothing to lose which is why I'm so willing to dedicate my every living second to the one thing I feel is meaningful to me.

this user is right, also if you cant weild a katana you will never be a great programmer. you need to study the blade and the art of fighting to truly understand the importance of beautiful code.

are you a fucking roastie
only roasties have self confidence this low

The brainlet is immunized against all dangers: one may call him stupid, slow, physically unable, it all is embraced by his victim mentality. But call him lazy and you will astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Programming is 3/4 autism.

>low self confidence

in which world ? all I see are fatties und 5/10 who think they deserve literal male models.

this, programming is the only field where literal autism is respected. the more autistic you are the more people think you are the next Mark Zuckerberg and will make them all rich. Even Elon Musk is a fucking turboautist who got beat up at school and cant say a straight sentence without stuttering.

Who is "others"?
99% of people you see on the internet are lying anyway about their skills, and a good 75% irl.
Look at actual projects. That's what counts.
To get good at programming, you simply have to sit down and program. There is really no shortcut to this.

And once you get good, never forget where you started. It's an unfortunate practice of far too many people to act like they could write a kernel when they were 2 days old just because they wrote one after 10 years of experience.

Elon Musk is a fucking cheat.

You don't need to be a genius to be a great programmer, but you do have to be able to answer to a simple "yes/no" question.
And I'm not kidding when I say most normies out there can't do it.

>Strengthen your maths first
(Replace _ with . to access link)
>Move on to algos and DS
>work through meme books like SICP and code complete
>look at Sup Forums's wiki for recommended books for CS
>competitive coding
Solve pic related too. Practice alot

How do i get a full time job?

It sounds tempting, but isn't this more meant for an already intelligent person to go through, rather than someone who will probably just waste his time?

how so ?

The pic? Yeah that's for when you are comfortable with the basics and are not hesitant to to do some googling. It is basically a project based learning model

Your brain changes itself according to stimuli, its intensity and length. Challenge yourself with programming, do it all the time and your brain will follow.

You will never become good at something if you dont have the will to do it (20 hours minimum)
That is a true to all skills

What difference does it make if we're least or not if we'd just fail anyway? Why not be lazy?

to be great at anything:
Study the people you view as great, figure out how they got there, and follow their path.
Combine ideas from several great people and people think you are smart too.
Don't get distracted and think you need to know everything in order to understand a problem.

>99% of people you see on the internet are lying anyway about their skills, and a good 75% irl.

>playing a video game
meet some dude who claims to be a genius who programmed robots in C when he was in 3rd grade and that it took him 1/10th of the time to learn everything in the class so he was bored 90% of the time.

I asked him what he did for a living.
>Oh...I deliver pizza, school was boring you know so I stopped going

Following Carmack's, Stallman's or Knuth's paths won't give me their IQ.

>project based learning model
This is the best way to learn, at least for me.

>don't get distracted and think you have to know everything to solve a problem
This was a problem for me too, you have to learn to just let things stay abstract. There is no way for you to completely understand everything you do.

I tend to be one of those people that learns faster easier, (won multiple timed programming competitions in my class, best exam scores, etc etc you get the point), so it's harder for me to relate, but I'll still get intense imposter syndrome all the time. Most everyone doesn't feel as confident as what they may want you to see.

But most of all, in the programming world, persistence trumps general intelligence. (at least in the case of getting a job)

holy shit amazing thread! will check out some books

>But around me I see people who could do reversing by the time they were 12
>crazy algorithms and backdoors without much effort.

you mean scanning for addresses with cheat engine then using dll injection? prodigy level shit

>I really wish I was smart enough to be a great programmer.
I know that feel. Coming up with solutions always takes me way longer than it should.

most things aren't like the fast inverse square root, it's basic bitch things which an 80iq brainlet can do if he is organized and has good planning, and knows proper practices

>not knowing everything
At the very least, you could study from the best books for the particular topic.