White thievery

>It's OK for me to steal this meat, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway.
It's almost the weekend which you'll spend torrenting software and games. Yet no one has ever been able to figure out how to justify that it isn't literally exactly the same as stealing.

Copyright infringement is stealing. Even the GPL wouldn't be possible without copyright. Free Software is protected by the same ideas as everything else. You're a hypocrite if you think companies should respect the GPL but you don't have to respect copyright on other works.

Other urls found in this thread:


don't care, will keep pirating.
namefag says something dumb again

Is there any r34 on her?

"intellectual property" is a contradiction in terms. It isn't property at all.

op why pirate when i can stream all i want for less than 20 dollars a month without the hassle of torrents and other bullshit? such as possible booting from an ISP?

LOOL I pirate all the time. I justify it by saying I don't give a fuck. Also, I'm white.


In "Dowling v. United States, 473 U.S. 207 (1985)", the United States Supreme Court decided that copyright infringement was not theft.

If you think that you can prove that copyright infringement is theft, go do so in court.

If I give you a copy of something then I have my copy and you have your copy.

There is a reason why copying something without permission is called "copyright infringement" and not stealing since it clearly isn't stealing.

Now tell me if this is better: I bought a CD and I took it home and tried to play it and my CD player did not only refuse to play it, it made it lock up and I had to unscrew it in order to get that "CD" out. Then I noticed it had a text on it that said "copy protected disc". Is intentionally selling products that do not work and break equipment acceptable to you?

This was the last disc of any kind that I bought. I stopped buying CDs, I never bought a DVD and I never bought a BlueRay. And I don't feel bad about pirating every TV-show or movie that I've watched at home the last 20 years.

stealing isn't bad, look where it got Great Britain

>implying I care
>implying I don't steal from the shops all the time
I pay for everything at independent stores though.

Or ancient Rome or ancient China or Egypt. You cant have a great civilization without a little thievary

copyright infringement != stealing. kindly kill yourself you shitposting cunt, OP

>Yet no one has ever been able to figure out how to justify that it isn't literally exactly the same as stealing.
Well, it's not, it's a different crime, committed in a different way, with different end results.

Next thing you will want to define that any sort of violence that happens to a woman is rape, right? after all, you're touching the woman's body without her permission.

It's not theft, but duplication. Copyright laws and prices are also completely fucked so I don't give a shit.

You posted this exact same thread yesterday. Fuck off.

Jesus fucking christ, someone post the "DOES NOT REMOVE ORIGINAL" diagram for this retard, maybe pictures will help get it through his thick skull.

Also sage this shit.

>he uses food, of all the things in the world, as his example of immoral theft

Sage goes in every field

How much are you paid to post this exact same thread and variety of this thread every few days?

Also, we've already been over this:
Pirating measn creating a copy for yourself, not depriving somone else of their copy.
Hence they can sell the thing to someone else, while, if you steal the steak, they can't sell it to anybody else.
If you pirate to sell bootlegs and profit out of that, then yes, that's stealing.
Personal use, no.
Content keep getting shittier and shittier.
I prefer to pirate (especially movies and/or series), watch and then:
a) I like it and I buy it afterward
b) I don't like it, I don't think it deserve to be paid and I don't want to encourage more stuff like that, I don't pay. It's voting with your wallet, the only kind of real vote we have in this capitalist timeline.
If I watch a show I couldn't afford or I didn't like, but I know a wealthier friend may like, my pirating is free advertising.
A lot of the music I bought was discovered as background music of some stream I was watching.
Sometimes you simply CAN'T get the material you want legally because it's available only in pirate version, like a lot of manga and a lot of anime, that reach western shelves (IF they reach them at all) months or years later.
Even a study commissioned by EU showed how piracy doesn't affect negatively the media industry.
In my country I'm preemptively taxed by a non governative agency on any form of memory, from vhs to micro-sd cards to internal memory of phones and computers, on the assumption that I may use them to pirate, so I may as well pirate since they are taking my money for doing that anyway.

So fuck you and your shill thread, I hope you get paid peanuts, you hate yourself and have a miserable pajeet life.

>It's OK for me to duplicate this meat and take it, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway.


sage doesn't need to go in all fields, the option fielld is enough
And I made sure to sage in that field



there is no need to justify. i do it because i want to.

Stealing is a bad metaphor, it's more like the butcher going out of business because people make copies of the pieces of meat he prepared instead of buying them.

In order for something to be owned, it must have scarcity.

Intellectual Property isn't real property, because once an idea is expressed it lacks scarcity.

>white thievery
What did he mean by this?

did you pay to use this image? you filthy thief

>In order for something to be owned, it must have scarcity.

one time my jewish christian girlfriend got mad at me for stealing expensive toothpaste

If something is essentially infinite, then you can't hold it as property.

>I am entitled to other people's work

If you can prove that ideas or concepts are not infinite you may have a case.

But once an idea is expressed, anyone can have it.

You say that as if it were a bad thing.


>I am entitled to profit from other people's work

I paid a "piracy compensation tax" on every piece of digital storage I own.

this justifies my piracy.

I can see the arguments against intellectual property, but what, in practice, is the motivation for creating, say, a video game if I can't make a profit from it? And I'm talking about a major triple-A production, not some shitty indie game that a single person can throw together in their free time and give away for free because they feel like it.


Major triple-A productions are all shit anyway. I hope the compunies that produce that trite unispired shit die.

if we stop replying to shitty threads people will stop making shitty threads like this one

You know what OP, you bring up an interesting idea. Can people own an idea? If you believe in cultural appropriation, you'll probably say yes. I wonder if the two are related.
While I believe in IP, I don't think you should have laws to protect it