>He doesn't use a superior CRT
He doesn't use a superior CRT
he lets cats spread their bacteria and fur all over his precious hardware
>he doesn't keep his immune system sharp and trained by constantly exposing it to danger
enjoy your allergies and other autoimmune diseases.
Cats are for retards
kill yourself
Finally someone intelligent on this board.
>Cats no longer get x-ray naps
That's why they're so lazy now
Cats ARE retards*
im not talking about your pleb immune system. im talking about you piece of shit computer and monitor having dust, gunk, and cat fur everywhere inside it
>be me
>have cats and crt tv
>cats always sleep on tv
>out of nowhere cat suddenly panicks and jumps off tv
>5 secs later giant flame from the cat hair that amassed inside the tv over the previous years
i wonder who could be behind this post?
only lefty cuks have cats
alpha chad rightwingers have dogs.
wolves hunted with men.
cats led cuk egyptian gatherer societies.
bow before your cat cuklords
my hound is obedient to me and loyal till the end.
dogs rescue peoples lives from fires and burglers.
cats eat their owners when they die.
Dogs eat their own shit then lick your face.
See My kitty is fine with laying on the corner of my bed next to my desk.
Virgin cat scared to drink water unless it's moving.
Chad dog will literally eat shit