Is gray programming socks alright?
i know red programming socks is for fast programming
Is gray programming socks alright?
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shit and stale meme desu
Stop this
jesus that's brutal
Only fags program wearing those gay trapsocks.
I feel so bad for that guy
Which one? :^)
If you want this meme to succeed you have to go all the way. Show your panties, show your buldge. Show your moist boipucci, faggot, or fuck off to
Dr Phill
Eh? Crossdressing isn't gay though.
and neither are traps
crossdressing is pretty gay, but it's not crossdressing to wear programming socks, it's just an utility to program better
Stripped for maximum efficiency
Being homosexual is just plain wrong and horrible, letting your parents who expected a sane human being that down. Nothing comes close to that, not even being a basement dweller or whatever, this mental illness is just sad, look at that man on the video. His dreams are broken, his family tree is no more, he has raised a failure, he has lost. And on top of that, he on a tv show so everybody can see his humilliation.
Law should comprehend that things like these call for the murdering of your own son or daughter and should turn a blind eye to it.
>crossdressing is pretty gay
Not if you just do it as a fun hobby from time to time.
Transgenderism is different from homosexuality entirely. It's spooky shit, man.
>Transgenderism is different from homosexuality entirely. It's spooky shit, man.
A mental illness all the same. Even worse you could argue.
Parents should be given the right to off them just to gain closure and be able to forget such sad fate.
I wouldn't go that far, actually. I think every person has right to choose his personal life style. I just sharing the fact that I feel sorry for the father.
Later on the show I learnt to accept his son's choice but deep down he's scarred very badly.
I'm sorry your parents never loved you, buddy.
They do love me and are happy with me, not being a degenerate helped with it. Thank you.
>t. tranny in denial
I see right through you.
>posting on Sup Forums
>not a degenerate
Deep down you're as mentally ill as anyone else here.
I might be mentally ill, but my share of mental illnesses do not involve self-hating my gender/sex or whatever and trying to become someone I'm not.
I mean, everybody had his phase of wanting to be a cute little girl but you have to realize that this shit is just wrong and harmful, man up and become a masculine man.
Social anxiety is not on the same level as gender dysphoria.
>A mental illness all the same.
No psychiatrist views mental illnesses that way. There's a difference of characteristics, symptoms debilitation and so forth, not to mention extent. Yes, homosexuality is a bit weird but all it is in the end of the day is a sexual attraction to the same sex. For better or for worse, a person can continue to be a functioning member of society with homosexuality. This is not the case with gender dysphoria because it leads to things like wanting to mutilate yourself as well as body dysmorphia, depression and even suicide in a lot of cases.