Im fucking buying it. Idc about the headphone jack

Im fucking buying it. Idc about the headphone jack.

120hz display, 8 gigs ram, stock android, expandable storage.

Was going to get a note 8 but fuck that shit. I know its razer but this thing looks good.

I would too user, it's a practical phone like a Sony just with a big battery

What other phones use IGZO?

Sure thing, razer pr guy.

>gaming phone
>no physical buttons
Dead in the water. Why couldn't it be like the Xperia play?

>that logo
finally you can show off your preference for ricershit gaymen equipment out in the open, instead of just your virgin cave

If anything ever needed a dbrand™ skin, it's this phone

it looks like a worse sony

I like the front. I hate the logo. Also lmfao RAZER

You know it's the same speed as the note 8 right?

Honestly I hope it does well, just because it might kick off a trend for bigger batteries

How much does it cost?


You could get an s8 for that price lol

Phones from Sharp (Japan exclusives) use IGZO displays.

Maybe it's the renders but that shit looks fragile as fuck, i know it can't be "survive an american sitting on it" resistant tier but that thing seems it would split in half if you apply pressure in both sides of the screen when using it as a controller.

Also it will be really delicious when the razershit buyers want to use their headphones and realize that toy don't have a 3,5mm jack neither a DAC.

>less RAM
>less battery
>fragile and slippery body
>edge screen meme
>back glass
>no 120hz screen

oh and
>no front dual stereo speakers

>120Hz on a smartphone
Pointless because of touch response

>Idc about the headphone jack
Seeing that it ships with a good DAC as a marketing point, and DAP plugins as one of the main features, I'm actually very excited to see what the thing is like.

It seems like razer actually paid attention to what a good phone should include, and cared enough to implement those things.

Listen you marketeer fuck, this isn't Reddit, you have to adjust your lingo it's painfully obvious.

>stupid fingerprint reader
>too big
>no software updates
>bloatware pre-installed apps
>very locked bootloader
>muh curved screen corners

I planned on buying some bluetooth headphones anyway.

No headphone is a bit of a let down but I like everything else about this phone. I feel like the one thing that will be a bitch is getting the screen fixed in the event that it breaks. Probably have to send it in unlike a samsung/iphone that you can just take to the gandhi at the mall

No, I just frequent /hpg/ and have a reasonable broad vocabulary.

Having a broad vocabulary doesn't mean you have to write like a pseudointellectual numale faggot

I'm not fully against the headphone jack going away, becuase it means that phone will get much better support for DAC's so I can use my phone as a music player for my good headphones instead of just a portable media player.

I have to admit, as a massive iFag who loathes all Android shit and Windows, this is probably the phone I'd buy if for whatever reason I had to have an Android phone. Nice industrial design, what appears to be no bloat, long battery life and something I wanted on the iPhone X; a 120Hz display.

Not a bad device at all.

I guess you don't agree with my opinion. That's fine.
I wasn't lying, or shilling for anyone though, those were my genuine thoughts.

>reasonable broad
wew lad, fucked yourself there

I make more typos and forget to check them after drinking.

Every reviewer has said the opposite. It’s a full metal unibody.

The thing is as strong as an iPhone 5, which peaked bend tests.



>muh opinions

Drinking is quite objectively degenerate, in all forms imaginable

>insert thing I don't like here
is quite objectively degenerate, in all forms imaginable


Fucking Why? Most apps run at 60 fps

2000 called and want their bezels back

i too, want the palm of my hand to accidentally act as a finger touch on my screen

I'm only disappointed about the lack of qi charging and waterproofing. I can live without the headphone jack since it comes with a quality DAC, and no one else is doing front facing speakers and Sony style finger print readers.
Only missed opportunity is the lack of Google Tango hardware. That would have made this a very viable device for mobile VR and kept it future proof.

Sony phones do.

>spouting Sup Forums buzzwords
>complaining about how people type
How ironic

>No headphone jack
>8 gibs of RAM

>pseudointellectual is a Sup Forums buzzword
>numale is a Sup Forums buzzword

you are as far gone as he's claiming you are if you don't think numale is a Sup Forums buzzword

user never buy first gen hardware products, need companies atleast one generation to see what the problems are and need to fix it.

> fingerprint scanner is okay unless you are either retarded or have disfigured hands
> there are bigger phones
> there are software updates
> there are no preinstalled apps besides google play, you can customize what you download
> fair enough
> curved screen is meme
Overall solid phone, the no bezels are okay but the aspect ratio made me get skin cancer

big and clunky.

>stock android 7.1.1
getting oreo in (((q1 2018)))

if it were stock android with treble support it would ship with oreo. it's not stock android.

>Can't even use razer headphones with it




>bloatware pre-installed apps
I agree with everything except this, samsung apps are really really nice and touchwiz is much better than aosp

They sure are if you use them without knowing their meanings

fuck off kim, takeshima belongs to Japan.

>Retards actually believe marketing and PR people think of 4chins as a valid social media outlet for shilling their products.

If anything, razer marketing asshats would be doing that shit on Sup Forums and its related boards, not a board full of freetard basement dwelling NEETs jerking off to the newest $100 chinkphones, expecting them to have $700 to drop on a phone.

Ok Sup Forums, newfag here. Recommend me which phone to buy. I can wait a month for new releases also.


>there are no preinstalled apps except for Google Play

Answer pls


Nexus 5

No headphone jack, no buy.
Other than that it has pretty decent price/performance ratio but who the fuck needs 120Hz on a god damn phone display?

Too small desu

>companies need at least one generation to see what the problems are so they can steer the failure time to just beyond the end of the warranty period

120hz is a quality of life improvement that will not go unnoticed. Especially so considering Google's insistence on animated transitions with their material design spec

What codec does it use for Bluetooth audio?

> who the fuck needs 120Hz on a god damn phone display

Probably break after 6 months

>Who the fuck needs 120hz on a god damn phone display?
Me. It will make animated transitions look great desu

120hz just makes everything feel a lot smoother and nicer, unless there's some huge downside to it that i'm missing I don't see the problem.

I agree on the headphone jack though, I would be all over this phone if it had one.

Cuz Razer still wants to sell you their gaming controllers, and with their target audience, they will sell the phone, the controllers, and all the other Razer branded shit to go with it too.

dont forget brand new wireless GAMUR headphones goy


There's no physical buttons because android gaming fucking SUCKS

Expect a Bluetooth controller and maybe a PC streaming app

>metal unibody
>imply razer didng just do some Metallizing glass fiber reinforced polypropylene in order to fool fags into metal unibody meme

While setting up the phone (signing into google play and shit), it asks you what you want to download. You can deselect everything (including the calculator)

120 Hz display is actually pretty cool since both 60 and 24 FPS video will play smoothly for once. Not as useful for those of us in Europe who need 50 FPS compatibility too but it's better than nothing.

you forgot

>no wide angle lens
>no 2x telephoto lens

>not edgless
>no headphone jack


just buy a normal phone and an Nvidia shield if you want retarded mobile gaming

>it's a Sup Forums acts like there's another phone choice besides iphone SE again

I thought it was pointless I watched a video demo of the 120hz and the animation and snapiness of the interface is pretty mental hopefully the set a new standard if sales go well

the Razer Phone is actually the Nextbit Robin sucessor, you can see it on its design and the fact that Razer bought Nextbit to develop the phone

the Robin had many faults, like the fact that you could break it in half with little to no force

the Razer phone looks like an improvement, since it's a 100% metal unibody and not cheap plastic like the Robin

>Innovation is bad.

it's called technological advancement

That camera is off center.

Me, you stupid bitch.

Nice one, babby

You need to literally make a completely new cpu architecture and an OS for that standard to be set

Wait, if it doesn't have a headphone jack what's the point of their DAC?

The DAC is in the adapter.


>mfw the camera is garbage and it's an overpriced overpowered phone that's used for facebook and reddit

It's not even overpowered, it has a 835 like every other flagship

>shitty logo on the back
>cases to hide shitty logo have their own logo
>plastic volume buttons
>cameras in a botnet age


If it comes with an unlocked bootloader this is probably one of the best android phones

>$200 cheaper
>same specs - 120hz meme display
>ships with the latest android version
>gets regular updates
>better build quality
>headphone jack if you care about that


it doesn't have sony copied A E S T H E T I C S

Yeah sure, just give me a link to buy... Oh it's out of stock

did the promotional material honestly have to have 24 hour time just to make a 1337 joke. fucks sakes

i wonder if its possible to underclock the screen for extended battery life.