>he actually uses Linux in public
He actually uses Linux in public
>he shits on a street in public
I browse /g in public
>bored in class
>quickly check Sup Forums frontpage thinking nobody is looking
>normie behind me tells me to "use the catalog"
>what is Android
>facebook frog complaining about "normies"
why does this keep happening
i browse Sup Forums in public
>in public
>fire up cmatrix in cool retro term
what's worse: linux hate or systemd hate?
neither will go away but one is obviously more pathetic than the other
>what is iOS
iOS is not Linux
>facebook frog
Helló Reddit!
I browse r/Sup Forums in public.
i have a large front window in my living room, and at night i hook my laptop up to my TV and use Linux, i get stares from the sidewalk its great.
but it still makes you gay like in OP's picture
lol you posted it again, epic
problems faggot?
Any vid on this shit?
You misspelled OS X or iOS unless pic not related
Yeah OP it's called a job
Thats even worse
use the catalog