/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser

We are making a web browser!
PREVIOUSLY: In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a Sup Forums's perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN, join the IRC to ask developers for a repo, and get to programming!
IRC on Rizon: #Sup Forumsnetrunner

Website: netrunner.cc/
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCes2uiC-4xSBwqnldCFbh4Q
Twitter: twitter.com/Team_NetRunner
Gitgud: gitgud.io/odilitime/netrunner/
Teknik: git.teknik.io/gyroninja/netrunner
Website repo: github.com/odilitime/netrunner-website

Look at the features list and implement them, ask what is currently being worked on if you don't know.
FEATURES pastebin.com/bnUU6kcu
FAQ pastebin.com/gjp7QmQJ


That's a nice logo. I think the logo should look something like that.

fucking NICE logo!!!

I have no interest in netrunner, but what is the official logo?



Shitty logo

Does Sup Forums only bikeshed about logos? I'm interested in the technical details of this thing.

How much do you enjoy being fisted by Google?

>How much do you enjoy being fisted by Google?
Not as much as you do, obviously.

>Not as much
>Still enjoys being fisted

Nice logo

Did odili insinuated he was working in vim-like keybindings in the last thread? Nice new logo btw.

NeTRunner is a browser framework written in C++ using GLFW, mbedtls, and freetype2 w/harfbuzz. We're trying to write it in such a way it can render to OpenGL, framework or as text on a terminal (or sixel). We're also focusing on low dependency requirement on external libraries to make embedding in other projects easier.

It currently is themeable and renders texts and links from HTML. CSS and JS parsing implementation are under way. It can make http and https requests and some of the form elements work and can GET/POST some data.

It has a pluggable parser architecture, so you can easily make your own markup language parser for the engine. CNM people have already shown interest.

Our first goal is be able to post to Sup Forums. And all that's really left is the JS for the captcha.

It also a complete application framework, so you could build a text-editor with it if you wanted (and I do later).

Stop by our irc/discord community and check it out. We also have a youtube and twitter that I make progress posts to.

Have it planned out, haven't started implementing though. It will just be a highly configured keybinding system, someone will need to write up the final config to make it vim-like.

a fair question is why there isn't a wiki of it?
no, really there are question that can come during the first use of netrunner currently no detailed archive that explains how to really use it

and btw a small suggestion is to offer an appimage for linux and a sourcecode tarball for those who need to compile it themeselves

Hail Allah!

Ill make the logo

No one wants to use this shitty browser except a couple people here falling in the heavy autism spectrum, brb guys, I'll go make another logo and then work on theming when there aren't any real features yet, you retards are rock bottom.

>no https
>no form elements
>no POST/GET support
>no tabs
>no multiwindow
>no js engine (in development)

>No one wants to use this shitty browser except a couple people here falling in the heavy autism spectrum
I think someone is projecting.

>pic related

you mean ?

Delusional, dead project, get over it

I only know Python (primariily used for scripting at work) and a tiny bit of C. How can I help?

We have an etherpad for development. I wonder if gitgud could do a wiki for it. I'll look into that.

Source tarballs are available from the repo.

1. make themes
2. make documentation
3. read source code, ask questions in irc/discord
4. testing / qa bug
5. we need a project manager and/or build manager
6. Any type of content creation to help communicate existence and help recruit a community around the project. Post videos / screenshots on social media. If you make a cool video, we can plug it on our youtube channel that's doing well.

OP, we should include this and information in the OP template.

I don't know anything about these things but it seems that you guys actually know what you're doing or at least have a plan. I know you hear this often, but I never thought this project will be alive that long
(This post is meant to be a compliment)

Thanks it's posts like this that keep us going.